So who is right the liberals or the fundamentalists ? each attempts to justify their view with scripture
I am going pray about it and ask God to reveal the truth to me ?
What liberals and fundamentalists say is only right for themselves! Neither have the complete picture of Christianity. To me, they are two extremes with over-emphasis on what each of them see as important. Perhaps I should also say that, as extremes, they are more like stereotypes and straw men which we can berate and deride with straw man arguments. Fundamentalists can not only be too fanatical and strict but also, quite often, judgmental, arrogant, hateful, self-righteous, proud, ignorant, inflexible, narrow-minded and stupid. Liberals, on the other hand can be too casual and permissive, but also, quite often, too accepting, nice, humble, realistic, open-minded and flexible.
I consider myself as neither of them, not even as a middle man. I live on another plane. I seek instead to have the devotion of the fundamentalist as well as the acceptance, humility, open-mindedness, pragmatism and realism of the liberal. I seek to belong to a Kingdom not of this world. Liberals and fundamentalists seek to be "of the world." I do not. Fundamentalists may claim to "not be of the world" but because they lack understanding of "political reality" they are merely isolating themselves from what they think is the world. You can't liberate yourself, you can't escape from a world you don't understand.
Jesus said, "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, give to God what belongs to God." Fundamentalists don't do that. They ignore and neglect that statement. They disregard Jesus' advice on dealing with Caesar. What is worse is that fundamentalists don't understand Caesar.
Fundamentalists claim to serve, and pride themselves on serving God alone. Do they understand what it means to serve an entity other than God? That's the thing. They serve
what they are taught is God. Because they haven't thought about what it means to serve an entity other than what they are taught is God, they don't see how they might be serving Caesar indirectly. They may well be serving Caesar without knowing it, because they don't understand Caesar.
Fundamentalists don't understand political reality. They are not political realists. They don't understand politics. They are driven by an indoctrination process, by slogans and bumper stickers. They are robots. They are inflexible. Their minds are not open.
In Jesus' statement above, God represents the spiritual and Caesar represents statecraft. Churches are often organised and driven like statecraft. There is a ruling class, the priests, pastors and presbyters who claim to know and understand Scripture better than laypeople. The ruling class and the laypeople are both vulnerable to indoctrination, ideology, slogans and bumper stickers. When this happens, when a church is driven by this phenomenon, a church functions very much like statecraft, because this is just how the secular, non-religious world works. A church like that has succumbed to the disease of Caesar and is no longer a community of servants of God. Its people have become servants of Caesar.
Many denominations, particularly the older ones, have this Caesar-like phenomenon driving them. Yet, many of the newer ones can be even worse, particularly with the degree of indoctrination that takes place, where leaders of congregations resort to a slogan-driven culture rather than encourage people to shape their minds for a more healthy socialising influence.
The foolishness of fundamentalism is that its adherents serve Caesar, not God. Political reality, however, requires that we respect Caesar. I respect fundamentalism and its Caesar-like phenomenon, but I abhor the idea that fundamentalists have that they are not servants of Caesar! Instead they accuse liberals of being servants of Caesar and are blind to what they themselves have done to serve Caesar! What hypocrites!
So much for charging at full speed into a straw man with a bayonet! Good infantry practice.
the um bible says, he is not.
that is why I am humbled by him.
Did not a man with His Spirit dwell among us?