Former atheist, turned deist

But... this requires some sort of preconception of God as a personality that can "speak" to you inside your head. My observation is that these other voices sound very much like another "me." Who puts the words in "the God inside my head"'s mouth? Seems quite schizophrenic and self-serving.


I guess I didnt explain myself properly. Mybad. God doesnt have to speak (like a voice) inside my head. God presents to me, in other ways....and yes, when i go for walks i often talk to God. (its a personal thing, ya know?) and sometimes, Ill notice things, I didnt notice before. for eg...
an owl, or squirrel, really close to me....or the sound of the river, to me, these are messages from God.
There is no booming voice or even a whisper in my head, just things that I notice. It may be fanciful to others, but thats ok, like I said... its personal.
thats what I meant.
Love the Grey
So gluing a paper towel tube on a horses head won't make it a unicorn?

Damm there's a half hour I'll never get back :(

Keith? You still there man?
What a bizarre thread - an intro-post that has now descended into the question as to whether Atheism actually accepts God and personal spiritual experience as factual, actual, and measurable?

As for a description of Gravity - here it is in Newtonian terms:


Am afraid I never studied Relativity, so am not sure what formula is used to specifically describe gravity in those terms.

Also note that Google dropped its "exact match" return a few years ago, and results are now served rather differently. Here's Google's response to your first post after mine: Please point one out. I'd love to see someone say that if, "science cannot describe it, then it cannot be real."


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How did we manage to get around to apples and free-will discussion?
(silly me! I asked about the apple's free-will, or lack thereof.)

Dang! Might as well go back and read Genesis again!
Thanks Thomas. {For a bit there, I thought i was going to have to wander off to the women's PMS hut!}

{Nasty ol' hormones! ;) }

So you chose through your own free will for the hormones to activate?

When you mature and are dealing with menopause instead of PMS will that have been a choice of your free will?
Science continually can't describe stuff and has denied existence of things only to find out later there was a concern.

Science denied that nutriton had anything to do with heart disease up until 30-40 years ago...and even then they preferred writing presciptions to indicating a change in lifestyle.

Science denied the existence of life force, and meridians and any validity in accupuncture uptil about 20 years ago...once they got studies that showed it reduced back pain, it wasn't long before someone developed tools that tracked meridians and 'discovered' acupuncture points that TCM and 5 element have known for thousands of years.

When science learns and understands what G!d is....will that make any atheist change their mind??

All i can comment here is that this is a funny concept, but you see the atheist is not a Doubting Thomas of the modern day. I like Amergin's view that an atheist does not deny God's existence but simply claims he does not know wether He exists. On the other hand that is true for the philosophical atheist, the rest will try to convince you at any time that God doesn't exist.
So you chose through your own free will for the hormones to activate?

When you mature and are dealing with menopause instead of PMS will that have been a choice of your free will?
No, but through mindfulness meditation, I have observed that the actual nasty ol' side effects from the hormones are very temporary (but repeatingly persistent!) and I can allow my mind let them go and not be [emotionally] steered or lead by them. {Heck of a lot of work, though!}
All i can comment here is that this is a funny concept, but you see the atheist is not a Doubting Thomas of the modern day. I like Amergin's view that an atheist does not deny God's existence but simply claims he does not know wether He exists. On the other hand that is true for the philosophical atheist, the rest will try to convince you at any time that God doesn't exist.
An atheist by definition must deny G!d's existence....

If one decides one doesn't know, that would be an agnostic.

When it comes to the elementary school, the chapel ceiling version of G!d, I come close to being an atheist of that nature....but whilst a Christian by nature, I admittedly don't know....
will, come to think of it isn't this atheism/ agnosticism thing just a huge speculation, play with words and so on. back in the day one could be hung for this discussion only :D
oh it is all speculation. As those that know are dead, and aren't talking.

But they are names describing belief.

Athiest, believes there is no G!d
Agnostic, doesn't think there is a G!d but doesn't know...or thinks there might be but doesn't know.
then you've got your theists, deists, pantheists, panentheists, monotheists, polytheists, and and and....
No, but through mindfulness meditation...

And that wisdom that you gained from mindless meditation... did you say "I will become wise now," and have it pop into your head at your command?

I've always found that wisdom can't be commanded, but comes when it comes... on its own accord.

Your results may vary. ;)
And that wisdom that you gained from mindless meditation... did you say "I will become wise now," and have it pop into your head at your command?
"Mindless meditation?" :p Methinks we have different ideas about what free-will is. (It usually involves a lot of work)

I've always found that wisdom can't be commanded, but comes when it comes... on its own accord.

Your results may vary. ;)
too true!