No: You stated that it was inevitable that you will become loving, provided that you are being loved.
No. I stated if a person knows love they will inevitably become a blessing to others. All sorts of people who are loved disregard that love in favor of something else. Knowing love involves walking in it daily. Can a person love perfectly? Probably not in this world, but what a person can do is know love well enough to know that others need it above other worldly things.
From my viewpoint, that is not owning up to your responsibility for deciding when and where to be loving, unconditional of whether or not you are being loved. Your statement was sort of like saying, "If I am cooked enough good food, then it is inevitable that I will become a good cook." Well that sort of denies my responsibility in the matter with many required choices.
like cooking, learning to lean on love is a process. You can't expect a person who is not accustomed to loving others to begin to do so over night. You plant a seed and it grows. Love is the same way. It starts off small and it grows as it is further nurtured.
I dare say though that I find it a better tune than, "If I am cooked enough bad food, or if I cook enough bad food (in hell), then it is inevitable that I will become a good cook. (to enter heaven)"
I think God is in control, so yes ... the bad food leads many to desire the good. Our actions have consequences, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant. A wise man will learn from their mistakes and decrease making them in the future.
You continue to speak of being loved, rather than of being loving. Some people become attracted to drugs, or emotions, and call it love for someone to give them the drug. If Jesus were here, would he give them the drug? Give them their warm fuzzy?
Being loving is not the same as handing out drugs to addicts. Would you call that love ... to enable a person who has a problem with addiction? No you would not. Being loving in this case would be to help them beat the addiction. Whether you offer a safe environment, a place to detox, or help encourage them to enter rehab. Also, I don't know that it's your business what I do in regard to loving others. If you knew me, this would be obvious.
Perhaps you should ask God what is required of you. Seems to me, it is his kingdom. Should I knock on your door to enter your house?
I know what God requires from me. Am I perfect? Not quite, but I am learning just as a person is required to do. Do I have all the answers? No. I do however know what Jesus said about loving our neighbors and God above all things. If a person desires to enter the kingdom, then yes a good knock on the door would be helpful.
In other words, a person needs to have direction and at least desire God's righteousness. We knock with our desires. If we desire righteousness, then we will pursue righteousness, becoming faithful to what God expects from us. Love is what God expects. It is a requirement and/or a prerequisite that a person learns to live through when their desires have been properly adjusted.
I do. I have believed something, looked long and hard, discovered myself to be in error, and apologized seeking amends. Some people call it a confession.
Meh, no one is without error, which is why it is important to keep learning, growing, developing, and advancing as individuals. I can't help but wonder if you threw the baby out with the bath water. Who did you apologize to and why? Do you think an individual is required to know perfectly? If not, then why apologize for being unlearned. I think it much better to realize that each of us remain unlearned, then to continue seeking understanding, and to become faithful to what each of us learn is right, and good, and of good report.