What a silly discussion. The point is that you, like a lot of apologists like to believe you’re a persecuted martyr with very individual and unique beliefs, hence, the refusal to offer anything relevant to my comments.Thanks for proving me right. As far as your accusations are concerned, as they say, it takes two to tango.
You seem more like those people who shout at the Hyde Park. Keep preaching buddy, somebody will eventually convert.
I offered you a logical progression of historical fact that connects jihad, intonations of allahu akbar, “god willing” and piles of dead bodies. If you are refusing to acknowledge that terms such asallahu akbar and “god willing” are not religious appeals than I cannot help you move beyond intransigent apologetics.
If the results of attitudes such as yours were not so terrible, it would be comical.
It's just a deadly cycle of denial and deceit. Respect for dissenting opinions doesn't mean we ought to be obsequious buffoons and not acknowledge what is evident and obvious.