Evolution is Unscientific

The World Health Organization (WHO) did recommend eating locusts as a possible solution to food insecurity and malnutrition in some regions of the world. Locusts are edible insects that are rich in protein, iron, zinc, and other nutrients. They are also environmentally friendly, as they require less water, land, and feed than conventional livestock. The WHO published a report in 2013 titled “Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security”
Is that your order? I'll have the fish & chips thanks
...and mercury, and pesticides, and only Monsanto knows what genetic manipulations...
Not if homemade instead of packaged. Frying fish and potatoes is not too complex. Its easier to get fresh and organic in India. I dont know how easy it is to get freshly caught fish over there though. Especially the freshwater kind.
The fact is that the brains of other creatures have remained practically the same while Man’s has “evolved”.
I'm not sure what you mean.
Mammal brains are somewhat different from reptile brains or bird brains

Each species DID evolve, and evolve differently, for different results.

If you are asking why other species did not get to human level of reasoning ability via brain development, never fear, you can find people who will try to argue that dolphins or elephants have greater reasoning ability than previously given credit for.

I don't know how well known the time period is for these developments, so I don't know whether the facts about how brains evolved over millions of years supports your statement or not. (the statement that other brains remained the same while other's evolved -- the same as what? Over what timer period? I'm not quite sure what you mean)
I can't agree or disagree, you won't say what you mean by the word "intelligent."

So I will presume you mean a purple teapot. I have teapots, a number of them in fact. Nice ones. None are purple, none are cracked and none are floating in space (thank you Mr Russell).

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I have no evidence you have a brain, I haven't seen it. I could be communicating with an AI.
I like this purple teapot. I want it for myself.
I'm not sure what you mean.
Mammal brains are somewhat different from reptile brains or bird brains

Each species DID evolve, and evolve differently, for different results.

If you are asking why other species did not get to human level of reasoning ability via brain development, never fear, you can find people who will try to argue that dolphins or elephants have greater reasoning ability than previously given credit for.

I don't know how well known the time period is for these developments, so I don't know whether the facts about how brains evolved over millions of years supports your statement or not. (the statement that other brains remained the same while other's evolved -- the same as what? Over what timer period? I'm not quite sure what you mean)
No other organism on earth has evolved as we have, they are more or less exactly the same as they were from their beginning.
In the case of proto-man, natural selection would occur in favor of almost anything else besides the brain. He would become stronger, hairier, tougher, meaner, and faster. According to natural selection, you and I should be gorillas.

But we are not gorillas. Indeed, as our intelligence has made life progressively easier for us, we have become weaker and more vulnerable physically. We are healthier and more long-lived only because our intelligence has enabled us to produce medicines to stave off diseases, and dietary standards to maximize our health and growth potential. We have controlled environments to fend off the elements, and have developed weapons to fend off other creatures.

What other creature's brain has developed to such an extent? None . . .
Not if homemade instead of packaged. Frying fish and potatoes is not too complex. Its easier to get fresh and organic in India. I dont know how easy it is to get freshly caught fish over there though. Especially the freshwater kind.
Stateside, freshwater fish is a do it yourself thing... It is possible to meet the saltwater fish harvesters when they bring in their catch, if one lives close enough and is so inclined.

Homegrown vegetables is a more practical thing to accomplish, but as with any farm / garden situation, requires a great deal of effort. It takes a great deal more effort than putting a few seeds into some dirt.
Homegrown vegetables is a more practical thing to accomplish, but as with any farm / garden situation, requires a great deal of effort. It takes a great deal more effort than putting a few seeds into some dirt.
No farmer's markets nearby? Tons of that in India since plenty of farmers selling solo. Although I think Modi's capitalist drive is starting to take advantage of them.

But hey, lets not get offtrack! This is a thread about Unscientificness in the world!
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... I don't know whether the facts about how brains evolved over millions of years supports your statement or not. (the statement that other brains remained the same while other's evolved -- the same as what? Over what timer period? I'm not quite sure what you mean)
I know I've reviewed the Agricultural Revolution several times over the years around here. Consumption of grain - bread - created an explosion of cognizance, expanding exponentially symbolic reasoning and "rational" thought. This took place after the end of the Ice Age, +/- 10K years ago, and likely took place over 1-2 thousand years, but in that time humans went from living in caves to building walled fortress cities (Göbekli Tepe). A few thousand years later humans were building pyramids in Egypt and stacking dolmens to build Stonehenge in South England. In terms of evolution, this was racecar fast, and no other animals we can determine had any significant evolutionary adaptations quite so fast during that period of time.

There are some significant hiccups regarding human evolution. Aside from brain size (and resultant skull shape, and the resultant need for midwives at birth due to the enlarged skull and birth position - contrary to other similar size mammals), humans' canine teeth have modified to become smaller. Canine teeth are a traditional measure between predators and prey. Chimpanzees and Bonobos have canine teeth that would shred us, yet humans as the "apex predator" effectively lost their canine teeth. Humans developed sweat glands in the process of losing body fur, no other simian has sweat glands. None of these "adaptations" have precedent in the animal world.

Unique evolution isn't confined to humans, I can grant, but typically the animals held out for illustration of unique evolution include the likes of the platypus and echidna.

The find of Homo Naledi purposefully burying their dead is significant. Most recently I read Naledi is being dated about 200K years ago. The significance is that no other simians purposely bury their dead. Now, I have seen where a Chimpanzee troop would mourn the loss of a member, but no burial.

Add in the harnessing of fire, and flint / obsidian knapping, and human tool making quickly surpassed any other examples of tool making. Yes, there are those that point to a chimp or crow poking a nest with a stick, but aside from a rudimentary semblance of tool making there really isn't any comparison. Living in caves is not unique among animals, but decorating the caves is unique. While "art" can arguably be a practical function of many animals (nest building, spider webs), there isn't any plainly evident justification in a physical sense for humans to paint the caves.

Other aspects of cave painting really bring to the fore known psychological tendencies in humans. Ganzfeld Effect, Prisoner's Cinema and Sensory Deprivation illustrate the psychological gymnastics the human mind was already capable of, +/- 50K years ago. Blombos Cave in S. Africa illustrates humans decorating their bodies 100K years ago, Skul 5 in Israel illustrates considerate burial(s) 100K years ago. Both examples also demonstrate Ocher being used ceremonially, a practice that continued throughout the Ice Age and cave dwelling period.

Carved ivory / bone, and certain stones with a basic shape further worked by tools, were carved by the Cave Dwellers circa 50-60K years ago, older than the paintings. What symbolic purpose would such anthropomorphic figures serve? That question is leading, but what other possible purpose would such artifacts serve? No other animal carves figures. No other animal paints pictures. (Yes, I am aware of paintings done artificially and with human coaching by Bonobos and Elephants...show me any example in the wild.) I can even accept that the human evolutionary track is not going to be the same as that for other animals...yet there is nothing comparable anywhere else in the animal kingdom. Something about human evolution stands apart and outside of the commonly understood norms of evolutionary development.

My critique of Evolution here does not by default mean I am arguing in favor of Creationism, but it is seriously difficult to defend Evolution as the de facto and de jure natural mechanism applied to humans, at least not as we commonly understand that process and dogma.
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I could equally say, this implies God created all that is seen and unseen.

Did this Soul/Psyche create the universe and life, was it responsible for the Big Bang?

The bottom line for my words and yours is belief, we neither have hard testifiable evidence.
Do you mean TESTABLE evidence?
Belief in the latest that science says is intelligent. It may not always be 100% true, it will be improved in future, but in most cases the basic premise is not going to be abandoned like in creation of the universe or evolution. Science has arrived at its present position with many experiments and verifications. A person who does not believe that is not intelligent.
Let's pick that apart in a couple ofways
I think the earlier statement I was replying to was the idea that belief in any gods or supernatural or unproven things was not intelligent.
I don't see how that is answered by saying belief in current science is intelligent.
Those are just different statement.

Either way, you are saying some people are not intelligent due to some beliefs. So, even if they have problem solving skills or good memories or the ability to size up your motives or do math or learn languages or anything else we associate with intelligence--

IF they believe in something supernatural (regardless of their belief in science)
and IF they have doubts about the latest sciences (regardless of their belief in the supernatura)

In either case -- people belonging to either of those categories are not intelligent? Despite the problem solving skills, good memories, ability toe read people, learn languages or do math -- it is their beliefs that determine their intelligence? Not their abilities????
Locusts are kosher?
Are they?
I thought eating bugs was always not kosher.
"The Torah prohibits eating most insects, going so far as to call their consumption an “abomination.”1 However, certain types of grasshoppers and locusts are permitted.

The Torah2 gives us a number of signs to discern which species are permitted. The Mishnah sums up the signs:

. . Of locusts: all that have four legs, four wings, leaping legs, and wings covering the greater part of the body, are kosher. Rabbi Yose says: [In addition to the signs] its name must be chagav [locust].3
In other words, even with the signs, there must be a tradition that the locust bears the name chagav. As the Talmud tells us, there are 800 non-kosher species of grasshoppers and locusts,4 and there are only eight that are kosher.5 Since, for the most part, we are no longer able to ascertain which species of locusts are kosher, we refrain from eating any locusts.6

This is, however, an oversimplification of the issues involved."

This is one interpretation (including some info I wasn't aware of). It is noted in the New Testament that John the Baptist ate Locusts and wild honey...presumably that was the mainstay of his diet.
No other organism on earth has evolved as we have, they are more or less exactly the same as they were from their beginning.

What other creature's brain has developed to such an extent? None . . .
You need to study Biology.
All brains have developed according to their needs.
Either way, you are saying some people are not intelligent due to some beliefs. So, even if they have problem solving skills or good memories or the ability to size up your motives or do math or learn languages or anything else we associate with intelligence --
Sometimes beliefs makes them unintelligent, sometimes they are unintelligent even without their beliefs. It depends on what education they got.