in essence
Superb and truly majestic 17th 
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Viva Viva Janz.
I always feel the whole dog-cat thing shows a lot about life's duality.
I don't have a dog at present, but my cat's walk out with me over the fields.
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^ I agree about Whedon. Love Dollhouse, Farscape, Angel, and Buffy. Heroes is tiresome and I firmly believe that it is rip off of the 4400.
Superb and truly majestic 17th
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Ain't this just the most annoying trait in others?
@17th..Handsome dogs.. Just read up on them and they seem perfect for children..are they really called The Nanny Dog?
Started the first season of Lost last weekend. They have the first 5 seasons on Netflix and I love it. I love shows that develop the characters and this one certainly does it.
Wouldn't be able to check without being at one of my own CPU's... But I am certain that I have downloaded six seasons of Lost. You're missing a season, yet not missing much lol.
MorrowWind, The Elder scrolls was far superior to Oblivion. It was anti-climatic when Oblivion came out. But MorrowWind.....I was absorbed for a month straight playing through it ( I was up North and it was winter and I was stuck in -40C in January and it helped to ward off the cabin feverI am not.... Sure, if it is getting lame.. And, I think that is "meant to happen" lol... It has become all exagerated and pulled out of it's original context.... The story has become too deep and confusing... And I think it's like... Meant to be like that, cause they've really run out of anything to say lol... I'm too confused to find it lame. You see?
Dragon age... No... I hasn't played teh dragon age yet... I am attracted to these sort of games... And I pick them up... And I instantly say... Hmmm this kinda looks like Oblivion... Cool! Then I think..... Hmmm Then again... This is what I thought of 'Two worlds' and that game literally bit butt.
Let me see, you are afraid of bugs, uneasy around could you ever recover from an encounter with a lady bug?me too.. me too..