Communication.I have always thought of prayer as a form of meditation.
If you believe that, then likewise God would know everything that you will fail to say or ask in a prayer, and my conversation with you would similarly be kind of like talking to a lawn mower. You are thinking of a person as merely a machine, though you don't really think of yourself as merely a machine, do you?Doesn't God already know everything you're going to say in prayer?
No more than I could give you the moon.Can you give us an example of a deed of God?
I submit that you know that some things here are done by you, because you have control over those things. Similarly you know that some things are done by others, as they have control over some things. As a nature lover, you know that the behavior of people and things are partly due to the nature of the genes, and things, per the physical laws. For example a stream does not flow uphill, and a person dies if they do not drink water. What you seem to not know, because you are asking me: Is there proof that anything or anyone else can control things here?
With that in mind, let me jump to a real, but ficticious event. Have you seen Star Wars, where old Ben tells the storm trooper that he does not really need to see his identification? Presuming you have, would you say that the storm trooper was acting by the nature of his genes, his will, or the will of old Ben who apparently had the power to take control of another person? Whether by genes or by spirit, was the storm trooper a trusting person who had no reason to not trust old Ben over his boss? I don't think so. Recall a different scene where Darth Vader chokes one of his officers and says to him, "I find your lack of faith disturbing". Was old Ben just like Darth Vader, finding the storm trooper's faith disturbing, and choking him to teach him who wishes to be boss? Call me crazy if you wish, but I don't think so. The storm trooper did something against his will, and the will of his superiors, and never really knew what affected him. I imagine later he looks back and wonders why he chose to do it. From my perspective, it wasn't really his choice. So then, either old Ben was more than a man, or there is some force that heard, believed in old Ben, or for whatever reason chose to give old Ben safe passage past that storm trooper.
The movie is a real, but ficticious example. I did not invent it. Similarly if I tell you stories from my life, then you will prefer to think of them as real, but perhaps equally ficticious. You should get your own real life stories. If you were old Ben in that event, non-fiction, then you would know whether you had control over the storm trooper or not, correct? If you willfully controlled the storm trooper, then you were just tricking him with some sort of mind trick. If you were just communicating honestly though, and you had that uncertainty of whether the storm trooper or some other spirit would act per your interest or not, then you would know that it was not you. The only thing left to wonder then is whether the storm trooper did willfully choose to let you pass, whether it were his unconscious interest to trust you, or whether some other powerful spirit helped preserve you from that storm trooper. If you got to know the storm trooper a little more, then you would know whether or not it was his spirit to let you pass. If that ficticious event were real to you, having ruled out other causes, then I submit you would start to see that there is a higher power. Perhaps though, similarly if you were Darth Vader, since he clearly had some measure of faith in him too.
A lot of events unfold with time, especially with God, so definitely not at first. Further down the road I would look back and wonder, kind of like that storm trooper though. I see correlations that I suspect are due to God, but without being a part of it, who can be sure?Can one see a deed of God without interacting with God?
If a gift appears on your doorstep, you know that you received the gift, but you don't know the spirit behind it. Is it something good? Is it something you will appreciate, or detest? Who is it from? What was their motivation? Could it be that someone is trying to manipulate you? Could it be a bomb? Who really knows until you delve a little further into the relationship?
Sort of gives new meaning to the word 'storm trooper'? I didn't know there was a drought, I didn't pray for it, I didn't make it, and neither was I given any advanced warning of that specific weather event. While it is possible that God had a part in it, I have no idea. I tend to see most weather as natural phenomenon that is largely being impacted by human activity and ignorance. That said, I do occasionally see some interesting correlations.Do you consider the recent drought in Oklahoma/Texas a deed of God?