So Muslims are inferior people to you?
Is it wrong to see others as inferior? Afterall, isn't humanity many groups of different types of people, equality is but an illusion, there is always something some can do better than others, or on the other foot something others do worse than another.... so shouldn't it follow that some -have- to be inferior to others?
So if Dogbrain can with honesty see a weakness in comparison of one set of people (muslims here in this instance) to his people? And isn't afraid to recognise it, is that truly wrong or just an observation?
in·fe·ri·or [in-feer-ee-er]
lower in station, rank, degree, or grade (often fol. by to ): a rank inferior to colonel.
lower in place or position; closer to the bottom or base: descending into the inferior regions of the earth.
of comparatively low grade; poor in quality; substandard: an inferior product.
less important, valuable, or worthy: B+ bonds are inferior to AAA bonds.
acting or performing in a way that is comparatively poor or mediocre: an inferior observer of human nature.