What is the essence of all religions?

Never heard of it. I have heard of sonorous chanting of the paritta, or the pirit ceremony, which is popular in Sri Lanka.

I call it magical thinking
Shin Buddhism

The Yoku-Kai are all heavens of sensuous life,--heavens such as might answer to the dreams of artists and lovers and poets. But those who are able to traverse them without falling (and a fall, be it observed, is not difficult) pass into the Supersensual Zone, first entering the 'Heavens of Luminous Observation of Existence and of Calm Meditation upon Existence' (Ujin-ushi-shôryo, or Kakkwan). These are in number three, each higher than the preceding, and are named 'The Heaven of Sanctity', 'The Heaven of Higher Sanctity', and 'The Heaven of Great Sanctity'. After these come the heavens called the 'Heavens of Luminous Observation of Non-Existence and of Calm Meditation upon Non-Existence' (Mûjin-mushi-shôryo). These also are three; and the names of them in their order signify, 'Lesser Light', 'Light Unfathomable', and 'Light Making Sound' or 'Light-Sonorous'.
Shin Buddhism

The Yoku-Kai are all heavens of sensuous life,--heavens such as might answer to the dreams of artists and lovers and poets. But those who are able to traverse them without falling (and a fall, be it observed, is not difficult) pass into the Supersensual Zone, first entering the 'Heavens of Luminous Observation of Existence and of Calm Meditation upon Existence' (Ujin-ushi-shôryo, or Kakkwan). These are in number three, each higher than the preceding, and are named 'The Heaven of Sanctity', 'The Heaven of Higher Sanctity', and 'The Heaven of Great Sanctity'. After these come the heavens called the 'Heavens of Luminous Observation of Non-Existence and of Calm Meditation upon Non-Existence' (Mûjin-mushi-shôryo). These also are three; and the names of them in their order signify, 'Lesser Light', 'Light Unfathomable', and 'Light Making Sound' or 'Light-Sonorous'.
wel the various churches are human institutions and flawed as we all are.

the Bible does refer to the worship of Jesus, whether he taught that though who knows really.

Matt. 2:2,11 - the magi who came to see the newborn Jesus came to worship Him.

Matt. 8:2 - a leper came to Jesus and worshiped Him without rebuke.

Luke 24:52 - as Jesus ascended into heaven, the apostles worshiped Him.

John 9:38 - the blind man who was cured by Jesus worshiped Him.

Matt. 14:33 - the apostles who were in the boat worshiped Jesus without rebuke.

Matt. 28:9 - Jesus' disciples took His feet and worshiped Him without rebuke.

Matt. 28:17 - Jesus' disciples saw Him and then worshiped Him.

Mark 5:6 - the man with the unclean spirit ran to Jesus and worshiped Him.

John 20:28 - Jesus accepts Thomas' statement
"My Lord and my God!"
Yeah... then there's that silly commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

To me, worship means to make something more important (practically "god") before all else. Paul Tillich said God is essentially our "ultimate concern"... that which we are most passionate about, that which we worship. To me, the only thing that will never fail is no-thing... but a principle which is God... God is love (1John 4:8).

What does "worship" mean to you?
Yeah... then there's that silly commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

To me, worship means to make something more important (practically "god") before all else. Paul Tillich said God is essentially our "ultimate concern"... that which we are most passionate about, that which we worship. To me, the only thing that will never fail is no-thing... but a principle which is God... God is love (1John 4:8).

What does "worship" mean to you?

worthyship apparently, as an ex christian i really did like the worship at times and had some really intense spiritual experiences down to it.
Shin Buddhism

The Yoku-Kai are all heavens of sensuous life,--heavens such as might answer to the dreams of artists and lovers and poets. But those who are able to traverse them without falling (and a fall, be it observed, is not difficult) pass into the Supersensual Zone, first entering the 'Heavens of Luminous Observation of Existence and of Calm Meditation upon Existence' (Ujin-ushi-shôryo, or Kakkwan). These are in number three, each higher than the preceding, and are named 'The Heaven of Sanctity', 'The Heaven of Higher Sanctity', and 'The Heaven of Great Sanctity'. After these come the heavens called the 'Heavens of Luminous Observation of Non-Existence and of Calm Meditation upon Non-Existence' (Mûjin-mushi-shôryo). These also are three; and the names of them in their order signify, 'Lesser Light', 'Light Unfathomable', and 'Light Making Sound' or 'Light-Sonorous'.
Now that Tariki is back, perhaps he can further enlighten us regarding this on this thread. :)
Wow a lot of pages of reading here. So I'm guessing that you can't distill all religions down to one essence. Makes sense, I haven't seen it done anywhere.
It makes for lively banter though. At least some are willing to give it a try, looking for a common element, discovery. Churning the waters of stagnant pools, engagement, looking over the thick walls to see if there is anything outside their faiths fortress. Willing to entertain the thought that there might be more to it, more than what is so firmly gripped inside their own camp. Progress perhaps.
Wow a lot of pages of reading here. So I'm guessing that you can't distill all religions down to one essence. Makes sense, I haven't seen it done anywhere.
It makes for lively banter though. At least some are willing to give it a try, looking for a common element, discovery. Churning the waters of stagnant pools, engagement, looking over the thick walls to see if there is anything outside their faiths fortress. Willing to entertain the thought that there might be more to it, more than what is so firmly gripped inside their own camp. Progress perhaps.

Here's a start:


Morning SG, Looks like there needn't have been 21 pages of commentary when 2 will do eh? While I agree those 2 pages hold a wealth of insight, I'm going to ask for a show of hands from all who pass through here at Brian's oasis on the www, if they will accept this insight as the essence of their religions. If there are no dissenters then things can move forward to set up a common bond for all of humanity. Doesn't that sound great, all men are brothers! :)
How can it be all you are when it is observable by you?

Go closer to the observer, find out who that is!
Which is done by doing, and not merely by observing. As your religion, you have chosen to fail the first word of the golden rule. It requires two to do the golden rule: do unto others as you would have others do unto you. As a result of choosing to not do, your teaching here is a lot of lipstick and evil.
Which is done by doing, and not merely by observing. As your religion, you have chosen to fail the first word of the golden rule. It requires two to do the golden rule: do unto others as you would have others do unto you. As a result of choosing to not do, your teaching here is a lot of lipstick and evil.

It is a function of language, can you move closer to what you already are? I simply say to realize it is what you are. You always take things to literally, then bring ridiculous statements based on your utter lack of understanding, it seems you don't even try to comprehend anything.

I have said many times the Golden Rule is utterly meaningless, and it is EXACTLY because it necessitates duality, it necessitates division and an unwillingness to bend, instead the Golden Rule just says to be tolerant but it is nonsense. To be tolerant, intolerance has to first arise, and a willingness to go past that intolerance must be there - I say just drop the whole notion of tolerance, both sides are wrong because they won't overcome their division.

You continue to call my words evil, but do you realize that simply considering things as evil brings evil into your mind? You basically divide existence into good and evil, and anything that agrees with your ideas is good, and anything against your ideas is evil. From this you expect me to take your words about the Golden Rule seriously but you only show your own lack of maturity.

There is no other, debating this simply shows you have experienced nothing of the spiritual dimensions of life, you then debate what you have not known, this is your closedness. It causes you to say things like "God is not in the trees", you have decided foolish things because you don't understand anything about the world around you. This is the problem with belief, you don't actually know anything.

True spirituality causes you to directly encounter these things, belief falls utterly because it is no longer necessary. You will not experience anything of that as long as you uphold duality though.
Religion is that rebinding of duality, to go beyond it.

All the theories about it just bring you back to duality, they cater to the ego and allow you to say "Jesus is most correct". None are more correct, but your understanding is certainly going to be utterly wrong.

Jesus says "I and my father are one", Jesus says "we have our being in God, and he in us", these are both statements I am trying to show people, they are my experience also. You think Jesus is something special though, you do not realize he is simply the flowering of the human being. You remain as a seed because of your closed mindedness.
I vote Aye.

Where's the Dean?

Could you imagine a blog that specialised in such lipstick and evil?

It would not be very popular, it is because most of the world tries to protect their sicknesses. They identify with and even defend their basic insanity, and this serves to ensure all remain sick.

It is not surprising though, Swami Prabhupada has not been enlightened, why would his followers understand anything of it? Understanding doesn't come from study, but you have a Western mind so you think it is helping in some way. Understanding comes from experience, the scholarly mind knows nothing about experience, it only tries to understand intellectually and thus will always be wrong.

I find it hilarious that you have clung to a basically Western interpretation of Eastern thought, enlightenment happens when you simply drop the mind, drop all thoughts and conceptions, but instead you think you are a genius because you've memorized so much nonsense.

One day you will realize religious founders have memorized noting, they speak purely on their experience. They have no book to work from, why do you value the books relaying their spontaneity?

Borrowed knowledge is less than worthless, find your own else your life is wasted.
Earning the respect of the ignorant masses is the last thing anyone should be concerned with when seeking truth, it only shows how delicate you are, how weak you are. I am seen as a threat to you because your foundations are built on sand, there is nothing in it, just your belief. I am trying to bring you to a point of genuine knowing, I am trying to give you a cement foundation, but you cling to the sand.
nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Lord
Krsna on this earth, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master,
servant of Sarasvati Gosvami. You are kindly preaching the
message of Lord Chaitanya and delivering the Western
countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism.

Krishna personally is the means and Krishna personally is the goal.
His name is Krishna.
Krishna is His name.

Krishna is not un-grateful.
We are not Krishna.
We are un-grateful.

PS: Stop eating Children irregardless if it's only popular for wining & dining dates and even if the movie wins an Oscar.

tell them Yoda told you so,
The Beejayer

**Know what I'm tawking about!**
Krishna is not un-grateful.
We are not Krishna.
We are un-grateful.

Is this a high statement for you, that you are ungrateful? I am absolutely grateful, every second of the day I realize none of this needed to be. Even God himself must be grateful he is, for even the creator has no true reason for being, yet still he is.

Yet, your statement is fundamentally dualistic, this is why you do not know truth. You can say whatsoever you want about Krishna or any sage you like, it doesn't overcome your own ignorance.

Even if your statement is a truth, if you have not known it, if it is not your own experience, it is worthless - what have you accomplished? It is simply an accident that you have stumbled across it, what I say is to encounter it directly. Now you realize Krishna, Brahman, these are all simply ideas you accept. You realize you were basically still stuck in the mind, identified with the mind, living through the mind. You know nothing of yoga, of uniting all opposites, of finding our wholeness, yet you put on a good show.

I pity you because you think that show is worth anything, you think that show means you are respectable, that show is entirely FOR the respect and this is the problem. You still accept the other as being something different to you, they are part of you, and you them.

Seek that One, settle for nothing less, otherwise you don't even know yourself, and if you cannot know yourself, what worth can your statements have about anything else?

Why worship yourself, your own potential?

You seem utterly ignorant to the Upanishads, yet the Gita says the same...

Still you go on worshiping the other, enslaving your being.

It is simply foolish.