Your Daily Rant

Mother Nature,
Didn't you "hear" my previous rant last time? I can't afford to end up in the hospital due to pneumonia!

A mixture of rain and snow!!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt on Thursday. I did get my grill out for one quick steak and asparagus. Now everything on my porch is covered in snow and ice. Mother nature has been quite bipolar these past few weeks.
To Whom It May Concern,

I don't qualify for Medicare because I'm too young Stop calling me or I'm going to lodge a complaint with the proper authorities!

To Whom It May Concern #2,

Did you forget something in the ground floor laundry room? Namely, your boxers? I won't pin them to the community bulletin board for all to see!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
When political affiliation is the sole factor in determining right from wrong. If a person is accused of theft, dishonesty, assault, corruption, etc. the people always seem to judge the person based on their political affiliation and NOT on evidence. Drives me crazy!
To Whom It May Concern,

There's a difference between being afraid of dogs and being allergic to them! Learn the difference!

To Whom It May Concern #2

Management has pinned not one, not two, but three pairs of men's briefs on the message board! What's worse is they were pinned by the placket with thumbtacks! If we need to toss them and/or they're there for more than a month, your laundry privileges could be terminated!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom It May Concern,

There's a difference between being afraid of dogs and being allergic to them! Learn the difference!

To Whom It May Concern #2

Management has pinned not one, not two, but three pairs of men's briefs on the message board! What's worse is they were pinned by the placket with thumbtacks! If we need to toss them and/or they're there for more than a month, your laundry privileges could be terminated!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
What a building you must live in.
You could write a daily column on the goings on.
What a building you must live in.
You could write a daily column on the goings on.
It's an ADA-compliant complex with a mix of residents over-62 and residents that have some form of disability (the guy that's in the flat next to mine is visually impaired, yet he's one of the residents that I want to defenestrate on a regular basis [he's caused multiple complaints by the pest control company because he's assaulted the bitch {female dog, not human} because he doesn't want anything moved, but he doesn't allow access for a bedbug inspection] and the guy directly above me is notorious for letting his 'loo flood, which pours through the fan in my 'loo!) Roughly 25% of the residents are ESL, mostly from the former Soviet Republics (oh, the fun /sarcasm)

I'm too old to qualify for a dorm room through my university, plus I would be required to rehome at least one of my :kitty:s if I did move into a dorm!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
It's an ADA-compliant complex with a mix of residents over-62 and residents that have some form of disability (the guy that's in the flat next to mine is visually impaired, yet he's one of the residents that I want to defenestrate on a regular basis [he's caused multiple complaints by the pest control company because he's assaulted the bitch {female dog, not human} because he doesn't want anything moved, but he doesn't allow access for a bedbug inspection] and the guy directly above me is notorious for letting his 'loo flood, which pours through the fan in my 'loo!) Roughly 25% of the residents are ESL, mostly from the former Soviet Republics (oh, the fun /sarcasm)

I'm too old to qualify for a dorm room through my university, plus I would be required to rehome at least one of my :kitty:s if I did move into a dorm!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
My rant at the mo is that we – the UK population – in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, are obliged to stump up in excess of £200 million to pay for the ceremonial coronation of one of the richest men in the country – we foot the bill for a firm that's got a property portfolio in excess of £17 billion.

And we're being asked to pledge lifelong allegiance to the King and his heirs?

British media at the moment is awash with self-indulgent fantasising about the Royal Family ... the British media who fantasised about 'the princess bride' (Diana) but kept quiet about the fact it was all a PR stunt by 'the Firm' – Charles meanwhile was besotted with another man's wife and the affair continued after the wedding ... then turned against her (Diana) when she chose not to play the game ... then turned back and made her a saint after she (Diana) was killed in a car crash escaping the ... media.

Meanwhile, the Queen refused to leave the family home in Scotland, because the death of Diana was a family tragedy and bad PR so she wanted it all dealt with quietly, without fuss ... Only when advised the negative PR far outweighed the positive, and there was a real fear the public would turn on the Family for their heartlessness, did she return to Buckingham Palace to allow another PR stunt, Diana's funeral ...

Harry and William? Both psychologically damaged by being used throughout the sad process ...

The hypocrisy of it all staggers me ...

(And yes, I'd get rid of the lot tomorrow.)
It's on record that 3 million children are counted as 'starving' in the UK ... and the King's personal wealth is around £2 billion, and we have to pay for this stage-managed coronation presented as a form of 'social cohesion' (involving us swearing allegiance to his son and heirs) – when actually it is, as someone said, 'a gilded veneer' to mask the fact that the Royal Family live in a different world – the RF are exempt from 160 British Laws, covering paying taxes, human right, animal rights, environmental legislation ... they are effectively above the law.

And we love 'em!

(Sorry, all, but at the moment UK media is spoon-feeding us non-stop sentimental drivel about the Royals ... )
We have the same problem with starving children and we get equally frustrated with how much money is sent to other countries to fund their wars. We are now to the point of raising the debt ceiling .. again. And whats the point of building rockets that just explode 2 minutes after take off.
whats the point of building rockets that just explode 2 minutes after take off.
So that the next one reaches orbit, and the next one reaches the moon. Learn by trial and error. Or would you deny the value of space technology altogether? The Hubble telescope? Anyway, Musk isn't using taxpayers' money
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So that the next one reaches orbit, and the next one reaches the moon. Learn by trial and error. Or would you deny the value of space technology altogether? The Hubble telescope? Anyway, Musk isn't using taxpayers' money
Haha this might open up a can of worms but Im pretty much convinced we are in an enclosed environment.
I could but I'm not sure I want to. Reactions to that theory are usually violent and cruel in nature and believe it or not Christians are usually the worst. Since it's not a salvation issue I usually reserve it for people I trust to not hurt me LOL. It was a lot of prayer and searching scripture to come to this belief and was not blindly believed.
It's on record that 3 million children are counted as 'starving' in the UK ... and the King's personal wealth is around £2 billion, and we have to pay for this stage-managed coronation presented as a form of 'social cohesion' (involving us swearing allegiance to his son and heirs) – when actually it is, as someone said, 'a gilded veneer' to mask the fact that the Royal Family live in a different world – the RF are exempt from 160 British Laws, covering paying taxes, human right, animal rights, environmental legislation ... they are effectively above the law.

And we love 'em!

(Sorry, all, but at the moment UK media is spoon-feeding us non-stop sentimental drivel about the Royals ... )
I didn't know about the laws exemption. So one more reason to get rid of this anachronistic abhorrence.
To Whom it May Concern,

I'm not interested in you, dating or otherwise.Stop stalking me!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

The local (to me) baseball team were trounced yesterday (8 to 1 for anyone interested here.) Get over it!

To Whom it May Concern #3,

I don't qualify for free food here. Bypass my flat, please, unless you want to go herding :kitty:s! Y'all are lucky that Tovarish and Tomodachi were the only escapees this time, and only seven dogs sufferred the indignities of a :kitty: mauling!

To Whom it May Concern #4,

9-1-1/9-9-9 is not a personal transport service unless it's to either jail or to the emergency room! Stop using it to go to grocery shopping or something similar! My flat's windows look directly out onto the fire lane, and :kitty: TV is always "on"!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
That rocket that burned up a third of its rockets and the launchpad at take off but blew up before reaching orbit made huge leaps forward in understandings..and the largest thing ever launched will larger

Also the other one...glhf, a 3d printed rocket 15 stories tall...amazing...and a friend of mines kid is working on that one!

As for.the royal lawbreakers...our royals (elected officials).take the same perks and test the metal of our 3 party system which fails every day. We have similar.issues...our constitution is our royals now...the untouchable.which needs to be revised but it is to scary a proposition to open that can of worms...I feel you guys have the same issue.

I felt lucky to happen to catch the coronation, it was a fluke, and we made.great fun of the whole thing...mostly because it wasn't US!
To Whom It May Concern,

Bullets don't discriminate when they strike a victim. You just killed a one-year-old girl when you were trying to shoot her parents. What ever happened to going to a boxing gym and pounding the sh!t out of each other? Ditto baking yeast-raised products?

What's worse is that I know the area where the shooting occurred. It's notorious for shootings!

To Whom It May Concern #2,

Stop propositioning young ladies on public transportation, moreso grabbing their southern ends, especially if they're underage! Your actions were caught on the security camera that's on the bus!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine