
I cannot see outside of me either, Juan! I guess that's the rub. But every "me" seems to be the construct of some other me which stands behind it. Is it me's all the way down, or does the bottom drop out somewhere?

I suppose I should clarify...

The me that is self is essential to my internal being. There is no way I can see not having a self without my internal being ceasing to exist. So my me is essential to the self-preservation of my internal being.

But this is not unique to myself alone. My internal being self had to learn to interact with my mother's internal being self and ego, and from that experience I learned that other selfs exist and can be interacted with. This is a good thing.

I cannot see the world through my mother's eyes...and yet I can, vicariously. I cannot see the world through my child's eyes...and yet I can, vicariously. I cannot see the world through the poet's eyes...and yet I can, vicariously.
Does it really matter?

Once again old friend you manage to say the most with the fewest words.
If there is only life expressing itself as me then there is nothing that matters, and yet, again it all matters very much. Why? Because that is what life, oneness, spirit, whatever you call it is doing.
And its meaning and purpose are all encased in its being.
Does it really matter?

I suppose not, at least not ultimately. I often muse over the the ultimate futility of metaphysics. That Ecclesiastes guy knew what he was talking about. Still, if contemplation can be considered a legitimate hobby, it seems reasonable to have a whittle at these sorts of questions.

I suppose not, at least not ultimately. I often muse over the the ultimate futility of metaphysics. That Ecclesiastes guy knew what he was talking about. Still, if contemplation can be considered a legitimate hobby, it seems reasonable to have a whittle at these sorts of questions.

That was Solomon, Chris...and you should look at the end of his might be surprised.