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  1. serpentina

    Susanne Langer and aesthetics

    Philosophy majors at my college liked to give themselves airs and pretend this was light reading for them. One was a musician so championed Langer's book Philosophy in a New Key. I much preferred RG Collingwood's The Principles of Art.
  2. serpentina


    Does anyone know about Romemu, Rabbi David Ingber's Jewish renewal movement?
  3. serpentina

    In the news.... Are religious people more moral?

    Interesting book by Jeffrey Kripal of Rice University on the relationship between spirituality and morality: Crossing Boundaries: Essays on the Ethical Status of Mysticism, G. William Barnard and Jeffrey J. Kripal, eds. (New York: Seven Bridges Press/Chatham House, 2002). This volume emerged...
  4. serpentina

    In the news.... Are religious people more moral?

    And look how many swamis and lamas have got busted for sexual advances and abuse toward their followers.
  5. serpentina

    5 lessons we learn to late in life

    Not to take oneself so mom was right about my being a drama queen.
  6. serpentina

    obsessive religious behavior

    Have you noticed some people become obsessive about their religious practices? I know someone who is completely tranced out chanting as an Amma devotee; and another person who is so into her Jewish renewal movement (Romemu) that she goes almost every day. Both of these people are "new age" and...
  7. serpentina

    Why do religions exist?

    Remember, a lot of conflicts ostensibly about religion have nothing to do with religion, really. The war between Northern Ireland and the British government is not really about Catholics and Protestants, but about British hegemony. The war in the Middle East is not really about Muslims and Jews...
  8. serpentina

    Holy Order of MANS

    Does anyone know about the Holy Order of MANS? It was a sect on the West Coast in the 1960s and 70s which emphasized Rosicrucianism and other esoterica. Finally it got swallowed up into the Orthodox Church. Master Paul was the spiritual leader.
  9. serpentina

    Holy Order of MANS

    Does anyone know about the Holy Order of MANS? It was a sect on the West Coast in the 1960s and 70s which emphasized Rosicrucianism and other esoterica. Finally it got swallowed up into the Orthodox Church. Master Paul was the spiritual leader.
  10. serpentina

    sufi mysticism

    Has anyone heard Pir Zia of the Inayati Order speak? What did you think?
  11. serpentina

    Do you know where you will spend eternity?

    My last words to her were "I'll see you again."
  12. serpentina

    Nirvana: a Theosophical perspective

    So for Buddhists it's more like metanoia.
  13. serpentina

    The human person

    Hence this rhetorical device with the same root:
  14. serpentina

    Do you know where you will spend eternity?

    I don't have high-flown ideas. I would just like to see my mom again, and apologize for all the times I acted like a jerk.
  15. serpentina

    Susanne Langer and aesthetics

    OK, here goes:
  16. serpentina

    Susanne Langer and aesthetics

    What do people think of her nowadays? She was all the rage when I went to college in the 70s.
  17. serpentina

    What does your belief

    My belief gives me faith and confidence that everything will turn out OK.