Burn the Qu'ran day?

Late breaking news today, Jones has called off the book burning and in exchange the New York Mosque near ground zero will be moved. Wow, if they pull this off it seems a great step forward.

We'll see...
Yep, I just caught that myself, although the same report has the local Imam and the one in NY he's supposed to meet with denying that the NY mosque is gonna be moved or was any part of the deal.
Late breaking news today, Jones has called off the book burning and in exchange the New York Mosque near ground zero will be moved. Wow, if they pull this off it seems a great step forward.

We'll see...

I thought the golden rule was; You don't negotiate with muslims?

Seriously though if this is agreed on, it's a decent victory :) Perhaps it was the plan alllllll along ;)
The "reverend" Fred Phelps (yes, that one, of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka) has promised to simultaneously burn Qur'ans and American flags on Saturday. You might think this is a Jay Leno quip about where this is going, but no, of course this self-parody is real. I think Phelps is just jealous that he didn't think of this first, attention-whore that he is.
who have thought the burning of a piece of paper could cause so much anger and even death :eek::confused:


Barbarian is as barbarian does. Civilized people understand civilized means.
Should we ask Muslims if they are barbarians?

Seems to me they believe themselves to be *very* civilized.

I just think it is time they step up and act like it for a change.

Peace with Israel would be a nice start.
The thing that keeps echoing in my mind is this:

Civil rights are not civil and are not rights unless they apply as much to those you disagree with as they do to you.

With the current liberal gov. promoting that suspension of civil rights is somehow American and "the right thing to do," ...keep that in mind when they take away your rights too (assuming you are American).
As FYI for those interested, a friend of mine started a mini-movement to donate money to Doctors Without Borders tomorrow, earmarked for Pakistan, in Terry Jones' name. You can schedule a donation through DWB and send Terry a nice card with your personalized message. So far, he's getting a bit over 300 honorary donations to a Muslim country in his name. Cards are forwarded to his church's main email address (info@doveworld.org). As further FYI, this is on Facebook under "Compassion is Stronger than Hate."

I don't usually share or promote stuff, but thought this was such a great idea to turn all this publicity into something actually helpful, especially given Pakistan's great need during this flood. Hope it's OK- tried to check with Brian but no response, and as the event is tomorrow, time is limited.

Even if Terry fails to burn Qurans, it is a way to reach out and show him that his attention-whoring and hatred will not necessarily inspire anti-Muslim sentiments.

Hurrah for positive ways to combat idiocy and bigotry.
So Muslims are inferior people to you?

Is it wrong to see others as inferior? Afterall, isn't humanity many groups of different types of people, equality is but an illusion, there is always something some can do better than others, or on the other foot something others do worse than another.... so shouldn't it follow that some -have- to be inferior to others?

So if Dogbrain can with honesty see a weakness in comparison of one set of people (muslims here in this instance) to his people? And isn't afraid to recognise it, is that truly wrong or just an observation?

in·fe·ri·or   [in-feer-ee-er]
lower in station, rank, degree, or grade (often fol. by to ): a rank inferior to colonel.
lower in place or position; closer to the bottom or base: descending into the inferior regions of the earth.
of comparatively low grade; poor in quality; substandard: an inferior product.
less important, valuable, or worthy: B+ bonds are inferior to AAA bonds.
acting or performing in a way that is comparatively poor or mediocre: an inferior observer of human nature.
What I want to know is "Where are all the moderate voices of Islam?"

The silence is deafening...as usual.

Unless there are no moderate voices of Islam?

Another opportunity is slipping by....
Why? :)

Looking up that word, it is defined as, an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

But if you have observed something to be so, why is it prejudice? There are different people.. And they ain't equal, and who knows if they ever will be.

Look closely at what you just wrote.

The Germans thought the same thing about the Jews, and that was enough justification for the holocaust.
What I want to know is "Where are all the moderate voices of Islam?"

The silence is deafening...as usual.

Another opportunity is slipping by....

Moderate voices are:

  • in their offices earning their paychecks,
  • in the kitchen, cooking dinner,
  • taking and picking up their kids from school
  • etc. etc.
That's what moderate voices do, i.e. lead normal uneventful lives.
And in the off occasion, get blown to bits on their way to the store
by a bomb planted by a fellow "muslim" or an American Hellfire missile.

Unless there are no moderate voices of Islam?
Then who was OBL tryin to impress with the fireworks?