The Godhead

Agreed, but the saints and mystics do not come across as 'mighty' ... and Gatekeeper's point is that we are mighty by nature

I know ... but gatekeeper is exalting man, not God.

-- Thomas

I'm not exalting man -- I'm simply giving a definition of the term god as it is applied to man. I've never once suggested that mankind should rule, but that mankind attempts to rule (Obviously) which is the reason the world is in the shape is it now. I know who we are, just as I know what is necessary in order for man to avoid destruction and that is humility and surrender to God.

Knowing what mankind is capable of is a far cry from exalting mankind -- Surely you see this! We are gods, we are powerful creations able to destroy the majority of life on this planet, which is the reason it is necessary to lose our lives (The part in us that wants to rule over the earth and others). If we wish to save ourselves then we must deny ourselves and take up our cross, surrendering ourselves to God.

You are grossly misrepresenting my views -- I never once exalted man, I merely know our strength and our power, which is why it is necessary to humble ourselves and to surrender ourselves to God and His love. Surrender to God is mans only hope if we wish to survive ourselves.

We are an adversary to God when we attempt to rule over the earth and other living beings, but this is exactly what mankind attempts to do. We were never meant to rule, but we were rather born to serve, and this is my entire point. If you would actually read and attempt to comprehend my thoughts you would realize this.

Thomas said:
They're your people now, are they?

Please count me out of that number ... I know my Shepherd.

God bless,

Thomas it is thinking and arguements like yours that are enslaving and my people.

However they are enslaving yourself as well. You simply aren't aware of it, your ears are closed to listening or exploring.

But it is your growth path, it is designed for your growth for your understanding. You read what we believe and GK, I, Andrew, Salty etc are not all on the same page, our beliefs vary as do ours and yours...

Saying that it is our ego, and that we are exalting man... if that makes you feel better by deriding others it is a shame.
Thomas it is thinking and arguements like yours that are enslaving and my people.
They are your people then?

I think following your words leads me to you. Following His words leads me to Him. I know where true freedom lies — not in me, nor you, but in Him.

I ponder Scripture ... I don't cherry-pick.

However they are enslaving yourself as well. You simply aren't aware of it, your ears are closed to listening or exploring.
No my friend, you are closed to anything but your own opinion. You call yourself a nontheist and bang on about a misguided belief in 'the old man with the beard' — yet who says you must believe that? And if that image works for some, who are you to replace it? Does not Scripture say 'Father'? Does not Christ talk of sitting at His right hand? You think your opinions supersedes Scripture?

But it is your growth path, it is designed for your growth for your understanding. You read what we believe and GK, I, Andrew, Salty etc are not all on the same page, our beliefs vary as do ours and yours...
My belief is founded in and on Apostolic Tradition, the teachings of those who were His 'inner circle' and who were entrusted with the proper transmission of His words — again, Scripture affirms that point.

So yes, my growth and understanding is shaped in and by Scripture, not the soundbite.

Saying that it is our ego, and that we are exalting man... if that makes you feel better by deriding others it is a shame.
I don't deride, Wil, I argue the point that opinion is born of the ego.

I praise the Lord; all that I am is from Him, and is His.

You set too much importance on yourself.

"As a father hath compassion on his children,
so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear him:
For he knoweth our frame. He remembereth that we are dust:
Man's days are as grass,
as the flower of the field so shall he flourish.

For the spirit shall pass in him, and he shall not be:
and he shall know his place no more.
But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity
and unto eternity upon them that fear him:
And his justice unto children's children,

To such as keep his covenant,
And are mindful of his commandments to do them.
The Lord hath prepared his throne in heaven:
and his kingdom shall rule over all.

Bless the Lord, all ye his angels:
you that are mighty in strength,
and execute his word,
hearkening to the voice of his orders.

Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts:
you ministers of his that do his will.
Bless the Lord, all his works:
in every place of his dominion,
O my soul, bless thou the Lord."
Psalm 102:13-22

God bless,

They are your people then?

I think following your words leads me to you. Following His words leads me to Him. I know where true freedom lies — not in me, nor you, but in Him.

I ponder Scripture ... I don't cherry-pick.

No my friend, you are closed to anything but your own opinion. You call yourself a nontheist and bang on about a misguided belief in 'the old man with the beard' — yet who says you must believe that? And if that image works for some, who are you to replace it? Does not Scripture say 'Father'? Does not Christ talk of sitting at His right hand? You think your opinions supersedes Scripture?

My belief is founded in and on Apostolic Tradition, the teachings of those who were His 'inner circle' and who were entrusted with the proper transmission of His words — again, Scripture affirms that point.

So yes, my growth and understanding is shaped in and by Scripture, not the soundbite.

I don't deride, Wil, I argue the point that opinion is born of the ego.

I praise the Lord; all that I am is from Him, and is His.

You set too much importance on yourself.

"As a father hath compassion on his children,
so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear him:
For he knoweth our frame. He remembereth that we are dust:
Man's days are as grass,
as the flower of the field so shall he flourish.

For the spirit shall pass in him, and he shall not be:
and he shall know his place no more.
But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity
and unto eternity upon them that fear him:
And his justice unto children's children,

To such as keep his covenant,
And are mindful of his commandments to do them.
The Lord hath prepared his throne in heaven:
and his kingdom shall rule over all.

Bless the Lord, all ye his angels:
you that are mighty in strength,
and execute his word,
hearkening to the voice of his orders.

Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts:
you ministers of his that do his will.
Bless the Lord, all his works:
in every place of his dominion,
O my soul, bless thou the Lord."
Psalm 102:13-22

God bless,

Um, I may be out of line here but that never stopped me before...

Cherry picking is a good thing, finding the choisest morsels is a preference of any man. Trying to read the entire bible is a fool's bane (or is that wane)? It is a reference manual, and an operator's manual for Man...

Nothing more or less. The Bible is not "God". It is a simple book, with directions to get "home"...

God, is "home"...
NO-NO, cherry-picking is definitely not Christianity.

Here, I have the following Biblical references to back up what I'm saying ...

Cherry picking is a good thing, finding the choisest morsels is a preference of any man.
By 'cherry-picking' I mean taking some parts of the text, but ignoring others.

God bless,

So are you hopping around on one foot, trying to button your shirt with one hand and without depth perception?

Matt 5:30
Matt 9:43
Matt 18:18

He said it numerous times....have you obeyed?
So are you hopping around on one foot, trying to button your shirt with one hand and without depth perception?
Matt 5:30
Matt 9:43
Matt 18:18
He said it numerous times....have you obeyed?
There you go ... precisely my point ... this is the kind of erroneous interpretation that happens when you cherrypick, and cite verses with no reference to traditional commentary — context is everything — which I've been saying from the beginning.

Have you? And if not, why not?

God bless,

(PS The is no Matthew 9:43 in my Bible, and Matthew 18:18 asserts the authority of the Church, which I'm sure is not one of your cherry-picks.)