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    Nobody chooses their sexuality, attraction is not a choice - it's a feeling. But people do choose to act on their feelings.
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    Is humanity less than 10,00 years old?

    Wil, It's all about perspective.... "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth". So according to the very first verse in the Bible ALL sources of light (Stars, Sun, etc) were created in the beginning. So yes, light WAS first, scientifically AND Biblically. The rest of the...
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    Why Do Men Have Nipples?

    The only DNA that is passed down by women only is the mitochondrial DNA. .
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    Why Do Men Have Nipples?

    True, but the conditions in the womb can help determine the outcome of the race. For example, x-sperm and y-sperm thrive in different optimum PHs. .
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    death is swallowed up

    If Jesus is receiving glory from anyone, how do we know that it is God's glory? And if Jesus is receiving praise from anyone, how do we know that it is praise due to God that he is receiving? Jesus himself does nothing to glorify himself, he continually glorifies his Father. In fact Jesus is...
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    Why Do Men Have Nipples?

    Man might not need nipples, but his daughters do. So he has to have nipple DNA to pass on to his daughters, one set of nipple genes from Mama + one set of nipple genes from Papa = a complete set of nipple genes for baby girl. .
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    death is swallowed up

    Thank you Silas. This is interesting, and the problem here is agreeing upon a definition - and that is; what does it mean for God to give his glory to or share it with another? If Hebrews said "and God gave his glory to Jesus" then we would have something to think about i.e. is Jesus God? But...
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    death is swallowed up

    Thank you Joshua. The only problem I see with that is the name Jesus is inserted in brackets [Jesus] and not actually in the text. So there's going to be a dispute over who is actually the speaker in Revelation 22. Some will say Jesus, whilst others will say Jehovah, and some will say in return...
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    Why Do Men Have Nipples?

    Ok. A lot of answers seem to be going with the idea that men have nipples because the fetus starts out as a female until things starting changeing. And there was the idea that modern woman precedes modern man in our evolutionary history. However, from a Biblical point of view many are supposed...
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    death is swallowed up

    Silas, I would like you to show us a verse where God gives/shares his own glory to Jesus, please. .
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    Sunni vs Shi'a

    MashaAllah Sister, This appears to be a rather Scholarly reply, and somewhat disqualifies me from addressing it fully. You might find this amusing, especially since I asked you to use authentic Shia sources, but I have never heard of Tafseer Saafi (amongst others)myself. So I will have to...
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    Just thoughts - I should be sleeping!

    Whoever said that JWs trust in anything other than Jesus' perfect sacrifice? Just because they believe works should accompany faith, it does not mean that they trust in their works - I'm sure you also believe in establishing the law despite it not being able to save you! And your last comment...
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    Sunni vs Shi'a

    [/LEFT] First of all, none of those men are praying. It is possible for a person to fall down before someone as a mark of respect WITHOUT praying to them: 012.100YUSUFALI: And he raised his parents high on the throne (of dignity), and they fell down in prostration, (all) before him. He said...
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    Sunni vs Shi'a

    Nice start… Some Muslims make false accusations against the Shias, and sadly many believe these accusations. A popular misconception amongst some Muslims is that the Shias accuse Aisha of adultery. This is a false accusation, and not a single AUTHENTIC Shia book supports such a...
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    Sunni vs Shi'a

    duplicate post
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    Sunni vs Shi'a

    Wa aleykum assalaam, Very true brother, even amongst Sunnis there are marginal differences from one group to another. There's a lot of emphasis on the Sunni/Shia divide, it seems that very few people realise that the following decision was made in 1959 at Al-Azhar: .
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    Happy Adha Eid for all Muslims

    And a happy Eid to you too Friend, and everyone else here on CR. .
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    Sunni vs Shi'a

    Firstly I'm not Shia, just trying to show people where they get their beliefs from (for the sake of balance). I agree that Muslims shouldn't follow anyone who hasn't been sent by Allah or his Messenger. The dividing issue is who should succeed Allah's Messenger in leading the Muslim community...
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    Freewill vs Predestination

    Am I to understand that in light of this verse, anyone who still sins has not yet been born again? .
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    Sunni vs Shi'a

    Ok Friend, I really don't know what you posted, those characters don't display properly on my browser. Anyway, the Hadith I posted was from Sahih Muslim, which is considered indisputably authentic by most Sunnis (not western liberals): Now the important thing is, Friend, that most Sunnis...