Why be content with the notion we can become arhats?
We already are, but it is hopes such as these which cause us to believe it isn't so.
Striving infers the belief in lack.
We already are WHAT?
You are not an arhat. Don't delude or deceive yourself. Suggest to me, AZ. Just SUGGEST to me ... that you're an arhat, and you're outta there. An ignore list exists precisely for such cases of delusion.
You don't really THINK that you are arhat, now do you?
I KNOW I have to be misinterpreting you here ... {so of course, apologies in advance, if so!}
As for the words of the Buddha, you prove that your Insight, your Intuition and even your Intellect all pretty much escape or elude you, radar ... if you cannot simply read what I posted, contemplate what is said and come to a realization of the Truth of matters
on your own, without any of the types of assistance which are suggested.
In the last analysis, you must "Be a LAMP unto your OWN FEET." Try looking THAT ONE UP ... if you are unprepared, and too dazzled, by the more extended, verbatim and UNCUT/UNEDITED/UNPARAPHRASED version.
Most of the great events of history, for the past several thousand years, are capable of being presented now
as they occurred, precisely as if a video camera with audio was present ... for once you understand the ABC of Occultism, you will realize that in a real sense, this was precisely SO.
The difference is, the `camera' of the Occultist also features a 4-D lens, enabling it to register all of the emotions present, accurately and objectively. Further, that `camera' has a 5-D, as well as 6D & 7D lens attached. These record, respectively, what occurs within the Nirmanakaya, the Sambhogakaya and the Dharmakaya vestitures of ALL who are/were present at any given event. In short, we can also know precisely what were all the various THOUGHTS which were in people's minds, plus their deeper, more Spiritual motivations, Inspirations and inclinations ~ including cases of direct Guidance or `doing the bidding of' the Divine.
History, for those who are admitted access to the proper LIBRARY[ies], becomes an open Book {with chapters chronicling or outlining the FUTURE, as well as the Past} ~ and if given the task, or allowed the privilege of copying down even a FRAGMENT of what is observed as being RECORDED in the Grand Book, true Revelation may quite possibly result ... as has occurred in many instances which we can name (in recent centuries, during the past 2100 years and also throughout the ages).
Would that wo/men knew better how to READ!!!