You may wish to consult with your heroes from Hamas, Iran, Syria, etc., etc.Did you have any questions about "why they did it" when you found out that the Israeli operation in Gaza killed over 1300 and wounded over 5000, with up to 30% being infants and children. Obviously this operation was to a large extent indiscriminate terroristic violence.
Please tell us a little more about what it means to be an "apologist."
You want to be the victim. We all understand that. You feel an entitlement toward vitriolic Jew hatred and you want someone to listen. Well, Wallowing in self pity will not improve your situation.
Do you understand that the infidels simply require you holy book followers to learn how to get along? Speaking for myself only, I begin to start to care about your beliefs only when they begin to impact me. Use your holy books to improve your lives (we both know you won’t). You need to be a victim.
Victimhood makes your choices for you and relieves you of the burdensome task of taking responsibility for your actions.