Your God/Goddess

Nope. Time stand still for those watching someone approach a black hole (the opposite effect). It is not that time "appears" to stand still, IT JUST DOES. (see the general theory of relativity). Time is relative. For someone riding the beam of light, time passes normally, as it does for someone approaching a black hole.

But to the obsever in another frame-of-reference, the first person is travelling at the speed of light has "Slowed down", ditto with the person falling into a black hole. Time is relative, that is what relativity is all about.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Madness!! :eek: I love it!
Nope. Time stand still for those watching someone approach a black hole (the opposite effect). It is not that time "appears" to stand still, IT JUST DOES. (see the general theory of relativity). Time is relative. For someone riding the beam of light, time passes normally, as it does for someone approaching a black hole.

But to the obsever in another frame-of-reference, the first person is travelling at the speed of light has "Slowed down", ditto with the person falling into a black hole. Time is relative, that is what relativity is all about.
So light does "age" in that is undergoes red-shifting and such. I forgot about that. :) (If it didn't, then we'd be seeing everything in "real-time,"m instead of the delay we observe from light's travel time.)
So light does "age" in that is undergoes red-shifting and such. I forgot about that. :) (If it didn't, then we'd be seeing everything in "real-time,"m instead of the delay we observe from light's travel time.)

and too there's the fact that:

Each Subjective POV is the singular vector point where all lines converge at the CPU of Consciousness.

Outside every Subjective POV . . . exist ONLY matter and energy.

Another thought of my own [not recieved well when I presented idea to an Optometrist]:

Can a camera (or via computer simulation??) create a Photo WITHOUT "PRESPECTIVE" ---IOW no vanishing points.


What is the Invisable distance Ratio of two objects in space?

The Ratio of 'x' to 'y'---
when 'x' = a sphere with the diameter of Saturn
and 'y' = the sphere with the diameter of golf ball

IOW, If a man stands in front of the Planet Saturn ---how far must he back away from the planet Saturn's surface...until the planet fades into the back ground.

Isn't there no real change in proportions/dimensional sizes ---except distance apart from eachother ---but all the vector points converging on our human senses is how we see the world ---akin to how all is sqeezed & flipped via a pin-hole eyelet in the camera box.

I am a Camera,
Depends on what you define as "background", doesn't it? How small do you want the image to be? The size of a chickpea held at arm's length?

One would say D = S1*S2/D2 where distance is "the distance frsom satuen to be the size of a chickpea at arms length" S1 is diameter of Saturn, S2 the diameter of a chickpea, and D2 your arms length.

I do not accept "everything outside of POV is matter and energy". I accept the existence of other minds (even the simple mind of a quanta or the massive mind of G!D).
Depends on what you define as "background", doesn't it? How small do you want the image to be? The size of a chickpea held at arm's length?

I'm not sure you GROK'd my idea. Let me re-phrase it:

An Large Object moved away from an Observer will appear eventually disappear from sight.
A spaceship leaves earth and travels in a straight path away from earth ...until earth vanishes into an invisable dot.

How far does an observer to distant themselves away from a large object so that the object in miniculely seen from a great distance? What is the distance, taking into account the relative size of an observer's eyeballs and a large object? What is the Ratio?

I would think that, inre the cosmos entoto, the same can be thought of:

How far back must I stand away from the entire cosmos entoto [IOW our own trillions of lightyears accross in diameter Universe] ---far far until that cosmos appear as a tiny speck on the tip of a needle? It would be the same ratio of distance, No?

I do not accept "everything outside of POV is matter and energy". I accept the existence of other minds (even the simple mind of a quanta or the massive mind of G!D).

By "POV" I mean "An Individual w/a Mind" ---such as we are.
We draw in/Take in outside stimulai.

Akin to: An audience watches a single movie screen. The action of the movie's contents are viewed from multiple POVs (audience members).

I say 'outside living POVs there is animated matter-Energy'
So, creation is made of POVs+animated matter-Energy.

Thus, I said, "everything outside [the confines] of [a] POV is [composed of] matter and energy"

But that wasn't my point.

I was indicating that Like a ChalkBoard in School ---the two dimensional chalked instructions+Room Lighting+Attention from the Pretty Girls+Munchhies+Jocks+UndoneHomework+low battery charge et al ---all these mental and outer stimulai and data "CONVERGES UNTO A SINGULAR POINT IN SPACE".

The "POV" abbreviation is the Convergences Point in Space ---aka a Soul etc., ---this convergence of material stimulai into a singular key hole is the composition of my said, "POV".

IE: Injectedmolded plastic encased frequency reciever/Transmitter satelite orbiting rocket aero-pilots stratosphere enabled call from your mother . . . BUT ONLY WHEN . . . you put your ear to the speaker eyelet on your moble phone and HEAR her voice ---All those techno-possesses allowed a pin-point bit of data converge unto the single ear drum of a person (aka, a POV).

Thus, I said, "everything outside of POV is matter and energy [aka, All techno-possesses that facilitate a POVs desire]"
How far does an observer to distant themselves away from a large object so that the object in miniculely seen from a great distance? What is the distance, taking into account the relative size of an observer's eyeballs and a large object? What is the Ratio?

How far back must I stand away from the entire cosmos entoto [IOW our own trillions of lightyears accross in diameter Universe] ---far far until that cosmos appear as a tiny speck on the tip of a needle? It would be the same ratio of distance, No?
What is the resolution possible by the observer's eye. A fly and Hubble (an eye in the sky) have different resolutions.

And where would you stand away from the universe, you (or any instrument for that matter) would need terra-firma to stand on?

As for the double-slit experiment. A photon is when you have separated it from all the rest. Otherwise it is non-duality, no photon, just a continuum. Radar might want to comment on it.
A photon is a tricky thing to deal with, but that is what we set out to measure in the double-slit experiment. And we find it to be both wave and particle, both being and potential. It stays that when put back into the environment--a potential possiblity that is part of a continuum of the same kind of stuff.

bhaktajan, I understand that you think you can step out of the universe and see it as something existing. Like formal mathematics (via the Godel Theorem) you cannot. Whereever you are, it is part of the universe, there is nothing that is not universe. Nothing to get away from.

Because you can imagine this does not make it so. Godel imagined (and put into the language of physics in a pretty clear and consistent manner) a universe where time loops back on itself. It is just that is not what we find. In the same way we find no "outside" if the universe is "inside".

'I do not accept "everything outside of POV is matter and energy".' Still remains, I do nto believe that everything outside of my consciousness is matter or energy. I believe you exist as another mind, I think G!D acts as spirit, I believe once they are formulated exist independently as experiences which are not matter or energy.

I am no materialist and will always point out its fallicies.
The God archetype represents our need to comprehend the Universe, to give a meaning to all that happens, to see it all as having some purpose and direction.

The Self is the God Archetype and the images and experiences to which it gives birth are the meaning-laden God-images of humanity: Temples, cathedrals, mandalas, castles, cities, magical fish, birds and land animals and forests and trees are among the Self symbols that appear in dreams.

- C.G. Jung
bhaktajan, I understand that you think you can step out of the universe and see it

Let me re-phrase the question.

I have a ball in my hand. The ball is as large as saturn the planet ---How far must stand back from said ball until it appears as small as a Needle's point?

and also,

This reltionship (aka Ratio) can be expressed as a mathematical formula ---if one cared to crunch some numbers.
BTW, in addition to my "query" [this is not a declaration] there is the reality that the seemingly tiny Saturn [as seen from a distance] is NOT actually small at all --it never shrunk or got smaller ---it seems smaller due to the parameters of of sense [ie: the eye's mechanics].

The jumbo universes is preceived by us POVs when the data is converted into preceptable info. But outside of us it exists in its jumbo-mega capacity.

We are POVs assessing the outside world by reducing it down to our own POVs.
Like I said before, let D2 be the distance you “see” something as a pinpoint (about one micrometer or .000001 meter, about the width of a human hair seen at 1 meter). Let D1 be the distance at which you see a mustard seed at that size. Let R1 be the radius of the mustard seed. Let R2 be the radius of what you are looking to be the size of a pinpoint. Then D2 = D1*R2/R1.
Let the radius of a mustard seed be 1mm. Let the distance where it appears “as if a pinpoint” be D1 (about 10 meters, where it appears the same size as a human hair at 1 meter). Let R2 be the radius of Saturn in mm (57,000 km or 57 x 10E6 meters or 57 x 10 E9 mm). Then D2 (the distance at which Saturn looks like a human hair at 1 meter = 10*57 E9/1 = 507,000,000,000 mm or 507, 000 km.
Is that really what you were looking for?
bhaktajan, I understand that you think you can step out of the universe and see it as something existing. . . . you cannot.

Whereever you are, it is part of the universe, there is nothing that is not universe. Nothing to get away from.

Because you can imagine this does not make it so.

I am no materialist and will always point out its fallicies.

Yes, my full intention indeed was the IMAGINE . . . Image a "DISTANCE" of magnatude that . . . apparently caused you to blow a fuse.


RECAP: D2 = D1*R2/R1.

The distance at which Saturn looks like a the tip of a human hair = 507, 000 km.

<<Did you omit to double the Radius? Into Diameter?>>

Thus why can I not ASK THE QUESTION:

If saturn's diameter is exchanged [in the above formula] for the diameter of the Universe's expanding limits ---why can't its resulting reduction of the cosmos entoto be envisaged as a pin-point?


BTW, JMHO, "Meta" in the term, metaphysics, refers to "Higher Physics".

Advanced physics = metaphysics ---strictly as per the literal use of the pre-fix 'meta'.

Old world craftmakers utilise modern meta-physics.

Before the science was invisaged there was just dreaming of advanced capabilities ie Flying Planes; Jet engines; Bicycle design; ship building made of Iron.

So-called metaphysics of soothsaying & flying carpet lore is a abberation of the use of the term meta-physics. JMHO, R&D is synonymous with meta-physics.


JMHO, closing down the NASA Space research efforts is synonymous with, closiing down R&D of anything meta-physical.


BTW: Radar, do you NOT aggree with the "Big Bang Theorms"?

But how's any of this affect of rice seeds in Asia?
There is nothing like 'meta-physics'. That belongs to the 'magik' forum.

Big bang theorems do not affect rice seeds in Asia or anywhere else. There is a different science for that - Agricultural Sciences and Gene Research in agriculture which has given rise to the so-called 'green revolution' with varieties of maize, wheat, cotton, rice, etc. yielding better returns.
There is nothing like 'meta-physics'. That belongs to the 'magik' forum.

Big bang theorems do not affect rice seeds in Asia or anywhere else. There is a different science for that - Agricultural Sciences and Gene Research in agriculture which has given rise to the so-called 'green revolution' with varieties of maize, wheat, cotton, rice, etc. yielding better returns.

Thank you for your grandest Ignorant remark!

This is definative proof that you are NOT from India Nor have you lived there Nor do you know any thing about reali life in India.

You now know the path you must take.

BTW, this topic and thread HAD no relationship to you.

I opined a dark meaning when I said:
But how's any of this affect of rice seeds in Asia?

Meaning that Real concerns are overlooked by high-faluten propaganda-crats issuing forth rules that ignore basic concerns of Free-men everywhere. IOW, forget 'the price of Rice in China ---and instead, buy brand name tennis shoes'.

tennis shoes! Come and get your tennis shoes,
Yes, my full intention indeed was the IMAGINE . . . Image a "DISTANCE" of magnatude that . . . apparently caused you to blow a fuse.


RECAP: D2 = D1*R2/R1.

The distance at which Saturn looks like a the tip of a human hair = 507, 000 km.

<<Did you omit to double the Radius? Into Diameter?>>

Thus why can I not ASK THE QUESTION:

If saturn's diameter is exchanged [in the above formula] for the diameter of the Universe's expanding limits ---why can't its resulting reduction of the cosmos entoto be envisaged as a pin-point?


BTW, JMHO, "Meta" in the term, metaphysics, refers to "Higher Physics".

Advanced physics = metaphysics ---strictly as per the literal use of the pre-fix 'meta'.

Old world craftmakers utilise modern meta-physics.

Before the science was invisaged there was just dreaming of advanced capabilities ie Flying Planes; Jet engines; Bicycle design; ship building made of Iron.

So-called metaphysics of soothsaying & flying carpet lore is a abberation of the use of the term meta-physics. JMHO, R&D is synonymous with meta-physics.


JMHO, closing down the NASA Space research efforts is synonymous with, closiing down R&D of anything meta-physical.


BTW: Radar, do you NOT aggree with the "Big Bang Theorms"?

But how's any of this affect of rice seeds in Asia?

Because there is no edge, no boundry. What you may have read as such is the boundry where everything beyond is receding away from us at over the speed of light and therefore not visible. It does not mean that is is going "faster than light", but that we are going half the speed of light away from it and it is going over one half the speed of light away from us.

You can ask your question, but there can be no answer.
There is nothing like 'meta-physics'. That belongs to the 'magik' forum.

Big bang theorems do not affect rice seeds in Asia or anywhere else. There is a different science for that - Agricultural Sciences and Gene Research in agriculture which has given rise to the so-called 'green revolution' with varieties of maize, wheat, cotton, rice, etc. yielding better returns.

Quite incorrect. Metaphysics is the philosophical discipline of looking at basic and general issues. Like what is there? (ontology). What is the universe like? (cosmology) What is God? (theology). It has been around since forever and gone by that name since Aristotle.

Stand far enough away from the entire Cosmos so as to reduced it to a pin-point ---
as you squint to see it . . .
and quadruple that distance ten times over.
Doesn't the isolation seem comforting?

The Gita says that after expending their good karma,
being merged in that silence,
the soul of such an long-desolved ancient yogi
takes birth again eventually
into pious parentage.

Like a Gennie out of the Bottle.

You can ask your question, but there can be no answer.

Well I guess you're right there . . . Like a Zen Koan . . . What's the sound of One hand clapping sort of thing eh?