The Only Way to Escape Hell

Ben Masada

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The only way to escape Hell.

That's from one of Jesus' parables. The one about the Riichman and Lazarus. There was a certain rich man, who, somehow, due to his opulence and pride, as well as his uncharitable life, he ended up with his being thrown in Hell as his afterlife punishment. Lazarus, on the other hand, due to his patience in spite of his ordeal, got to go to Heaven, which in Jesus' words, meant the bosom of Abraham.

And in Hell, the Richman lifted up his eyes, being in torments, look at Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and asked for mercy, if not for him, for his family. If he could send Lazarus to his family to testify to them, so that they could escape the torments of Hell. Then, Jesus, through Abraham's mouth said: "They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them."

The Richman insisted that if one went to them from the dead, they would repent. Then, Jesus, through Abraham, said that "If they don't listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."

This prophectic parable has been fulfilled every day for about 2000 years. Christians believe that Jesus has been raised from the dead, but it seems to me, there is no way to persuade them to listen to Moses and the Prophets.

The expression "Moses and the Prophets" means the Law in one word. Christians prefer to listen to Paul and not to Moses. They either do not believe Jesus' words or that Hell does not exist. It was just a parable anyway, what the heck? At least, believe the Prophets for a change. The only way to set things right with God, so that our sins become as white as snow is to repent from our transgressions to the
Law and return to obey it. Jesus couldn't have been more clear, that to listen to Moses is the only way to escape Hell.
The only way to escape Hell.
That's from one of Jesus' parables.
The point is, the teaching if from Jesus ... I don't think traditional Judaism would necessarily agree with Him, either.

... got to go to Heaven, which in Jesus' words, meant the bosom of Abraham
Actually, it doesn't. 'The bosom of Abraham' means the place wherein souls reside until Christ has completed His salvific mission. So, if you read the whole text, it's a commentary on the Jews' inability to obey the Law of Abraham, and the potential for human intransigence even in the face of the Resurrection.

They either do not believe Jesus' words or that Hell does not exist.
If you have the Living Word, then you need neither Moses nor the prophets, who were mouth-pieces for the Living Word.

God bless,

The only way to escape Hell.

That's from one of Jesus' parables. The one about the Riichman and Lazarus. There was a certain rich man, who, somehow, due to his opulence and pride, as well as his uncharitable life, he ended up with his being thrown in Hell as his afterlife punishment. Lazarus, on the other hand, due to his patience in spite of his ordeal, got to go to Heaven, which in Jesus' words, meant the bosom of Abraham.

And in Hell, the Richman lifted up his eyes, being in torments, look at Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and asked for mercy, if not for him, for his family. If he could send Lazarus to his family to testify to them, so that they could escape the torments of Hell. Then, Jesus, through Abraham's mouth said: "They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them."

The Richman insisted that if one went to them from the dead, they would repent. Then, Jesus, through Abraham, said that "If they don't listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."

This prophectic parable has been fulfilled every day for about 2000 years. Christians believe that Jesus has been raised from the dead, but it seems to me, there is no way to persuade them to listen to Moses and the Prophets.

The expression "Moses and the Prophets" means the Law in one word. Christians prefer to listen to Paul and not to Moses. They either do not believe Jesus' words or that Hell does not exist. It was just a parable anyway, what the heck? At least, believe the Prophets for a change. The only way to set things right with God, so that our sins become as white as snow is to repent from our transgressions to the
Law and return to obey it. Jesus couldn't have been more clear, that to listen to Moses is the only way to escape Hell.

What is hell? A place bad people go who don't follow the Mosaic law? I prefer love over the law and not because of Paul, but because it makes more sense than trying to follow a bunch of rules. Which do you think is more acceptable to God? To follow the Mosaic law because we feel obligated or to live our lives through love and serve the needs of one another because we truly find pleasure in doing so?
The point is, the teaching if from Jesus ... I don't think traditional Judaism would necessarily agree with Him, either.

Why, because you think that Jesus was against Judaism? Big mistake! Jesus was a loyal Jew, whose mission was to confirm Torah down to the letter, even to the dot of the letter. (Mat. 5:17-19) Such a Jew, all Jews agree with him. Paul was the one whom we could never agree with, and still don't.

Actually, it doesn't. 'The bosom of Abraham' means the place wherein souls reside until Christ has completed His salvific mission. So, if you read the whole text, it's a commentary on the Jews' inability to obey the Law of Abraham, and the potential for human intransigence even in the face of the Resurrection.

Souls reside nowhere independent of a living human being. Soul is not something that we have but that we are. When, metaphorically, God formed man from the dust of the earth, He breathed in his nostrils and man became a living soul. (Gen. 2:7) We are what we become. Soul is but a condition of being alive. Once we die, the body goes back to the dust and the breath of life back to God. Back to God is an euphemistic expression to mean, it's gone. (Eccl. 12:7) Jesus' mission was not to save but to revive the spirituality of Judaism. Every one of us is supposed to die for his or her own iniquity. (Jer. 31:30) And the only law of Abraham was the everlasting circumcision on the 8th day of life. We literally obey that law. And as bodily resurrection is concerned, that's against the Scriptures and natural laws. So much so, that I have never found a Christian who could show me an eyewitness to the resurrection of Jesus in the NT. And that's because it never happened.

If you have the Living Word, then you need neither Moses nor the prophets, who were mouth-pieces for the Living Word.

Jesus once said that the Truth is the Word of God. (John 17:17) That's the Word which was given to Israel only and to no other people on earth. (Psalm 147:19,20) Therefore, if there is a people who have the Living Word, that's the Jewish People, if you believe Jesus and the Psalmist.

Why, because you think that Jesus was against Judaism?
--He Breaks the Sabbath, he Killed hundreds of people, Christianity is Pure Antisemitic

Souls reside nowhere independent of a living human being. Soul is not something that we have but that we are. When, metaphorically, God formed man from the dust of the earth, He breathed in his nostrils and man became a living soul. (Gen. 2:7) We are what we become. Soul is but a condition of being alive. Once we die, the body goes back to the dust and the breath of life back to God. Back to God is an euphemistic expression to mean, it's gone. (Eccl. 12:7) Jesus' mission was not to save but to revive the spirituality of Judaism. Every one of us is supposed to die for his or her own iniquity. (Jer. 31:30) And the only law of Abraham was the everlasting circumcision on the 8th day of life. We literally obey that law. And as bodily resurrection is concerned, that's against the Scriptures and natural laws. So much so, that I have never found a Christian who could show me an eyewitness to the resurrection of Jesus in the NT. And that's because it never happened.

The Elements of Creation | The Unspoken Bible
Air was thought of as the primary non-material creative element. It is an animating element, the spirit of the gods and the soul of humans. That it could be felt and not seen made it seem all the more mysterious.
Air is not mentioned explicitly; "Spirit" was translated from the Hebrew rauch, meaning wind or breath. "Soul", by the way, is translated from nepesh, meaning breathing creature. In the Greek New Testament, soul comes from psuche, meaning breathe. Ghost or Spirit derives from Pneuma, meaning a current of air or breath.
Soul always refers to humans. Spirit (capital S) refers to God and spirit (small s) is synonymous with soul. In what is technically known as dualism, until the 17th century it was believed that soul and body were two different entities.
7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Gen. 2.7 KJV)
3And his soul was drawn to Dinah the daughter of Jacob... (Gen. 34:3)
18And as her soul was departing (for she died)... (Gen. 34:18)
8So in the morning his spirit was troubled... (Gen 41:8)
27...the spirit of their father Jacob revived (Gen. 45:27)
Ancients were correct in seeing that breathing was necessary for life, but they had the sequence backwards. Breathing sustains life; it does not cause life. By their way of thinking, life is like a balloon: we live when air enters us and we die when air leaves us. To think that spirits animate gods and humans is like saying power makes motors move.

Circumcision originated from Ancient Egypt, as a mean to improve there Sexual Activities, improve sex drive, they would never do such acts upon Children

"re-erection" of the penis

"Resurrection" also means a "standing up/upright" or "rising up", i.e.,
"re-erection" of the penis or phallic god. John 5:29; "The re-erection
of (the) life (staff/penis)."

Lazarus (The God Osiris, Phallic God), Jesus came to Re-ERECT Osiris, the God of the dead
Why, because you think that Jesus was against Judaism?
He Breaks the Sabbath, he Killed hundreds of people, Christianity is Pure Antisemitic.

Please, quote your assertions. Where is it written that Jesus killed hundreds of people? Christianity has always been an antisemitic religious organization, but Jesus never had anything to do with Christianity, which was founded by Paul. (Acts 11:26)

The Elements of Creation | The Unspoken Bible
Air was thought of as the primary non-material creative element. It is an animating element, the spirit of the gods and the soul of humans. That it could be felt and not seen made it seem all the more mysterious. Air is not mentioned explicitly;

Air is not the soul of humans. Air is the breath of life, breathed into man's nostrils, so that he could become a living soul. (Gen. 2:7)

Soul always refers to humans. Spirit (capital S) refers to God and spirit (small s) is synonymous with soul. In what is technically known as dualism, until the 17th century it was believed that soul and body were two different entities.

Spirit is not synonymous with soul. Spirit is synonymous with breath of life.

3And his soul was drawn to Dinah the daughter of Jacob... (Gen. 34:3)

Not the soul of Shechem, but Shechem himself clung to Dinah.

18And as her soul was departing (for she died)... (Gen. 34:18)

Genesis 34:18 says nothing about Dinah's death.

8So in the morning his spirit was troubled... (Gen 41:8)

Metaphorical expression to mean that the man himself was troubled.

Circumcision originated from Ancient Egypt, as a mean to improve there Sexual Activities, improve sex drive, they would never do such acts upon Children.

On the contrary. One of the aims of circumcision was to inhibit the excesses of libido in order to enhance moderation in the practice of sexuality.

Now there was on the mountainside a great herd of pigs feeding.
All the demons(Jews) begged him, saying,
"Send us into the pigs, that we may enter into them."
At once Jesus gave them permission.
The unclean spirits came out and entered into the pigs.
The herd of about two thousand rushed down the steep bank into the sea,
and they were drowned in the sea(Galilee)

This is actually referring to the Jewish Massacre of 70AD, hundreds of Jews Died in Galille when the Romans destroyer there boats

Pigs = Ships (from Greek legend of Circa) (Origin of Islamic Jew-Pig Comparison)
Demon, from Latin "daemon" also means "Spirit" or "Lesser beings" ( A Gospel Insult Joke)

X. 9. Now those which were driven into the lake could neither fly to the land, where all was in their enemy’s hand, and in war against them, nor could they fight upon the surface of the sea(Galilee), for their boats were small and fitted only for piracy; they were too weak to fight with Vespasian’s vessels... as for those that endeavoured to come to actual fight, the Romans ran many of them through with their long poles. Sometimes the Romans leaped into their boats, with swords in hand and slew them;.. And for such as were drowning in the sea, if they lifted their heads up above the water they were either killed by the darts, or caught by the vessels... one might see the lake all bloody, and full of bodies, for not one of them escaped... The number of the slain,... was six thousand and five hundred.

Your Fellow Jews where KILLED, and your defending JESUS .... Some Jew you are
What is hell? A place bad people go who don't follow the Mosaic law? I prefer love over the law and not because of Paul, but because it makes more sense than trying to follow a bunch of rules. Which do you think is more acceptable to God? To follow the Mosaic law because we feel obligated or to live our lives through love and serve the needs of one another because we truly find pleasure in doing so?

Hell is what we cause to each other here on earth. Therefore, a condition rather than a place to go to. In a parable though, it can be anything, as long as a certain message is meant to be forwarded.

There is no such a thing as a preference of love over the Law. The two go together like the two rails a train runs on. What do you mean by a bunch of rules? If you mean the 613 Jewish commandments, they do not apply to you. Your obligation is restricted to the Seven Noahide laws.

Now, for your question about what is more acceptable to God whether we obey His Law from the duty point of view or as a result of love, Jesus specified no difference, because, in fact, there is no difference. Either way, we must listen to Moses if we intend to escape the consequences of not to.(Luke 16:29-31) Here, it does not matter how but what.
Now there was on the mountainside a great herd of pigs feeding.
All the demons(Jews) begged him, saying,
"Send us into the pigs, that we may enter into them."
At once Jesus gave them permission.
The unclean spirits came out and entered into the pigs.
The herd of about two thousand rushed down the steep bank into the sea,
and they were drowned in the sea(Galilee)

This is actually referring to the Jewish Massacre of 70AD, hundreds of Jews Died in Galille when the Romans destroyer there boats

Pigs = Ships (from Greek legend of Circa) (Origin of Islamic Jew-Pig Comparison)
Demon, from Latin "daemon" also means "Spirit" or "Lesser beings" ( A Gospel Insult Joke)

Your Fellow Jews where KILLED, and your defending JESUS .... Some Jew you are

This of comparing Jews with pigs is an antisemitic message to promote the Pauline policy of Replacement Theology. The opposite is rather true that Jesus was the one who compared Gentiles to dogs and pigs.

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was addressing himself to a crowd of Jews, according to Mat. 5:1; 7:28. If Jesus was talking to the Jews, whom was he referring to, if not the Gentiles, as he warned the Jews not to give to the dogs what is holy, and not to throw their pearls before swine? That's in Mat. 7:6.

Besides, every time Jesus sent his disciples on a mission to teach about the Kingdom of God, he would warn them not to go the way of the Gentiles and not even enter a Samaritan town. That's also in Mat. 10:5. You should read your NT sometimes.

And regarding my defense of Jesus, it is only because he was a loyal Jew who came to confirm Judaism down to the letter, even to the dot of he letter, according to Mat. 5:17-19. And there is nothing, nowhere, that he ever killed a single Jew. All the killing of Jews was done by the Christianity of Paul, starting with himself, according to Acts 9:1 and all the way down through pogroms, blood libels, Crusades, Inquisition and the Holocaust.
This of comparing Jews with pigs is an antisemitic message to promote the Pauline policy of Replacement Theology. The opposite is rather true that Jesus was the one who compared Gentiles to dogs and pigs.

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was addressing himself to a crowd of Jews, according to Mat. 5:1; 7:28. If Jesus was talking to the Jews, whom was he referring to, if not the Gentiles, as he warned the Jews not to give to the dogs what is holy, and not to throw their pearls before swine? That's in Mat. 7:6.

Besides, every time Jesus sent his disciples on a mission to teach about the Kingdom of God, he would warn them not to go the way of the Gentiles and not even enter a Samaritan town. That's also in Mat. 10:5. You should read your NT sometimes.

And regarding my defense of Jesus, it is only because he was a loyal Jew who came to confirm Judaism down to the letter, even to the dot of he letter, according to Mat. 5:17-19. And there is nothing, nowhere, that he ever killed a single Jew. All the killing of Jews was done by the Christianity of Paul, starting with himself, according to Acts 9:1 and all the way down through pogroms, blood libels, Crusades, Inquisition and the Holocaust.

Jews would know that "Demon is not a Jewish Belief, neither HELL, all of these concepts, are Roman-Grecian, with Zoroastrian/Egyptian Influences.

When Jesus Say he drowned 2000 Pigs, it means HE KILLED 2000 Jews, the Gospels writers trying to pacify the 70AD Jewish War.

Anti-Jew Josephus(Sabinus) Flavius INVENTED ALL BELOW , Quotations to Books of Josephus
Gospels symbolism found in Josephus Writings (because he wrote it)
(A) He speaks of the “skill” of expelling demons. (pg. 125, 173) - (Ant. B. VI, Ch. II, 1; Ant. B. VIII, Ch. II, 5)
(B) He is the first to speak of a “laser root,” which in later mythology becomes the “mandrake root.” (pg. 42, 595-596) - (Ant. B. I, Ch. XIX, 8; Wars of Jews., Book. VII, Ch. VI, 3)
(C) He perpetuates the idea of “signs” and omens. See the omen of the ‘owl’. (pg. 386) (Ant. B. XVIII, Ch. VI, 7) And also; (pg. 412) (Ant. B. XIX, Ch. VIII, 2)
(D) The idea of “Ghosts.” (pg. 112, 266) - (Ant. B. V, Ch. II, 8; Ant. B. XII, Ch. XI, 2)
(E) The idea of “Angels.” (pg. 119) (Antiquities of the Jews, B. V, Ch. VIII, 3)
(F) “Evil Spirits and Demons.” (pg. 136) (Ant. B. VI, Ch. XI, 2)
(G) Fortune Tellers and “Mediums” (pg. 143) (Ant. B. VI, Ch. XIV, 2)
(H) Prophets telling the future and showing “signs”, wonders and miracles. (pg. 184, 429) (Ant. B. VIII, Ch. VIII, 5; Wars of the Jews, Preface, 11)
(I) The idea of “Witches.” (pg. 202) (Ant. B. VIII, Ch. VI, 3)
(J) He invented the saying of “Grace.” (pg. 250) (Ant. B. XII, Ch. II, 12)
(K) The idea of “Royal Birthright,” which we no longer believe in today.
(pg. 348) (Ant. B. XVI, Ch. VIII, 1)
(L) An eclipse of the moon as a “sign,” a “sign” that could be predicted with accuracy by the astronomers and High Priests of the day (pg. 365) (Ant. B. XVII, Ch. VI, 4)
(M) “Some Supernatural Providence” (pg. 432) Providence (Supernatural), ordained, divine (pg. 466) (W. of J, B. I, Ch. III, 6; W. B. II, Ch. XXXI, 3)
(N) Promoted the phrase “God Forbid.” (pg. 528) (W. B. IV, Ch. III, 10)
(O) Other “signs,” such as a star resembling a sword and a comet that continued a whole year. Check on this! We should be able to tell by what we know about astronomy today if this is really a true statement. (pg. 582) Note that he speaks of these ‘signs’ as appearing before the destruction of Jerusalem. (Wars, B. VI, Ch. V, 3)
(P) He writes of religion as being (for those who can “see” it) as the most profitable “business,” saying, “... to make the altar every day fat with sacrifices of great value.” (pg. 205) (Ant. B. IX, Ch. VIII, 2)

Josephus originates Christian HELL (yet not a Jewish belief)
1. NOW as to Hades, wherein the souls of the of the good things they see, and rejoice in the righteous and unrighteous are detained, it is necessary to speak of it. Hades is a place in the world not regularly finished; a subterraneous region, wherein the light of this world does not shine; from which circumstance, that in this region the light does not shine, it cannot be but there must be in it perpetual darkness. This region is allotted as a place of custody for souls, ill which angels are appointed as guardians to them, who distribute to them temporary punishments, agreeable to every one's behavior and manners.
All the killing of Jews was done by the Christianity of Paul, starting with himself, according to Acts 9:1 and all the way down through pogroms, blood libels, Crusades, Inquisition and the Holocaust.

Acts 14:12-18
And they called Barnabas, Jupiter, and Paul, Mercury, because he was the chief speaker.

Jupiter [iove-yhwh] is God of Heaven, whilst Mercury[hermes] Gives people to the Underworld
Hermes was depicted as the only god besides Hades

Barnabas is another word form of Jesus [Jesus has about 7 names in the gospels]

In Fact, this quote of Act, makes it obvious then Josephus did write the Gospels

Josephus writes
1. NOW as to Hades, wherein the souls of the of the good things they see, and rejoice in the righteous and unrighteous are detained, it is necessary to speak of it. Hades is a place in the world not regularly finished; a subterraneous region, wherein the light of this world does not shine

See, Josephus Invents those Concepts, and Satan is associated with Light that does not Shine, which is not JEWISH, its Roman/Greek

also the concept of Good and Evil righteous and unrighteous whom go to heaven or Hell

and that Hell is in the Ground a subterraneous region,

Josephus[Sabinus] is Anti-Pax

<rolling in the aisles, :p>

Methinks I smell more than a little misogyny from he who stated "Josephus originated misogyny".

<ah, "wit, wit, why have you forsaken me" ... found that hidden in the text on pages 4 and 5 of Divos' book :p>
Ben Masada said:
This prophectic parable has been fulfilled every day for about 2000 years. Christians believe that Jesus has been raised from the dead, but it seems to me, there is no way to persuade them to listen to Moses and the Prophets.
Christians do believe in Moses and the Prophets. Christians haven't got people coming out of the graves, but they have Moses and the prophets in Bibles, which many of them read regularly or hear about them in sermons and lessons. Not that Moses and the Prophets are easy reading or that anybody seems to know how to read them. That being said, Moses and the prophets didn't write to Christians. They wrote to Jews, and what is the harm if Christians skim off the top? This counter-Paul argument seems new. He's been gone a long time. Why now?
Christians do believe in Moses and the Prophets. Christians haven't got people coming out of the graves, but they have Moses and the prophets in Bibles, which many of them read regularly or hear about them in sermons and lessons. Not that Moses and the Prophets are easy reading or that anybody seems to know how to read them. That being said, Moses and the prophets didn't write to Christians. They wrote to Jews, and what is the harm if Christians skim off the top? This counter-Paul argument seems new. He's been gone a long time. Why now?

I was born now and not at his time. If I had been born at his time, I would have fought him as vehemently as I do now. But that's okay; he has many disciples on the front making his Christianity stronger and stronger. My hands are full, as I have a lot of work to do.
Christians do believe in Moses and the Prophets. Christians haven't got people coming out of the graves, but they have Moses and the prophets in Bibles, which many of them read regularly or hear about them in sermons and lessons. Not that Moses and the Prophets are easy reading or that anybody seems to know how to read them. That being said, Moses and the prophets didn't write to Christians. They wrote to Jews, and what is the harm if Christians skim off the top? This counter-Paul argument seems new. He's been gone a long time. Why now?
If christians dont believe in moses then why does the christian bible have the old testament in it? Also the new testament refers to the song of moses.
"In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets. "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. But the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

It is written;
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple8 The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the Lord are true all of them just.

Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord.

I remember your name in the night, O Lord, and keep your law.

Let your mercy come to me, that I may live; for your law is my joy.

Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and your law is the truth

I long for your salvation, O Lord, and your law is my joy.
My teaching is not my own it comes from the one who sent me.
Whoever chooses to do his will shall know about this teaching namely, whether it comes from God or whether I‘m speaking on my own.
Whoever speaks on his own seeks his own glory, but whoever seeks the glory of the one who sent him is truthful, and there is no dishonesty in his heart.
Stop judging by appearances, judge justly.
Yet I did not come on my own, the one who is true sent me, Him you do not know.
I know him, because I come from him, he’s the one who sent me.

I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.
Everything that the Lord gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes to me,
because I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me.
Hell, what a concept. The way I see it, if Adolph Hitler really had a change of heart after he fired the round into his brain, but before it got there, the Lutherian god would slow time to let him accept Jesus as Savior and forgiven his sins (including the last one, killing himself). Meanwhile Ghandiji had heard three times and had refused to accept three times.

I would rather stand shoulder to shoulder with Ghandi in Hell than to be in Heaven with Hitler.

Panta Rhei!(Everything Flows!)
Hell, what a concept. The way I see it, if Adolph Hitler really had a change of heart after he fired the round into his brain, but before it got there, the Lutherian god would slow time to let him accept Jesus as Savior and forgiven his sins (including the last one, killing himself). Meanwhile Ghandiji had heard three times and had refused to accept three times.

I would rather stand shoulder to shoulder with Ghandi in Hell than to be in Heaven with Hitler.

Panta Rhei!(Everything Flows!)

Princely Wrote;

You can't just accept Jesus as your savior to be saved.There is a function to perform to enter the narrow gate.Jesus said that to have faith in Him you must do the works He did.Read my posts and you will get a view of what He says, and if you choose you can do the will of the Lord and the son of man to find out for yourself.Then again you can continue in the dark and hope for the best.

The son of man says;

"The man who has faith in me will do the works I do."
Princely Wrote;

You can't just accept Jesus as your savior to be saved.There is a function to perform to enter the narrow gate.Jesus said that to have faith in Him you must do the works He did.Read my posts and you will get a view of what He says, and if you choose you can do the will of the Lord and the son of man to find out for yourself.Then again you can continue in the dark and hope for the best.

The son of man says;

"The man who has faith in me will do the works I do."
John 13:34-35

Jesus said:
34 "I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."​