Evolution is Unscientific

For most people, it means rather the contrary. If you redefine the meaning of the word in a sense it's not used by others you will not understand what they say.
Talib-al-kalim, either people do not understand or they pose to hide the real meaning. Many have been fooled in the name of love.
Hey, @juantoo3 , you are giving me likes. We are generally on two sides of the board. ;)
Because I disagree does not mean I don't appreciate your point of view.

That and I can only ask the same question so many times before I get the hint you can not / will not / are unable to answer a direct question with a direct answer. <shrug> Circular reasoning is religious reasoning. The Bible is G!d's Word because the Bible says so. Belief (your word) that Science is intelligent because Science says so. No difference between the two arguments, both are self referential, and self referential is a logical fallacy. Which means you still have not defined the word "intelligence," not that I expect a definition at this point. However, you have taught me not to trust what you write as meaning what is commonly understood. Not the end of the world for me, I can sleep just fine with this cognitive dissonance.

c'est la vie
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Because I disagree does not mean I don't appreciate your point of view.

That and I can only ask the same question so many times before I get the hint you can not / will not / are unable to answer a direct question with a direct answer. <shrug> Circular reasoning is religious reasoning. The Bible is G!d's Word because the Bible says so. Belief (your word) that Science is intelligent because Science says so. No difference between the two arguments, both are self referential, and self referential is a logical fallacy. Which means you still have not defined the word "intelligence," not that I expect a definition at this point. However, you have taught me not to trust what you write as meaning what is commonly understood. Not the end of the world for me, I can sleep just fine with this cognitive dissonance.

c'est la vie
@Aupmanyav is not here for discussion despite that being the focus of this board. Much like a Baptist preacher sticking solely to the Bible as the only truth, he is an atheist sticking to his own personal scripture coming here to preach his faith. Like the Baptist, who preaches antagonistically with all those who say something different from his scripture, he is not here for debate. Only for disagreement via a sentence or two and nothing else. Let him be and have his fun.
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@Aupmanyav is not here for discussion despite that being the focus of this board. Much like a Baptist preacher sticking solely to the Bible as the only truth, he is an atheist sticking to his own personal scripture coming here to preach his faith. Like the Baptist, who preaches antagonistically with all those who say something different from his scripture, he is not here for debate. Only for disagreement via a sentence or two and nothing else. Let him be and have his fun.
It’s not that I am in agreement with @Aupmanyav on matters involving religion nor would I necessarily disagree that at times Aup can come off as arrogant and unnecessarily insert his viewpoint in a thread. Nevertheless, you are in no position, and have no right, to pass judgment on him In a manner that is just as arrogant as you accuse him of being.
It’s not that I am in agreement with @Aupmanyav on matters involving religion nor would I necessarily disagree that at times Aup can come off as arrogant and unnecessarily insert his viewpoint in a thread. Nevertheless, you are in no position, and have no right, to pass judgment on him In a manner that is just as arrogant as you accuse him of being.
Hmmmm, very well, it was not love so I apologize and hope I caused no harm. My ego is still a force within me. But I would like to point out that I never accused him of arrogance. Only that he was mainly here to disagree, not debate.
Because I disagree does not mean I don't appreciate your point of view.

That and I can only ask the same question so many times before I get the hint you can not / will not / are unable to answer a direct question with a direct answer. <shrug> Circular reasoning is religious reasoning. The Bible is G!d's Word because the Bible says so. Belief (your word) that Science is intelligent because Science says so. No difference between the two arguments, both are self referential, and self referential is a logical fallacy. Which means you still have not defined the word "intelligence," not that I expect a definition at this point. However, you have taught me not to trust what you write as meaning what is commonly understood. Not the end of the world for me, I can sleep just fine with this cognitive dissonance.

c'est la vie
If you go back, you will see that I always used the word 'intelligent' and not 'intelligence'. And I clearly stated whom I consider 'intelligent'.
Therefore, I have no need to define 'intelligence'.
Faire attention, c'est la vie :)
Many have been fooled by promises...that part is correct. Promises such as Luminiferous Aether:

Expanding Earth:

and Scientific Racism:

to name just 3 promises that were broken. A meme that can be altered cannot be called truth.

In fairness, these I point to are waystops along the way of attempting to understand the Greater Truth, yet show how fragile and inaccurate these "unassailable!" truths of Science actually are. What is held as undeniable fact today will be refuted by the next or the next after generation - presuming on my part freedom to pursue academic rigor - which is not a given.

So "belief" in a "science" that still struggles to get it's own story straight is not a comforting assurance. To be pointedly clear, science has a value. That value is not absolute.
Define "intelligence." How do each of you @'Amir Alzzalam @Aupmanyav @muhammad_isa define that word? I question whether each of you intends the same thing. A dog can be intelligent. A porpoise can be intelligent. A bonobo can be intelligent.
My initial request...
Aupmanyav said:
If you go back, you will see that I always used the word 'intelligent' and not 'intelligence'. And I clearly stated whom I consider 'intelligent'.
Therefore, I have no need to define 'intelligence'
Your most recent dodge.

Any reader can see for themselves. Intelligence and Intelligent are correspondent.

Frankly, I've moved on. Verbal gymnastics is a waste of time and only fun in poetry or prose.

’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
-Lewis Carroll
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Many have been fooled by promises...that part is correct.

In fairness, these I point to are waystops along the way of attempting to understand the Greater Truth, yet show how fragile and inaccurate these "unassailable!" truths of Science actually are. What is held as undeniable fact today will be refuted by the next or the next after generation - presuming on my part freedom to pursue academic rigor - which is not a given.

So "belief" in a "science" that still struggles to get it's own story straight is not a comforting assurance. To be pointedly clear, science has a value. That value is not absolute.
Besides, refutations and flawed paths, let us not forget the discovered past and unknown current intentional lies put for by science. Most research will require a grant to feed the scientist and his family. If he cannot find results in the research, that pleases his employer, his income will dry up. So it is not uncommon, especially in medicine, for the scientist to make up wanted results and hide unwanted ones. Big Pharma has possibly the greatest examples of this.
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Besides, refutations and flawed paths, let us not forget the discovered past and unknown current intentional lies put for by science. Most research will require a grant to feed the scientist and his family. If he cannot find results in the research, that pleases his employer, his income will dry up. So it is not uncommon, especially in medicine, for the scientist to make up wanted results and hide unwanted ones. Big Pharma has possibly the greatest examples of this.
And politics. Money and politics.

Politics; from the Greek Poly - meaning "many," and Tics - meaning blood sucking insects
But they eat caterpillars and bugs and stuff, lol
The World Health Organization (WHO) did recommend eating locusts as a possible solution to food insecurity and malnutrition in some regions of the world. Locusts are edible insects that are rich in protein, iron, zinc, and other nutrients. They are also environmentally friendly, as they require less water, land, and feed than conventional livestock. The WHO published a report in 2013 titled “Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security”
So "belief" in a "science" that still struggles to get it's own story straight is not a comforting assurance.
Who claimed search for truth is comforting? :)
For comfort, Hinduism has a thousand Gods and a thousand Goddesses.

Intelligence is the capacity or ability to acquire, apprehend and apply knowledge in a behavioral context.
More generally, intelligence can be described as the capacity or ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context.
Human intelligence is the human capacity or ability to acquire, apprehend and apply knowledge.
.. now, I can't do better than the scholars at Wikipedia.
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There, there...everything's going to be alright.

Every mind, every conscience, every "soul," directs itself by what it knows to be true. If that truth is malleable and changing, it provides an unstable foundation.

That is what I was referring to regarding "comforting assurance."

Even so, I fail to see how acquiring, apprehending and applying knowledge in any way serves as a hindrance to pursuing or connecting with the Divine. Be that as it may...
The World Health Organization (WHO) did recommend eating locusts as a possible solution to food insecurity and malnutrition in some regions of the world. Locusts are edible insects that are rich in protein, iron, zinc, and other nutrients. They are also environmentally friendly, as they require less water, land, and feed than conventional livestock. The WHO published a report in 2013 titled “Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security”
And they are Kosher!