I don't understand the headline. Who said is was done in the name of religion? You?
Is there another article besides the one cite ? I see no information at all about religious ideology or religious motive.
This is the third time in a matter of a couple of days that I've caught you making things up or simply assuming essential facts that you are unable to document. I suppose there are games where players keep going after three strikes.
Based on the headline and the first post, it seems to me that you have a different agenda.
Btw, how were you going to make sense of the suicide bombing without a statement made by the suicide bomber? Ridiculous.
One of the strangest dynamics one encounters in dealing with apologists
is their refusal to acknowledge that their beliefs can be a wellspring
of hate and derision. While you may prefer to float a conspiracy theory
about this mass murder and the countless others that preceded it, I’m
not inclined to lend an assist to your conspiratorial musings.
It’s important to understand that these mass murders are committed by
deeply religious people who have very narrow and specific motivations
which define their worldviews. Making excuses for this behavior only
increases the damage.
This is the first I’ve heard of your unsupported claim that I’ve “made
something up”. I think more likely you made that up because you think
being inflammatory will garner you attention.
Is this all about you needing attention?
I wasn’t aware that there was an established protocol whereby suicide
bombers were obligated to pen a note as they were on their way to those
carnal rewards.
Perhaps you could author the draft of a form letter… something of a fill
in the blank template that we could save in Microsoft Word.