Harassing mee plain and simple.
No harassment intended, plain and simple.
Im quite literate.. thanks! Im also quite knowledgeable about JWs doctrine and how it compares to the Word of God. If you knew myself or any of the other Christians on this forum you would know that in the past 3 years we have all addressed those differences to mee... to no avail of course. Hes pretty hard hearted at this point and hes like a dog with a bone... but you wouldnt know that because you are new..
OK.... and you aaare the last word?
Im a follower of Jesus Christ. He is first and foremost my Savior. I am an ambassador to the kingdom of Heaven...
That's all faith.
2. We do not allow CR to be used as a soapbox to aggressively promote any faith
So you just broke a rule as the mee me, also represents 'faith' as the reason to fib.
my faith is in the ability of each to be equally capable of understanding. My faith is based on reality, not beliefs or hopes of things to absolve my responsibilities to existance.
'Faith' in the name is quite ugly in my opinion as it shares the lack of integrity towards reality.
The word "fib" is funny to me.. it brings to mind a white lie that doesnt harm...
So to suggest JC will simply release you of all your sins and the ill regard towards others is a 'little white lie'...... as then others can read the fib and possibly begin their whole lives believing in a flat out lie.
do you have a problem with calling something a lie? I could care less at this point in having an opinion.
Then why the posts? One miinute all you are doing is judging and giving this forum YOUR opinion and the next you 'could care less.' Well which is it? Are you honest about what you represent or are you being defensive based on that REAL insecurity?
Your posts to mee are redundant and its been done too many times to count
Because maybe comprehension has been so blinded by the lies and fibs you now consider true, that everytime something that causes you to think, hurts?
So that is you? On all those other forums?
And from how the brain works, to physics and good and bad...... I rather enjoy seeing others opinions and try to comprehend the variety of material that must be addressed before UNDERSTANDING can be finished.
Truth is relative and I guess you could say "in the eye of the beholder"
That is a LIE.......... The truth only works one way..... whether you behold reality or yourself......
You cant prove faith. I know the truth as its revealed to me and Im confident in that...
A lie, from a complacent believer of misguided knowledge.
Im also confident in an all-powerful God and it doesnt edify Christ or the church to badger the JW into believing the truth that only the Holy Spirit can convict us of.
so your confidence is what you live by...... charles manson is confident too.....
Same MO.... misguide, teach and abuse them who are too complacent and simple to know the difference. That day of judgment will have this type on the menu.
Like I said.. you are new and you dont know me or mee for that matter..
Never asked if you were the pope or a bush.. don't care!
Either be straight and honest with every representation you make or simply leave yourself open for reality to slap you in the face.
It seems quite clear poppet
you are full of yourself.