Who is God?

There is life that is caused to break and life that does the breaking. Breaking is not how God causes my existence, now. Unity is how I am caused interested and it is what I understand continuously provided to by God as God is always known.

Okay, I am not familiar with your use of the term "break". Are you saying you cannot break up your words into coherent sub-thoughts? That you cannot define your terms? I take that is true given the second sentence about "Unity" and "G!d", but "caused interested" is an interesting term that seems to mean nothing to me.

Following me or any human is not how you are interested.

I thought it was pretty clear that "follow" was meant in terms of understanding not leadership. Again "not how you are interested" is a neat term of phrase signifying???? What?

Understanding how and with what life you are understanding with can be written to you, but it will not provide you with the experience you know yourself by.

The use of "understanding". Does this mean "understanding understanding"? You must realize that I am not (too) dim. I do not expect you to provide me experience of myself (I have quite enough, thank you). I am asking "what do you mean"?

The life you are understanding aware with exist as two parts that are uniting to process places: 1) the first experiences God's interest continuously and 2) the other understands translation continuously. Ultimately, you are doing what you will always do when you see life doing something and saying something with words that are the experience of what you know is the united truth. This is God at the area of Always.

Again, "understanding aware" is not standard English, it communicates nothing in this sentence. What do you mean to say? "Uniting to process places" another thing beyond my comprehension. Do you mean "two things unite in a process"? "Experiences G!d's interest continually" what is "G!ds interest"? Is this a focusing on the first thing? "Understands translation continuously", what translation (verbal? movement in space?) ?
"Life doing something", "saying something with words", and "united truth" mean something to you that I do not understand. What is life doing? What is life saying? I hope you mean metaphorically. This "united truth"... what is it? "This is G!d at the area of Always" again is difficult to understand. Do you mean "G!d has always existed"? The term "area" is what I do not comprehend. Is this the intersection of "experience of G!d's interest" and "understanding translation"? Or is it "life doing something" and "saying something"?

Do you see my confusion?

Panta Rhei! (Everything Flows!)
Why would you think something with wings wouldnt fly. Birds fly.
These birds have wings and don't fly (emus, ostriches, kiwis, turkeys, penguins, and rheas) . . . on the other hand certain wingless creatures do fly/glide such as flying squirrels and the flying lemur.

Just saying . . . :rolleyes:
These birds have wings and don't fly (emus, ostriches, kiwis, turkeys, penguins, and rheas) . . . on the other hand certain wingless creatures do fly/glide such as flying squirrels and the flying lemur.

Just saying . . . :rolleyes:

Well maybe they got grounded for bad behavior..just saying.
These birds have wings and don't fly (emus, ostriches, kiwis, turkeys, penguins, and rheas) . . . on the other hand certain wingless creatures do fly/glide such as flying squirrels and the flying lemur.

Just saying . . . :rolleyes:

besides squirrels dont fly they glide big difference.

exquisite creature

my friend Stevi (this past summer) flies out from Chicago for an extended visit
& one thing u don't do around Stevi is say something half-baked

in an incautious moment , i foolishly spout something (vaguely pantheistic) like
Gyd is everywhere & everything
then i see this grin creep onto Stevi's face , & know i've stepped in it

it is not GD who u are talking about
Stevi wryly informs me
it is GR

There is nothing about God that does something different.
i will tell u the same thing which Stevi says to me

this is not Gyd u are talking about
this is GR
("General Relativity")
not a religious reality , but a secular one

Einstein's General Relativity is one of science's biggest success-stories , as theories go
it describes & makes predictions about things larger than an atom
which are remarkably accurate & reliable

there are no separate "things" in the universe
the universe is one single continuous fabric
an incredibly complicated (topological) fabric which warps & twists & bends
but just ONE fabric (one surface)
stretching & expanding from the time of Big Bang to now , & beyond

according to General Relativity , there is no distinction between u & any other thing
no distinction between u & me (except the artificial distinction u'r ego or my ego makes)
separateness is a kind of optic-illusion
(3-d reality as u or i "know" it is a distortion, is actually
a kind of hologram , a virtual-reality
a 3-d picture of "reality" which is projected out from this vast surface
so that it is this projection which u & i register , with our everyday eyes
this & not the actual surface of reality , not the fabric of the universe)

u live in the present moment connected to everything else in the universe
but the entire past is also encoded within the pattern of this fabric
(everything in u'r life , everything since the Big Bang is encoded within the fabric)
in a squashed-down kind of way (as a kind of tracing)

to the point where past & present become meaningless distinctions
(& the future does not exist , is just recycling & slight realignment of the fabric)
"time" does not exist (in a practical sense) , there is only a kind of "eternity"

in GR , everything can be thought of as "predestined" , no actual "change"
just new twists in the old fabric
(one great Continuum)
a kind of trans-cosmic Inertia

much of what u appear to be describing , Allelyah
is not a spiritual reality , but a material reality

reality according to GR


what is wrong with this picture ?
this picture of material reality ?
(aside from the fact that u
don't need to speak of the Divine to embrace it) ?

Wings are doing something different and are dependent upon the wind.
the problem (here) lies in
maybe what u call "wind wings" , Allelyah
or what physicists call

General Relativity may work just fine
describing molecules & rocks & stars & galaxies
things bigger than an atom , but

go subatomic & the fabric begins to shred
there , space exists the way space exists to a horse with blinders on
a kind of tunnel-vision which frames-out everything else

matter (per se) can hardly be said to exist
(a thing's position & velocity are indeterminate , a blur)
the only real existence is an "event" (a quantum of energy)

& even this event is merely statistically-predictable
(whereas) looked at in-isolation , each event is "random"

(here) in "Quantum Mechanics" (QM) , space virtually does not exist
from the Big Bang onward there is only "time"
(a montage of zillions-upon-zillions of micro-events , each narrowly-framed)

the moment of the Big Bang ? (then) the universe is at its most orderly
& as the universe (afterwards) cools & expands , it becomes increasingly disorderly
increasingly random , its endgame being (ultimate) Entropy

(Entropy , the wind from the Big Bang
micro-events , wind wings)


GR & QM , two theories
which equally-well account for the facts of nature

reality is actually pretty simple
Stevi informs me
except , every theory which posits "unity" (or posits "emptiness")
has its opposite (equally true) theory which similarly posits a single vision

in his PhD thesis , Stevi initially sets out to solve the "Theory Of Everything"
(TOE) unifying GR & QM , the grail of modern Physics
but ends up arguing (in his final draft) that unification of the two theories is unattainable

true reality is binary
Stevi believes
need a new paradigm entirely
(beyond either a fabric-like surface or a montage of discrete frames)

& maybe this is where religion
actually begins to enter in


by describing Gyd's existence & works in terms of GR & QM
(as Inertia & as Entropy)
u are describing Gyd as a material entity , as a fact (or first-law) of nature
(as a pantheistic deity)

are u sure this is what u
actually want to do ?


What areas are you experiencing interest in within the communication that you understood to you? Within what can be called the whole universe, there is something happening that always happens, something happening that is continuous and something happening that is doing something different. The life that understands the universe with technology is understanding the area that is doing something different only (this is understood in this area as the universal nervous system).

Understanding what can be called the Universe, full and complete, is dependent upon your existence area being able to be united with an interest that is being placed now to what is the continuous area of what can be called the universe. The interest is placed at unity with life doing what is can always do and continue to do and is understood (translated to vocabulary) according to what is able to be seen in your earthly circumstance. The ability to see and the ability to be provided by the Entity that can be called God, a continuous, uninterrupted circulation within your existence area, is required for what I am describing.

How am I using myself? I am using myself understanding something interesting.

The earthly universe exists of course. The soul and spirit is sealed away. However the human immortals souls and spriits are not , they are in eternal condtion. Then there is the actual Heavenly kingdom or universe as you may want to call it. The earthly universe was created in the image of it. However the heavenly kingdom , all beings have wings literally , are way way way bigger and consist of much more well light. Thats where GOD lives literally the father of the heavenly kingdom and the earthly kingdom. So as you can see there is more than one aspect to things.
To me the father is the spirit of life, and Jesus is a man (Like us) who was graced with the Holy Spirit, or rather the love and wisdom of God,
G.D Father is Spirit(sun ). Mother is holy ghost ,knowledge and wisdom of salvation (moon ). Son is spiritual man (morning star or new and morning sun. )
Etu Malku said:
These birds have wings and don't fly (emus, ostriches, kiwis, turkeys, penguins, and rheas) . . . on the other hand certain wingless creatures do fly/glide such as flying squirrels and the flying lemur.
First time I've heard of kiwis or rheas.
First time I've heard of kiwis or rheas.

Please be as specific as possible --

I ask because I'm pretty sure we will have a very broad array of answers here. I personally view God to be the sum total of all things existing, yet infinite in scope. Also, if you suggest that God is the God revealed in the bible, then please be specific about what that means to you.

The term seems to be lost somehow. Its two one male and one female that even though are two are also one as well as well as three. A very complex entity. This is the creator. In the original oldest texts its singular but also plural because of this reason. This complex entity is love literally. The whole thing is center. So what do you call it? Cant just say mother thats half. Cant just say father thats half. Maybe just creator(s) is correct but whats the one word that says that?
Sanskrit Translation and English commentary
by Bhaktivedanta Swami (1896-1977):

Bhagavata Purana Canto 2 Chapter 7 Verse 47:
“What is realized as the Absolute Brahman is full of unlimited bliss without grief. That is certainly the ultimate phase of the supreme enjoyer, the Personality of Godhead. He is eternally void of all disturbances and fearless. He is complete consciousness as opposed to matter. Uncontaminated and without distinctions, He is the principle primeval cause of all causes and effects, in whom there is no sacrifice for fruitive activities and in whom the illusory energy does not stand.”

Commentary by Bhaktivedanta Swami:

The supreme enjoyer, the Personality of Godhead, is the Supreme Brahman or the summum bonum because of His being the supreme cause of all causes. The conception of impersonal Brahman realization is the first step, due to His distinction from the illusory conception of material existence. In other words, impersonal Brahman is a feature of the Absolute distinct from the material variegatedness, just as light is a conception distinct from its counterpart, darkness.

But the light has its variegatedness, which is seen by those who further advance in the light, and thus the ultimate realization of Brahman is the source of the Brahman light, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the summum bonum or the ultimate source of everything. Therefore, meeting the Personality of Godhead includes the realization of the impersonal Brahman as realized at first in contrast with material inebriety.

The Personality of Godhead is the third step of Brahman realization. As explained in the First Canto, one must understand all three features of the Absolute—Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan.

. . . Cont’d . . .


1> Grammer has big difference between creation and creator. Existance has no difference. They can not exist without any one.

For me God is creation and creator both, For me God is Beyond both.

2> Grammer has biggest difference in creation and distruction but existance has no difference.

Anything which gets created in timeframe will definately destroy in timeframe. Infact destruction always exist with creation, it is just a matter of quantity. At the time of creation, destruction is less compaired to creation and vice versa. Every creation gives birth to destruction. Every destruction gives birth to creation.

So for me God is creation,creator,destruction,destructor. Infact the whole existance is God. All lights,all darkness,all goods, all bads,all greats all sins. Infact this goods and bads are man defined accordingly to their belifs and acceptability. Existance has no difference in these all

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That is a cop out. God is an invention of man to explain that which he does not understand. There is no god and never has been.
The god is Within each of us, it is our Genius, our non-duality . . . it is US in the perfect state of singularity. It is the Gold of the Philosopher's Stone, the KIA of Chaos.

"The genius is not something added to oneself. Rather it is a stripping away of excess to reveal the god within." - Peter Carroll 'Liber Null"
That is a cop out. God is an invention of man to explain that which he does not understand. There is no god and never has been.
and isn't it wonderful?

Welcome aboard, is this a drive by or will you be staying awhile?

Now it is often those that join a sandbox for the express purpose of kicking sand in others faces don't have the wherewithal or the inclination to sit down and discuss what is troubling them so that they act out to find love, nor why they have yet to discover the fact that all they have to do is ask....that bullying is not the best method to that end.

The god is Within each of us, it is our Genius, our non-duality . . . it is US in the perfect state of singularity. It is the Gold of the Philosopher's Stone, the KIA of Chaos.

"The genius is not something added to oneself. Rather it is a stripping away of excess to reveal the god within." - Peter Carroll 'Liber Null"
Yes...you and I IS one....
Hi Wil,

I'm not sure if this is what you're getting at but, I don't mean that 'we' are all One and connected to an "All". Rather, we are all 'individual' gods and that what most of us perceive as god is not in fact a god but the Ordered Universe (Objective Universe) which we have personified as said God.

This theory fits nicely with the Gnostic idea of the Demiurge and with Pagan/Polytheistic Beliefs.
God is an invention of man to explain that which he does not understand. There is no god and never has been.
No, that's a cop out.

What it says is, there will always be things man cannot understand, so don't even try to understand it.

Stick with what you can understand (the finite) and just deny the possibility of anything else (the infinite).

I think it's a betrayal of our nature.

God bless,
