Do you have a demon?


Fiercely Interdependent
Reaction score
In a farmhouse, on a farm. With goats.
What with the previously expressed interest in demons by various folks on this site, I thought some of us may want to take this simple test to find out our risk level for demonic oppression/possession.

Do you have a demon? Find out from 21 questions

Luckily, I am low risk. I scored a 20. Can anyone beat that? Alex P, I'm particularly interested in your score. Nick A, perhaps you are plagued by a demon of stubbornness and inability to just let it go. I know I've had trouble with that ******* in the past, and let me tell you, he's a tough cookie. Let's see, who else might have demon problems? Bananabrain? Dream? No, no. Dream probably suffers from dreamons, not demons. Perhaps Francis king has courted demons in her past, but now she just laughs at them. Faithful Servant will banish all of our demons. Quahom1 is far more likely to suffer from tribbles than demons. Wil doesn't believe in demons, so he's exempt. c0de might have a djinn, but probably not a demon. I'm not sure about juantoo3, but I imagine citizenzen keeps a couple of demons around just to taunt and make fun of. Netti Netti has pacified a large number of demons, and now they are just not interested in hanging around him. Vajradhara quotes sutras and waxes buddhist doctrine at them and they tend to go away.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Those are just my perceptions up there.

Be sure to read the disclaimer on the demon test. I don't think it's been approved by the FDA.

Can browsers be possessed? I filled in my answers, but it wouldn't let me click 'Submit'. I may have a problem.
I scored 5.

But it's totally obvious what the "right" answers were...

so I may have cheated.
So far we have a possessed browser, a cheater, and two low risks, with one abstaining. Care to share your demon score with the class, luna? I'm the high roller with 20. Do I hear 25? Anyone?
21 do? come on everyone surely has had a failed relationship thats been devastating; and the last one secured demonhood; just as well l have daimon brothers to keep me company;) too
Do I have a demon!? I SURE FREAKING DOO!!! His name is chuckles... And he lives in my fridge and wants me to kill the Queen...

lmao....... I like my number... I'm at low risk... cause it isn't common for a demon to possess another demon..... :)

Your test score is 17

You are at low risk for demonic oppression/possession.
20. But coming from the source, that is Bob Larson, I have my suspicions on the accuracy of the test.

There may very well be demons. I do not believe I've encountered one personally (Well, there was one incident, but I'm not going to get into that). Certainly not on a day to day basis. Many folks want to go around blaming the devil or warn against the devil's devices. (The air must be surrounded by them, eh?). We only grant strength to the devil when we allow him to.

But in my view, the real demon lies within us. It is that part of us that wants to draw us away from what we know we should do. It is that part of us that pulls at us from the elusive 'ideal' that we want for our lives. We are our worst enemy. It is the struggle of Paul in Romans 7. It is the self part that we don't want to let go of. Don't want to change, perhaps in fear that we will lose ourselves in the process. Yet we know that there is something better that God offers. Why don't we just do things His way?

Gotta stop eating them apples.
that said, I think that the devil and his demons are looking for anyway that they can to oppress us, spiritual warfare is a serious business

Ephesians 6:10-17 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics [e] of the Devil. 12 For our battle is not against flesh (Q) and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, (R) against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil (S) in the heavens. (T) 13 This is why you must take up the full armor (U) of God, so that you may be able to resist (V) in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand. 14 Stand, (W) therefore,

with truth like a belt around your waist,

righteousness like armor on your chest,

15 and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace.

16 In every situation take the shield of faith,

and with it you will be able to extinguish

the flaming arrows of the evil one.

17 Take the helmet of salvation,

and the sword of the Spirit, which is God's word.
But don't take it personal, it's only business.. :)


WAAAY HEY HEY HEY, Wait a tick.... P-nutt.... why you interested in my score??? lol...

I will say not in my defense... That some of these questions IF, if slightly modifed... Would raise my score....


12) Do voices tell you to commit illegal acts, blaspheme God, or indulge in immoral acts?

Well I commit illegal acts.... Daily... Every day... But a voice doesn't tell me to do it, so I had to put never...... lol.....
the hell is up with my posts they ain't showing!??!?!
But don't take it personal, it's only business.. :)


WAAAY HEY HEY HEY, Wait a tick.... P-nutt.... why you interested in my score??? lol...

I will say not in my defense... That some of these questions IF, if slightly modifed... Would raise my score....


12) Do voices tell you to commit illegal acts, blaspheme God, or indulge in immoral acts?

Well I commit illegal acts/"immoral" acts.... Daily... Every day... But a voice doesn't tell me to do it, so I had to put never...... lol.....