Islam is build on five pillars. Those pillars embody the sacrifice a true Muslim should give to God to be a good Muslim (submitter)…to stay in lasting connection with that Higher Being…
1) To witness that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammed is His messanger. This witness embodies the sacrifice of one's trambling thoughts to the only God…the sacrifice of one's confused logic, short sighted reason to God.. When a true beleiever does, then he receives in return the true, accurate light of guidance…one begins to see what others cant, to feel what others cant, to know what others cant…By sacrifing your limited mind to the absolute, your mind and heart begin to receive truth that really guides…This pillar leads to the source of the best guidance. It is not our mind. Our mind is really short sighted..
2) To pray 5 times a day. These five prayer which are divided into five parts of the day: morning, midday, afternoon, sunset, and evening is a sacrifice too. If the above pillar is a sacrifice of reason to the best source of guidance, this pillar embody the sacrifice of Time….Our time shouldn’t be devoted to our personal selfish desires and projects. What about our relation of God? How much time do you devote to this relation? That is the wisdom behind this pillar: It is the sacrifice of time for connecting God.
It also teaches us how to stay connected to God all day along as the prayers are divided through the different parts of the day. In addition, Islam teaches us that those five pillars are just pillars. That is to saty, they are what Islam is build on, but they arenot the building itself. Hence, Islam encourages us to build and build. If salat (prayer) teaches us to sacrifice our time, then we should preserve this habit and stay sacrificing our time for connecting God. Therefore, a true believer is in lasting sacrificing of his time for the sake of God, and building his Islam (submission). Then, a true believer devote his time for listening to a relative/friend in trouble, visiting a sick friend, free extra hours to the poor, illetrate, and all the activities that may make God's creatures happy. This is a sacrifice of time, and this is what this pillar teaches us…another sacrifice…another submission..
3) To pay Zakat (2,5% of your gathered money annually).This third pillar embody the sacrifice of money. Any human being is created with that innate love of loving money and loving gathering it. This third pillar comes to educate in us that love. Islam teaches us that money is God's, and not ours. That's why we should devote it for God's cause. 2,5% of our gatherer money should be spend annually to the poor. And this another form of sacrifice. Besides, this sacrifice as it cleans us from being so attached to money, and also make us love giving, it becomes a habit in a Muslim to sacrifice his money whenever possible for God. It is called "sadaka", charity in English. Hence, a true believer stays connecting God through his money as well: helping the poor and those in need…Then, this is another sacrifice…another submission…another way of connecting God..
4) To fast the lunar month of Ramadan from sunrise to sunset. This fourth pillar embody the sacrifice of eating/ sex. Muslims are prohibited to eat or to have sex with their wives/husbands from sunrise to sunset. This pillar teaches us Muslims how to conrol/sacrifice their eating and sexual desires for connecting God. They submit/sacrifice those things in order to get higher those animalistic desires which close the door towards the Divine. Hence, presenting the sacrifice of eating/drinking, and sexual intercourse lead to connecting God.
5) To make pilgrimage if it is possible financially, and physically. This last pillar embody the sacrifice of your whole being/propriety. To make pilgrimage one has to leave his family, propriety and take the journey to a new land wherein pilgramge rituals aren’t easy at all. They involve rotation around the Holy House in Mecca, and wherein people from all over the world and with different ranks, colours, status wear the same: piece of white cloth. All people look alike and the same. No difference at all. This journey teaches the sacrifice of one's whole being for the devotion of God…one should forget who he is, what he works, what his salary, what his education level is, what family he belongs has to forget all…He is a mere human being as him as the millions around who come all over the world..he is a servant of God…he is equal to all..he is no less no more than others…This is what this pillar teaches. It teaches the sacrifice of whole being. This sacrifice as this pillar teaches should be alive in a true believer's inner all the time, and stay humble and modest and not get arrogant of his money and status..he is a mere servant of God..That's why, he/she should devout his whole being to serve His creatures
Sacrifice in Islam is build on sacrificing our mind, time, money, lusts, status and whole being for getting near and close to God…for staying in lasting attachment to Him..for subliming to Him and live with Him as His presence within us is the true life….The knowledgable of God once said: there is a heaven in earth that if one doesn’t enter, he will not enter it in the last Day. This heaven is to know God and live with Him and for Him..