I just point out that if one believes in those one does not have to be a Raelist or a member of Heaven's Gate.
Right on! That stuff scares me ... and makes me groan, given what insight I feel confident I've come to.
radarmark said:
I was merely pointing out some factual errors. There are no cyclotrons the size of a personnal computer. If one made one, the total power would be about 1 MeV (this is easlily worked out with just the equations on wiki). A magnetron is more efficent for that energy realm (and smaller). We (I am a nuclear physicist and have used cyclotrons and sychotrons) no longer make cyclotrons. There are none at CERN (lots of accelerators, just all bigger and more energetic than cyclotrons).
If I might correct you ...
you have not seen such a device. I know someone who has, and I stand by his testimony. He built a mockup, not to suggest what one MIGHT look like, but based on his *direct* experience reverse-engineering the one that he
did see.
In this case, given that all the evidence is actually IN Bob Lazar's court ... I will go with
his testimony. Please forgive my elementary understanding, however, of the correct terminology. Let's not get too detailed here. I may be oversimplifying, but my point is, that what
we on Earth currently cannot accomplish except on the very large, mile-or-so scale [diameter, radius, circumference? see? I don't know precise details] ... what
we can't yet do, the little folks who flew the UFOs several light years to get here,
CAN DO, and have done for millions of years.
Realize, please, that I like to get heavy-handed, only when I'm right.
You may have the experience to get into the nitty-gritty, but I have the intuition, the insight and even a
layman's understanding to clarify that modern physics *just doesn't quite grasp* which forces are operative in these
devices [anti-gravity generators? ~ IF you prefer!]. But I do know that Element 115 figures, which we *have* reproduced - or synthesized, temporarily, albeit
as yet unstable - ON EARTH.
Lazar pilfered a small amount of this from Los Alamos, or from Area S-4 ... brought here originally by the ETs as fuel for their craft. Small, triangular wedges power these saucers for about 25 years. Lazar never claimed to have directly seen ETs, although I think he very well did ... and was fairly weirded out by it all. What the spooks out there TOLD him he was working on, and doing, and what they put in front of him by way of
briefing materials was probably, most likely, already loaded with misleading information ... either intentionally, by the nature of the beast, or both.
The point remains: UFOs use what
amounts to anti-gravity ... in order to move in a different realm altogether [in the world of what esotericists call the
subtle ethers, and/or the astral plane] ... and when hovering and zipping around in
our local atmosphere they do things all the time like "falling UP" or
falling *sideways*.
When one has begun to realize that Gravity just ain't what science has construed it as, the above statements begin to make such ROCK-solid, perfect logical sense ... that we see, it's not that we're
inventing anything new here. We're just showing that ideas like GUFT, which have been around for quite some time, are
slowly but surely catching up with the Wisdom of the ancient Vedas ...
... and I have somewhere read that Einstein had a copy of
The Secret Doctrine, well-studied, dog-eared and marked up, at his desk.
{This I believe, but I can't recall the source; nor can I confirm it.}
Yes, modern science is brand new, and there is plenty of error, an overall materialistic worldview, and obvious confusion over where our Cosmos originates, how & why it does so, how old it is, etc. Even our own Solar System has a duration of 311
trillion years ... and, given how far off science is, I will again draw emphasis to the
discrepancy with annoying boldface font, italics, asterisks, etc.
Apologies, but I think it's worth highlighting these facts, because today they are still considered
far amiss ... when in fact, the Vedists were right
all along ~ even several tens of thousands of years ago!
radarmark said:
The hundreds of eyewitnesses you enumerate include me. I just do not beleive that if you believe in UFOs and ETs you have to believe the "whole ball of wax".
Nor do I, but as we see, there is a difference between where one ball of wax stops, and another begins. Do I think every abductee was
taken up? Probably not. But are there about 50 or 60 different species here visiting us, assisting us in this rather difficult, trying & defining time of human history - with a longer list of precedents than any of us can scarely imagine?
I would bet my life that
... at least several different planets, and likely star systemsi, are thus represented. I can't personally confirm the many dozens, yet I do think we are seeing [so to speak, but sometimes literally] visitors from many light years away.
Clearly we must come to redefine our scientific grasp of faster-than-light travel if we are to reconcile this information [solid
fact to some] with the
"facts" as modern science currently
presents them. And realize, it is the latter, not the former, which needs the defending ... in my worldview. I do not feel compelled
one whit to prove to another human being - you or anyone - why any, or all, of the above is, or might be, or must be true.
This may seem unreasonable, and I will certainly admit that it contradicts what people love to say about
"extraordinary claims" ...
... but ya know what? In my mind, nothing I have said yet is really that extraordinary. It's just *not what we're USED TO* believing. And yes, science isn't about
belief, per se ... but again, imho, modern science has barely seen the tip of the iceberg, and speaking of icebergs, do you see Western society yet scrambling to
save the planet from Humanity's destructive tendencies, even in the face of the
burden of proof that sea levels are rising, the ozone layer is disappearing, oil reserves are doing the same, earthquakes & tornadoes are raining down destruction on unprecedented scale, tsunamis likewise, etc. etc.?
Nope. So even when science
does have "all the answers," or at least ENOUGH to show us that
without changing the path we're on, we'll likely reach an awful bottleneck population-wise, and in terms of planetary well-being ... possibly w/in our own lifetimes, certainly soon thereafter ... even *despite* all this, are people paying enough attention to prevent the global catastrophes which thinned the population of Lemuria, then later Atlantis?
I don't know, but I HOPE so.
Yes, I realize I come off sounding like a loon, but I'm kind of used to that reaction ... or possibility. I don't much care anymore, just so I'm not in the middle of a job interview - and shit, I mean, shoot - if an employer wants to poke around online and find out that I believe in ETs and I'm worried about the future of our planet,
more power to 'em!
More people need a working CONSCIENCE anyway, if ya ask me!
The caps and bold stuff is sometimes just so I can remind my own darn self what matters most. I know I come off sounding heavy-handed, and if I talked about this stuff in a group setting, I probably would be. I do it online, however, and I do apologize if the
zeal is a little too apparent.
Am I pretty passionate about it? You bet. Like I said, the ball of wax is pretty different for me ... and it doesn't concern me [as much as it probably should] that most folks just don't buy into a lot of this. If I didn't, at this point, I'd be very illogical, inconsistent and foolish. Just as you would be, if you
did swallow it whole.
What I won't and don't do is to back away as if I
might be wrong about things I know I'm right about. In such cases [this is one] I prefer to try and temper what I'm getting at to the forum, thread, venue, setting, etc. in question ... and just to be 100% candid, all I really care about from a
personal standpoint is that I can learn a little better how to discuss things like this, and - regardless as to others' perceptions or judgments of me & my views - that I manage to communicate various ideas w/out having to descend to the levels of personal attacks.
Thomas here at Interfaith,
et al [wil, seattlegal, china cat,
too many to name] ... have taught me more over the past few years than any one mentor or guru ... and while my worldview will not break, it will certainly
bend if I am to survive, grow and achieve my Purpose. Isn't this true for us all?
Perhaps ~ but what I am interested in is
how to better communicate, which was once something I claimed proudly as a strength, but now can easily recognize as a deficit. So, as I say, I haven't the faintest shadow of a doubt about [the veracity of] some of the things I say, including the Lazar case. Whether or not
you buy it is up to you. I can't change your mind for you, and even if I could, how would that be the same as you *realizing* of your own accord, free will and choice, plus direct contact with TRUTH ... that such-and-such is the case?
This is the part I think most people don't understand when we begin to speak of deeply-held views, convictions, or personal experiences. I don't question, for instance, that most of us here have likely had life-changing experiences ... possibly religious, spiritual or psychic, unusual, etc. I *may* have seen a UFO, but I don't think I've ever encountered an ET, and I probably don't have the kind of direct UFO encounters that many here *do* have. I simply understand - and here from a
limited pov - that they are all over our subtle atmosphere.
Enough of that, let's see what you said about Lazar ...
radarmark said:
For instance, if you look at the overhead images for S-4 (the area near area 51 where Lazar says the UFOs were) you will see that the geological formations do match his "eyewitness testimony". I guess the Government moved mountains and changed a cliff to discredit him (not bloody likely).
I think you mean "do not" ... but actually, they do. Although satellite date is rountinely changed - UFOs being airbrushed out [although in a few cases there may have been slip-ups!] - the mountain ridge Lazar describes can definitely be observed.
Remember, before the 9/11 craziness, you could use Google maps and Google Earth to zoom in on the top of the White House, Capitol Bldg, Pentagon, etc. It was all pretty much open.
Now try that. Notice you will see no details; it's all been whited out!
I'm not saying things haven't changed [with the data] ... but I
am suggesting that if you had access to the right satellites, and possibly simply the data from a few years ago, you'd be able to see the range, or ridge, that Lazar refers to. That being said, I've never regarded this as the only - or even best - way to confirm Lazar's story.
Remember, when you're looking for the various elements of an argument, you look at *each piece* of information, or testimony, or "proof." Something like a
doubt as to where Lazar's
row of hangars actually exists does not disprove his testimony. And of course, when it comes to UFOs, which have been witnessed tens of thousands of times - probably millions - it only takes
one to prove the case.
Did Lazar actually work on one of these at Area S-4? I think so. I'd bet the farm on it. I
might be wrong in his case ... but I have absolutely
no good reason to doubt him. But even if I did, he would simply be the *exception* ... since I already know, from the hundreds of other eyewitness testimonies from credible witnesses, that what he's telling us is essentially GOSPEL.
or close enough ...
Once again, when it comes to all of these specific cases you mention, individual details ... I think you're getting lost in the forest. Tree after tree after tree does not mean that there
is no forest. And yes, there are many different types of trees. Some are quite tall, some are quite old, some of them are evergreens, etc.
But it only takes a small group of them to be considered a forest stand ... and when there is mile after mile after mile - which is how I regard the
solid, incontrovertible evidence for UFOs and ETs - one cannot reasonably, rationally and yet with
healthy skepticism maintain the position that we are *forest-less*.
Again, I don't expect you to see it the way I see it ... until and unless you have my experiences. But as I say, I've NEVER seen a UFO that I know of, for certain, nor a single
ET or alien-seeming entity.
Do I still KNOW that we are visited, very likely by quite a few different groups of them, possibly numbering in the hundreds, or even thousands, when it comes to ships, unmanned probes, etc.?
You bet your knickers I do!