Eat from the Tree of Knowledge and You Will Die?

It is perfectly good being a "theological mutt", but please, recognize they are pointing at the same thing and try to discover the different experiences each has had in finding it. There is but one destination, although even the circle has 360 degrees at its perimeter. The object is the center, but which radius is used is irrelevant.

Eventually you will have to drop this craving for knowledge though, what good is knowledge if it is not utilized? Eventually, you have to stop the preparation and actually do.
Distinct? Yes! Separate? No! We all belong to and are a part of the "All", the great "I Am". All is one and one is all (if that makes any sense).

Who is the one that is asserting "I am" though?

You are a unique expression arising out of that, but what is that?

Do not say "God", look and see!
It is perfectly good being a "theological mutt", but please, recognize they are pointing at the same thing and try to discover the different experiences each has had in finding it. There is but one destination, although even the circle has 360 degrees at its perimeter. The object is the center, but which radius is used is irrelevant.

Many paths/traditions leading towards one destination? I can't disagree with this sentiment, nor can I argue about the experience of discovery. We each learn, grow, evolve, and develop in our own good time, thus it is our experiences that will ultimately lead us to the center.
Man is as a thought arising in the mind... when the thought of anger arises, we identify with it and say we are angry. Have we been transformed in some way though? No, we have simply dropped ourselves for a moment and ran with the thought... later we realize what has happened and feel stupid for what we have done out of anger...
Many paths/traditions leading towards one destination? I can't disagree with this sentiment, nor can I argue about the experience of discovery. We each learn, grow, evolve, and develop in our own good time, thus it is our experiences that will ultimately lead us to the center.

I say growth is an illusion, that you can drop it THIS MOMENT and arrive at the destination. You want it to seem gradual, you want to think you are progressing, but it is not so - you are simply acquiring knowledge, you remain the same... maybe just with some more disputes in your mind.
I say growth is an illusion, that you can drop it THIS MOMENT and arrive at the destination. You want it to seem gradual, you want to think you are progressing, but it is not so - you are simply acquiring knowledge, you remain the same... maybe just with some more disputes in your mind.
Everyone really needs to stop listening to you, you are so off the mark it is not funny.

Life is a task, the better the task is done the better the next life becomes, to the zenith where the mundane/objective universe is no longer necessary in order for you to fully realize your Self (Self Awareness). We take it from there wherever it may go.

Every Principle of the Universe operates this way, evolution of the physical as well as the spirit (Ka).

Surrendering the Self to anything is Spiritual Death.
I feel sorry for you Lunitik, you are going Nowhere, because you 'believe' you are already there.
I say growth is an illusion, that you can drop it THIS MOMENT and arrive at the destination. You want it to seem gradual, you want to think you are progressing, but it is not so - you are simply acquiring knowledge, you remain the same... maybe just with some more disputes in your mind.

Here I have to disagree with you. We cannot help but to obtain knowledge, yet that knowledge comes with a price. We in effect gain more understanding only to gain more uncertainty as well. Sometimes I think it is an endless journey, a cycle, and one we will continue our entire lives. I think the "center" you speak of is more about developing the appropriate frame of mind than it is about destination. You too will continue to develop your mind, despite how you feel about knowledge, Lunitik. We never stop growing or learning, and it is because of this that life stays interesting (imo).
Wouldn't harmfulness be an effect of a lack of goodness?
Not necessarily.

What is good, then? How would you define good? Would good be considered something beneficial, pleasant, or positive? Why would you suggest that our concepts of good and evil are not part of the same value judgment cycle? The cycle is very similar to light and darkness, heat and cold, etc. Surely you can see the connection.

We make judgments based on our personal perceptions of what we deem to be wrong and right. Our judgement of these things evolve just as we evolve as a people. Take gay marriage for instance. Would it have even been an issue 50 years ago? As we further develop as a society, I think our judgement of such things evolve.

Stoning adulterous woman was once considered good and perfectly acceptable, right? The point is that our perceptions of good and evil change as we continue to develop our sense of morality. Perhaps it would be best to call [good] "pro-social" behavior and [evil] "anti-social" behavior? It doesn't matter in the end, as they are and will continue to belong to the same value judgement cycle.
Was stoning adulterers "pro-social" behaviour? :confused:

Is "pro-social" behaviour is reactive towards anti-social behaviour, and thus dependent upon it?

Would it? Who decides when the one ends and the other begins?
In this case, the one doing the labeling. Does labeling something "dimly lit" or "dark" cause harm? Does it spring from or lead to greed, hate or delusion?

It can be argued both ways, but the active component of the two would surely be pro social (good) as opposed to anti social (evil).
I would disagree. Your arrangement excludes wu wei. {See below}

Pro-social behavior, and yes it is active (imo).
Was eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil a "pro social" or an "anti social" act? The Taoist solution would be wu wei.
In the Tao Te Ching 38 that was posted recently in this thread, you can see different manifestations and degradations of so-called "pro-social behaviours" as a result of losing the Tao and the virtues, eventually ending up in a "police state."

Wei wu wei is "action without action." After all, the Tao that can be "tao'd" is not the true Tao. (See Tao Te Ching 1)
Was stoning adulterers "pro-social" behaviour? :confused:

No, which is the reason I made the distinction between 'thinking' if was good and acceptable behavior in contrast to the moral standards we hold in today's world.

Is "pro-social" behaviour is reactive towards anti-social behaviour, and thus dependent upon it?

Dependent on anti social behavior? I don't think so. Neither depend upon the other, but we have adopted certain laws in order to help keep anti social behavior in check.

In this case, the one doing the labeling. Does labeling something "dimly lit" or "dark" cause harm? Does it spring from or lead to greed, hate or delusion?

No, but that's the beside the point. You suggested that the point where dark begins and light ends could be measured, you suggested that one could measure the point where hot becomes cold, but this isn't the case. Think about a straight thermometer and how it works. On the top portion you have heat represented and on the bottom cold, yet you cannot separate the heat from cold as they belong together. Cold is simply an absence of heat. The less heat present the colder it becomes.

I apply this same principle to "good and evil". There are many shades of grey area between the two extremes, thus you cannot pinpoint where good ends and evil begins, as they too belong together. Evil is simply the absence of good. Darkness is the absence of light, but if you prefer viewing good to be the absence of evil, then I suppose that will work as well. I prefer viewing it the way I have presented, hoowever.

I would disagree. Your arrangement excludes wu wei. {See below}

Was eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil a "pro social" or an "anti social" act? The Taoist solution would be wu wei.
In the Tao Te Ching 38 that was posted recently in this thread, you can see different manifestations and degradations of so-called "pro-social behaviours" as a result of losing the Tao and the virtues, eventually ending up in a "police state."

Wei wu wei is "action without action." After all, the Tao that can be "tao'd" is not the true Tao. (See Tao Te Ching 1)

I'm not a student of Tao philosophy. What I've been attempting to convey is more of a hermetic type philosophy. As for Eve eating the fruit, I don't think it was pro social or anti social. I do however think that what came after was anti social. As you should know by now, I don't think they gained any wisdom at all, nor do I believe evil came into existence by eating from the tree.

I do however believe it was the beginning of a new way of life for them, one in which they would begin to lean on their own understanding of things, their own idea of wisdom. Over time, humanity became extremely anti social, cruel, deceitful, greedy, power hungry, etc.

This thread is about the knowledge of good and evil and the forbidden tree. I suggested that there was no tree able to impart wisdom or the knowledge of evil, but rather it was all in their heads. Kinda like how teenagers start thinking for themselves and often times think they are more wise than their parents. I liken it to be a story about us coming of age when we leave home to make it our own and apart from our parents.

Anyway, I am enjoying the exchange, seattlegal! :)
Dependent on anti social behavior? I don't think so. Neither depend upon the other, but we have adopted certain laws in order to help keep anti social behavior in check.
Perhaps it would be best to call [good] "pro-social" behavior and [evil] "anti-social" behavior? It doesn't matter in the end, as they are and will continue to belong to the same value judgement cycle.
Then how are they a continuum where finding the fine line defining one from the other comes in? How do you reconcile the defining it both ways?
No, but that's the beside the point. You suggested that the point where dark begins and light ends could be measured, you suggested that one could measure the point where hot becomes cold, but this isn't the case. Think about a straight thermometer and how it works. On the top portion you have heat represented and on the bottom cold, yet you cannot separate the heat from cold as they belong together. Cold is simply an absence of heat. The less heat present the colder it becomes.

I apply this same principle to "good and evil". There are many shades of grey area between the two extremes, thus you cannot pinpoint where good ends and evil begins, as they too belong together. Evil is simply the absence of good. Darkness is the absence of light, but if you prefer viewing good to be the absence of evil, then I suppose that will work as well. I prefer viewing it the way I have presented, hoowever.
Again compare to your previous quote:
Perhaps it would be best to call [good] "pro-social" behavior and [evil] "anti-social" behavior? It doesn't matter in the end, as they are and will continue to belong to the same value judgement cycle.
If "evil" is a lack of "good," then that would make man inherently evil then, no? Are you sure you want to make that call?
From a Christian standpoint, darkness came before light, so things are inherently dark. In Genesis, God calls creation "very good." Wouldn't that mean that creation is inherently good? How does that jive with your argument that leads toward making man inherently evil, with evil being a lack of goodness as darkness is a lack of light? Granted, God didn't call creation "very good" until after light was created. So which came first, goodness or evil?

I'm not a student of Tao philosophy. What I've been attempting to convey is more of a hermetic type philosophy. As for Eve eating the fruit, I don't think it was pro social or anti social. I do however think that what came after was anti social. As you should know by now, I don't think they gained any wisdom at all, nor do I believe evil came into existence by eating from the tree.

I do however believe it was the beginning of a new way of life for them, one in which they would begin to lean on their own understanding of things, their own idea of wisdom. Over time, humanity became extremely anti social, cruel, deceitful, greedy, power hungry, etc.
Well, just by looking at the Genesis account, the anti-social behaviour started right away, with Adam blaming Eve, (and indirectly blaming God by saying, "the woman YOU gave to be with me,") and with Eve blaming the serpent for tempting her.

This thread is about the knowledge of good and evil and the forbidden tree. I suggested that there was no tree able to impart wisdom or the knowledge of evil, but rather it was all in their heads. Kinda like how teenagers start thinking for themselves and often times think they are more wise than their parents. I liken it to be a story about us coming of age when we leave home to make it our own and apart from our parents.
I agree with you in that it is a mind thing. :)

Anyway, I am enjoying the exchange, seattlegal! :)
Me too! :)
Then how are they a continuum where finding the fine line defining one from the other comes in? How do you reconcile the defining it both ways?

I think that was my point; they are both difficult to define in the mid area of the continuum. At extremes we are able to define what is good and what is not, right? In the mid area they become far less concrete.

If "evil" is a lack of "good," then that would make man inherently evil then, no? Are you sure you want to make that call?
From a Christian standpoint, darkness came before light, so things are inherently dark. In Genesis, God calls creation "very good." Wouldn't that mean that creation is inherently good? How does that jive with your argument that leads toward making man inherently evil, with evil being a lack of goodness as darkness is a lack of light? Granted, God didn't call creation "very good" until after light was created. So which came first, goodness or evil?

I'm of the mind that God came first, thus all things are inherently good, being that all things derived from God, and even more so mankind who was made in God's image. Btw, darkness is not evil; it is merely an absence of light. Darkness and Evil are not the same bird, even though they are often used synonymously in the writ. I myself think they imply a lack of an active component. In the case of darkness, the active component would be light, whereas the active component would be good in the case of evil.

Well, just by looking at the Genesis account, the anti-social behaviour started right away, with Adam blaming Eve, (and indirectly blaming God by saying, "the woman YOU gave to be with me,") and with Eve blaming the serpent for tempting her.

:) The blame game would be considered somewhat anti-social, eh? Good catch!
Yes, what you say is you at this time will die, all the constructs of ego will die.

What remains is truth, and truth is the real life.
"absence of light", kind of ignorance. It is my suggestion that the ignorance is due to over identification with inert matter.


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge,I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Is this along the lines of what you are implying, radarmark? If ignorance (lack of knowledge/understanding) is due to over identification with inert matter, then what would you consider knowledge to be?
Ignorance is lack of understanding, of knowing truth (or at least how to go about knowing how to decrease error). Ignorance, knowledge, understanding are all non-material things... mental-based experiences that have correspondence to some physical things or spiritual-based experiences that have seome correspondence to mental or physical things.
Ignorance is lack of understanding, of knowing truth (or at least how to go about knowing how to decrease error). Ignorance, knowledge, understanding are all non-material things... mental-based experiences that have correspondence to some physical things or spiritual-based experiences that have seome correspondence to mental or physical things.

So how do we know that we know that we understand truth? I apologize for all the questions; it just seems that some truth's are elusive, thus we are all ignorant, which would imply (according to your understanding) that we are all evil.