Who are the Masters?


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
I'm starting this thread out of personal interest, but also for the purpose of mutual exploration, discovery and even speculation. The goal is to look at what other folks think about the Masters, perhaps learn how we've all come to our beliefs or conclusions ... and also see where to go from there. I am well aware that not everyone has interest or experience in this area, and some have probably never heard of the Mahatmas. For those who have, I'm asking that you weigh in so that we can find a good starting point for discussion.

There are a few people who I'd like to hold off until we have several posts. This includes anyone with a Theosophical background, who studies the Ageless Wisdom or who otherwise has devoted considerable time & effort to trying to understand the Masters of the Wisdom. I know that when people with this perspective and commonality of interest get together, it's all too easy to create an Amen corner ... and what I'm more interested in is what others think or believe. This is the reverse of making assumptions and the hope is that we can evolve a good discussion out of what others share.

For clarification, the subject is: Who or what are the Masters of the Wisdom? Other terms that are often used for the Masters include: Mahatmas, Great Ones, Rishis, Adepts, Enlightened Minds, and so on. There are points of clarification that I'm sure a lot of us might feel inclined to offer (for example, contrasting `Masters' with the term `Ascended Masters'). For now, I'd rather hold off ... and just see what people would like to post. If there are a few responses, I'll come back in a bit and see where to go next. For now, the Sky's the limit!

Thanks all, in advance. :)
Hi Andrew,

I, of course, am a 'big fan' of the Mahatmas. Here are the two Mahatmas who started the Theosophical Society.

Portrait of the Master Koot Hoomi


You are right to mention the difference between Masters and Ascended Masters. The term Ascended Masters first appeared in the early 1900's (well after the Theosophical Society was started in the late 1800's) and is not a term used by Theosophists.
The Masters were the living people for who Blavatsky was a disciple, it is made clear that they were living during her time in a few of her books and the like... they have also thrown in Buddha and Jesus as these are the most influential of past masters for their views.

While these people showed signs of being Occult adepts, not much can be said about their real knowledge of anything else. They were arguably not actually enlightened themselves, certainly when writing her books, Blavatsky was not - although far later when she is apparently acting as a mad woman, it is quite likely she has become enlightened.

Then, I would also debate whether Jesus or Muhammad are fully enlightened too, and these men have been quite influential the world over - although many in the line of Muhammad have become so. For me, both have experienced Satori's and began teaching based on this experience, but certainly in the case of Jesus he is to return which is impossible for fully enlightened souls. This is because of why I would debate Muhammad as well, namely that in full enlightenment you realize your soul and God are not two separate - Jesus seems to understand this, yet continues talking about a duality here, even crying out about the other forsaking him at his last breath.

Rightly, a Master is whomsoever has achieved full enlightenment and remains on this Earth to assist others - the Buddhists call them Bodhisatvas. Trying to monopolize this as part of the Theosophical Society and associating the term with just these particular characters is just wrong. The greatest Master currently living is probably Mooji right now - based on how many souls are attracted to him. A living Master will always be more useful than any disembodied Master.

Over the last 100 years, Advaita Vedanta has certainly been the most successful line at liberating individuals - I would really recommend everyone seek such a Master. It is most successful because it is extremely intellectually oriented, man today is not as apt to accept the old methods, gone are the times when men will simply fall into enlightenment, I think. There will never be people like St Francis of Assasi again who remain so simply that enlightenment is almost accidental, so Advaita is bound to become more prevalent moving forward. We are becoming more and more intellectual in our ways, few remain simply their whole lives, Advaita successfully uses this without giving the ego knowledge to fuel it - which is my biggest complaint with Theosophy.
I have been to some Satsangs with a guy I believe to be a Master, I believe he is a Master because He showed me the place before thought and labeling "I AM".

But he is just an ordinary guy as well.
I am not an Advaita practitioner, either, as a disclaimer - I just think it will be the most effective for Theosophy people because they obviously like the amount of knowledge shared, clearly mind is important to the pursuits of Theosophists. No one uses the intellect more effectively to attain liberation than the Advaita school.

Heart oriented people will find Sufi's more effective, and others will find Buddha more effective. Yoga is becoming very popular as well, but Advaita is hard hitting and instantaneous for the intellectuals who can find a Master. As man becomes more and more busy, the other methods will be less and less effective because we want fast results now. Personally, I love all the paths to truth because I love truth itself, but man is changing so many will cease to function widely.
the term 'master' has a loose meaning in modern times, as it is used to refer to religious figures, priests, hermetic scholars, enlightened humans (everyone claims to be enlightened these days, as well as some form of a master lol especially authors), dead enlightened humans, celestial beings, aliens (whether scientific or spiritual), historical persons such as quetzecoatl, imhotep (the historical person, not the movie character) and hermes; etc.

you asked how 'we' came to our conclusions and it's clear to me that humanity lacks consensus, however, there are a few themes that run together. #1, historical persons such as jesus, thoth, moses, etc. form a solid-ish foundation for use of the term. nuff-said. #2 channeled info since hermetic origin times have talked about the masters (see osho note, below). #3 speculation has confused the origins and #4 new-age-scientism has polluted the issue with the get-microchipped-and-be-a-god transhumanism stuff.

osho said in an interview that j. krishnamurti was selected to channel Maitreya, the master of masters (say the theosophists).

Osho said:
If it was not possible to find a suitable mother or womb, some selected individual might be developed and made ready through whom Maitreya could speak whatever he wanted to. For this purpose, the large Theosophical movement was started – to arrange for the selection of a suitable individual and prepare him in every way to deserve to be the vehicle for Maitreya."

hence the modern debacle: there are those within the theosophical movement who want to: "immenatize the eschaton" or bring about the advent of the messiah asap by creating despair and turmoil in the world. go figure.

benjamen creme is the modern channeler of maitreya or his likeness. check out share international if you want to know more.

the theosophists are preparing the way for what they consider the imminent arrival of their maitreya, who will not be well recieved in the modern, materialistic, naive, childlike, ignorant, violent, impulsive emotionally barren, intellectually preposterous, spiritual void we call earth. therefore, a (small) portion of their efforts have been to generate excitement about spiritual things and 'open the minds and hearts of mankind' to new ideas and new ways of doing things. also, to gather a willing mass of people who will embrace the 'world teacher' who will say things that sound so simple and obvious that many other people will reject the ideas (and him) outright because of that. furthermore, he will attempt to usher in an unprecidented era of change and spiritual enlightenment that is likely to ignite the existing yet suppressed passions of the masses; i.e. violence and resistance to change, especially when it impacts their bank account and their dominant western lifestyle.

I have been to some Satsangs with a guy I believe to be a Master, I believe he is a Master because He showed me the place before thought and labeling "I AM".

But he is just an ordinary guy as well.
The true masters are those who can , first know the truth, second carry out miracles knowing the innerworkings of those truths. These are ascended masters . GOD sent many saviours over the years all are ascended masters. They are immortals that have eternal life,,,,now infinite life thats a whole other ball game involving marriage, union with ones own opposite.
the term 'master' has a loose meaning in modern times, as it is used to refer to religious figures, priests, hermetic scholars, enlightened humans (everyone claims to be enlightened these days, as well as some form of a master lol especially authors), dead enlightened humans, celestial beings, aliens (whether scientific or spiritual), historical persons such as quetzecoatl, imhotep (the historical person, not the movie character) and hermes; etc.

you asked how 'we' came to our conclusions and it's clear to me that humanity lacks consensus, however, there are a few themes that run together. #1, historical persons such as jesus, thoth, moses, etc. form a solid-ish foundation for use of the term. nuff-said. #2 channeled info since hermetic origin times have talked about the masters (see osho note, below). #3 speculation has confused the origins and #4 new-age-scientism has polluted the issue with the get-microchipped-and-be-a-god transhumanism stuff.

osho said in an interview that j. krishnamurti was selected to channel Maitreya, the master of masters (say the theosophists).

hence the modern debacle: there are those within the theosophical movement who want to: "immenatize the eschaton" or bring about the advent of the messiah asap by creating despair and turmoil in the world. go figure.

benjamen creme is the modern channeler of maitreya or his likeness. check out share international if you want to know more.

the theosophists are preparing the way for what they consider the imminent arrival of their maitreya, who will not be well recieved in the modern, materialistic, naive, childlike, ignorant, violent, impulsive emotionally barren, intellectually preposterous, spiritual void we call earth. therefore, a (small) portion of their efforts have been to generate excitement about spiritual things and 'open the minds and hearts of mankind' to new ideas and new ways of doing things. also, to gather a willing mass of people who will embrace the 'world teacher' who will say things that sound so simple and obvious that many other people will reject the ideas (and him) outright because of that. furthermore, he will attempt to usher in an unprecidented era of change and spiritual enlightenment that is likely to ignite the existing yet suppressed passions of the masses; i.e. violence and resistance to change, especially when it impacts their bank account and their dominant western lifestyle.

:7 The marriage of the Lamb is come - Is near at hand, to be solemnized speedily. What this implies, none of the spirits of just men, even in paradise, yet know. O what things are those which are yet behind! And what purity of heart should there be, to meditate upon them! And his wife hath made herself ready - Even upon earth; but in a far higher sense, in that world. After a time allowed for this, the new Jerusalem comes down, both made ready and adorned, Rev 21:2.

Notice it says pure of heart. Some people try to claim this just refers to people as individuals but you really do need your opposite for infinite life and everyone does have one.
:7 The marriage of the Lamb is come - Is near at hand, to be solemnized speedily. What this implies, none of the spirits of just men, even in paradise, yet know. O what things are those which are yet behind! And what purity of heart should there be, to meditate upon them! And his wife hath made herself ready - Even upon earth; but in a far higher sense, in that world. After a time allowed for this, the new Jerusalem comes down, both made ready and adorned, Rev 21:2.

Notice it says pure of heart. Some people try to claim this just refers to people as individuals but you really do need your opposite for infinite life and everyone does have one.

i don't follow your meaning.
what are you talking about with opposite of pure of heart/individuals? i presume that you mean that maitreya will be a false christ, and that we should purify the wickedness of our heart so we can be saved by jesus upon his return? is that right?

that's interesting. thanks for sharing. who do you think the masters are?

that's interesting. thanks for sharing. who do you think the masters are?

A Master is one who has experienced oneness, and is willing to assist you to the same realization. He is an enlightened man whom you are willing to trust with your life, any reluctance at all will make his work impossible. Other than this, there is no criteria, you must decipher for yourself whether this is your guide or not. There is a great energy field around the Enlightened man, when you find such a man, you must submit and trust him, else you will miss your chance.
Maitreya simply means 'friend' in Pali, it is not a name. You must be the judge of your own friends, whom you are willing to trust, making blanket statements about someone simply trying to help you attain your birth right is very strange. Christ does not fulfill many things related to the Messiah prophecy, for instance it says the Messiah will not perform miracles, it also says he will create a nation. How strange that Jesus is proved by his miracles and the fact he never took over any nation is ignored... he was to be the new King of the Jews, but the Jews killed him!

It is about who you choose, and personally I find it strange that anyone would choose a dead man to assist them on their journey. A corpse is not going to help you, it will only create a burden. There are many living masters in the world today, they will each be more beneficial than any scripture can possibly be.
The only true Master is existence itself, it guides you to the conduit which will best assist the stage you are currently at. Eventually you come to realize you are that Master, but only when all falseness has been dropped - including who you think you are.

I have had many human conduits assist me: Baha'u'llah - the founder of the Baha'i Faith. Hazrat Inayat Khan - the founder of Sufi International. Paramhansa Yogananda - the founder of the Self Realization Fellowship. Jesus has been instrumental in a roundabout way, Buddha has delivered me to truth. Various of Ramana Maharshi's disciples as well, cannot forget him. These men and their movements have all been instrumental in helping me understand the journey, but didn't help much with arrival.

Most recently I have enjoyed Osho, his words are beautiful and liberating, but he has more served as a way to drop others. He has allowed me to experience the lighter side of spirituality, and have more fun with the truths I am presented. Prior to him, everything was very serious, I am thankful for all especially Buddha, but they do not allow fun in the pursuit. They are each rather dead by comparison.

I became very detached from everything, to the point I didn't see why to remain alive, yet this has allowed me to encounter truth so it was worth it. Osho is what the world needs at this time though, truly rare in his life affirmation in the religious realm, a sort of positive take on all the great mystic schools.
Even Jesus, who many see as a positive message, has said you must hate your very life to follow him...

He is true, but not enough is said about the why within Christianity.

It is because you have to offer your very life to attain, nothing less will accomplish the goal. Yet what you offer is nothing, what you receive was your true self all along. It is puzzling how much people fight to protect a fallacy when giving it up results in truth.
I agree that all of these great teachers are probably Initiates in the one great Brotherhood which directly guides humanity (which brings up the question of whether such an organized Brotherhood exists, or whether all of these great teachers work independently instead).

(This also brings up the question as to whether Bodhisattvas actually exist and reincarnate, but perhaps this is a topic for another thread. Was Jesus a Bodhisattva or a deity?)
I agree that all of these great teachers are probably Initiates in the one great Brotherhood which directly guides humanity (which brings up the question of whether such an organized Brotherhood exists, or whether all of these great teachers work independently instead).

(This also brings up the question as to whether Bodhisattvas actually exist and reincarnate, but perhaps this is a topic for another thread. Was Jesus a Bodhisattva or a deity?)
Jesus was an elohim...question is was he michael or god?
I agree that all of these great teachers are probably Initiates in the one great Brotherhood which directly guides humanity (which brings up the question of whether such an organized Brotherhood exists, or whether all of these great teachers work independently instead).

I am not a big conspiracy theory buff, so put me down for "No Brotherhood" and "Independent (but influencing each other)." Like the flow from Zoroaster-to-Isaih-to-Jesus-to-Paul-to-Mani-to-Muhammed-to- Haji Bektash Veli-to-Guru Garith Sahib-to-Bab.

(This also brings up the question as to whether Bodhisattvas actually exist and reincarnate, but perhaps this is a topic for another thread. Was Jesus a Bodhisattva or a deity?)

Does it matter? they all share (we all share) the self-same-soul.