Why Do People Like To Talk About Their Spiritual Beliefs?

You have Islamists murdering innocent people. Is that what Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught?

The question does not require an answer.
The point that I am making is that these evils are happening due to the widespread nature of major sins
in the modern world.

Yes .. usury is a major sin. It is socially devastating and causing enmity.
Are Christians leading the way out of this problem? I would say not.

It seems it is left for people like me to SERIOUSLY WARN Christians about it. They don't seem to care any more..
..they are more interested about rambling on about "Christ inside", which does nothing :(
It seems it is left for people like me to SERIOUSLY WARN Christians about it. They don't seem to care any more.. ..they are more interested about rambling on about "Christ inside", which does nothing

Moderator Voice: A worthy cause. This is not the forum for that, however.
You have Islamists murdering innocent people. Is that what Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught?
The question does not require an answer.
Perhaps it does?

You are happy to seriously warn Christians, but less happy to clean up your own house -- that is, to warn Muslims, against being perceived (right or wrong) as the most violent and murderous religion on the planet in the early 21st Century? Or would that be a more dangerous warning to soapbox on the internet about?

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye. Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Matthew 7:1-5

Read full chapter:
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 7&version=KJV
Perhaps it does?

You are happy to seriously warn Christians, but less happy to clean up your own house -- that is, to warn Muslims..

You are wrong .. I warn everybody about committing major sins.
I have been shouted at in mosques many times over about the very issue of usury.

..as the most violent and murderous religion in the planet in the early 21st Century..

I'm doing my best to teach people how to fix this. Despite the fact that many people are not interested
[ as they are heavily involved with usury themselves ], I continue to try.

..anyhow, @Cino has come along with his "moderator voice", and I take heed .. bye bye :)
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So the mental configuration is also not a state of consciousness? What is mind, and its "movable parts" so to speak, in your view?
Hi Cino, I’d say the configuration is a state. Did I say it wasn’t? Mind is God. Mind is Consciousness. Mind is Spirit. Mind is Imagination. Mind is our Essence. Mind is what we are. Mind is intellect. Mind is Love. Etc. Now what is it exactly???????

I have found in teachings that desire (love, will) is seen as separate from mind. It’s the thing that gets mind moving, that generates thoughts and mental imagery, but I think they are the same thing. Force and form - two sides of the same coin.

I don’t mean to minimize teachers of other faiths. I think all are true. But it was through teachers heavily influenced by Hebrew teachings and teachers that I have come to where I am on the path.

I find eastern thought to submit to what is, to surrender and adjust one’s mind by acceptance and find peace. Whereas the Bible says exercise your god given talents, don’t surrender to the collective subconsciousness of the world, don’t hide from it, rule instead; and to do so in love. Not rule the world, leave it alone. Rule ourselves and our lives.

So I will say this. In truth, you can never die. You can never get sick. You can never be poor. You can never get old. As Christ’s- speaking for myself as Christian, and I really don’t like to claim identification with a religion as I don’t belong to one, I am the temple of the God of heaven and earth. I am one with the Spirit of the God of heaven and earth. My job is building the temple (really God builds it) by disciplining my mind; this is the foundation and walls of the temple (praise, trust, wisdom, abundance, compassion, truth, stability, discernment, detachment, temperance.......).

The world is a flood of facts. We have records of birth, health, academic achievements, national identity and all the other information and knowledge of man. None of it really means anything. We are the dwelling place of the Most High, children of, and indivisible from. And those are the facts that matter. The world does its best to say otherwise.

I have many times in life “become young”. I’ll put myself out here but others on the forum already probably think I am crazy or the devil or ignorant- no matter. Many times in my life people have said to me, you have grown younger, you have grown young again, aren’t you and my daughter the same age. Sometimes I scare people. The truth is that youth has nothing to do with time. I’m not talking about being a kid. It’s not in a bottle of cream. It’s not good generics. It’s a state of consciousness. As is health and wealth. It’s a feature of consciousness. It’s inherently ours. We are spirit. Health doesn’t come from a bottle of pills or a vaccine. Doesn’t come from a doctor. It comes from God.

I certainly don’t have it all figured out. I realize there are kinks and edges in my thinking that need smoothed and straighten. And I keep trudging.
You are wrong .. I warn everybody about committing major sins.
I have been shouted at in mosques many times over about the very issue of usury.

I'm doing my best to teach people how to fix this. Despite the fact that many people are not interested
[ as they are heavily involved with usury themselves ], I continue to try.
Fair enough
This is why Almighty God calls the disbelievers "kafirs" in the Qur'an.
Just to explain: that term in South Africa is the most offensive racial insult available. Take the 'N' word in the US and multiply it by a thousand, to start close to the racial insult of the totally banned, and seriously legal actionable use of the 'K' word in South Africa
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Hi Priceless, at the risk of incurring the Weirding Way of Cino's moderator voice:

So I will say this. In truth, you can never die. You can never get sick. You can never be poor. You can never get old. As Christ’s- speaking for myself as Christian, and I really don’t like to claim identification with a religion as I don’t belong to one, I am the temple of the God of heaven and earth. I am one with the Spirit of the God of heaven and earth. My job is building the temple (really God builds it) by disciplining my mind; this is the foundation and walls of the temple (praise, trust, wisdom, abundance, compassion, truth, stability, discernment, detachment, temperance.......).

The world is a flood of facts. We have records of birth, health, academic achievements, national identity and all the other information and knowledge of man. None of it really means anything. We are the dwelling place of the Most High, children of, and indivisible from. And those are the facts that matter. The world does its best to say otherwise.

I have many times in life “become young”. I’ll put myself out here but others on the forum already probably think I am crazy or the devil or ignorant- no matter. Many times in my life people have said to me, you have grown younger, you have grown young again, aren’t you and my daughter the same age. Sometimes I scare people. The truth is that youth has nothing to do with time. I’m not talking about being a kid. It’s not in a bottle of cream. It’s not good generics. It’s a state of consciousness. As is health and wealth. It’s a feature of consciousness. It’s inherently ours. We are spirit. Health doesn’t come from a bottle of pills or a vaccine. Doesn’t come from a doctor. It comes from God.

I certainly don’t have it all figured out. I realize there are kinks and edges in my thinking that need smoothed and straighten. And I keep trudging.

You are not crazy or the devil. You are quite brilliant in my opinion. You are also not wrong but I think what you say here, as much as I like it, needs balancing. I like the fact that my spirit (who is more me than anything else) will never die. But trapped as I am here in time my body is aging, decaying. What I could do 20, or even 10 years ago, I can no longer do. I adjust but eventually I bow my head in death, just as all with mortal coil must. So, is the body also me, this vessel destined for dust? Perhaps so, in time. It seems we must be teachable with regard to both our mortality and our immortality.
Hi Priceless, at the risk of incurring the Weirding Way of Cino's moderator voice:

You are not crazy or the devil. You are quite brilliant in my opinion. You are also not wrong but I think what you say here, as much as I like it, needs balancing. I like the fact that my spirit (who is more me than anything else) will never die. But trapped as I am here in time my body is aging, decaying. What I could do 20, or even 10 years ago, I can no longer do. I adjust but eventually I bow my head in death, just as all with mortal coil must. So, is the body also me, this vessel destined for dust? Perhaps so, in time. It seems we must be teachable with regard to both our mortality and our immortality.
Hi Stranger, always a pleasure. I can’t argue with you, and I don’t deny that the physical realm is the world of birth and death etc. And I also won’t deny what I experience and God shows me is true. No, we aren’t the body, but the corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. We are incorruptible and immortal.

I get balance but I am told to put on Christ, to live after the Spirit. That doesn’t mean that I reject my body and physical life. It means that I understand that consciousness creates. (I understand spirit creates.) I understand that the physical doesn’t rule. We aren’t a prisoner to the flesh. Spirit is ALWAYS free.

You’ve been laying low the last day or so. Glad you’re back.
Hi Stranger, always a pleasure. I can’t argue with you, and I don’t deny that the physical realm is the world of birth and death etc. And I also won’t deny what I experience and God shows me is true. No, we aren’t the body, but the corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. We are incorruptible and immortal.

I get balance but I am told to put on Christ, to live after the Spirit. That doesn’t mean that I reject my body and physical life. It means that I understand that consciousness creates. (I understand spirit creates.) I understand that the physical doesn’t rule. We aren’t a prisoner to the flesh. Spirit is ALWAYS free.

Always free, I like that. I feel this as well. I like your take on things... A long time ago when I began to see types and shadows in the OT, I wondered how far they extended into the NT. Acts, yes, I could see that possibility. The parables, yes. But...what about the incarnation itself, the disciples, the apostles. What about the letters of Paul and others? What about everything? :)

In time we have truth coming through various means. In Christianity, we have Israel and we have the church. We have election of one sort or another. Beyond the bounds of Christianity we have messengers of every stripe also. Outside of time, perhaps we have something closer to what you are describing. In time again, perhaps all exist at once. Confusing perhaps, beautiful, most certainly.

You’ve been laying low the last day or so. Glad you’re back.

Sorry about that, I might have left a conversation with you hanging. I've been forgetting a lot of things, not enough space in my head. :) I had to fill in for a fallen friend at work so that is cutting down on my online time here. Hope things are going well for you, hang in there.
Always free, I like that. I feel this as well. I like your take on things... A long time ago when I began to see types and shadows in the OT, I wondered how far they extended into the NT. Acts, yes, I could see that possibility. The parables, yes. But...what about the incarnation itself, the disciples, the apostles. What about the letters of Paul and others? What about everything? :)

In time we have truth coming through various means. In Christianity, we have Israel and we have the church. We have election of one sort or another. Beyond the bounds of Christianity we have messengers of every stripe also. Outside of time, perhaps we have something closer to what you are describing. In time again, perhaps all exist at once. Confusing perhaps, beautiful, most certainly.

Sorry about that, I might have left a conversation with you hanging. I've been forgetting a lot of things, not enough space in my head. :) I had to fill in for a fallen friend at work so that is cutting down on my online time here. Hope things are going well for you, hang in there.
Maybe decide to leave time for eternity. Nothing stopping you.

I’m doing great- drinking tea and eating a cookie .
Maybe decide to leave time for eternity. Nothing stopping you.

Can you give more context to your suggestion? In this brief and enigmatic form, readers might draw unintended conclusions.
Can you give more context to your suggestion? In this brief and enigmatic form, readers might draw unintended conclusions.
Yes, of course. (Sorry about that.)

Eternity is now. There isn’t a past and there isn’t a future except to what we measure according to time. Time is an instrument of measurement. But now is all there is. We can practice leaving time for eternity.

I think eternity is the truth.
It is always "now", that sense?

The momentum of the past is also part of the eternal now, in my opinion. Otherwise change would not happen in the now.

What is your understanding of change? (not in the "free will" sense but the cause and effect, temporal sense?)
It is always "now", that sense?

The momentum of the past is also part of the eternal now, in my opinion. Otherwise change would not happen in the now.

What is your understanding of change? (not in the "free will" sense but the cause and effect, temporal sense?)
Um, yes it’s always now, but it’s bigger than that. It’s like the reality behind or in back of the eternal unfolding before our eyes.

Change is God’s eternal nature. I don’t see change as something different from eternity. Eternity doesn’t imply a non activity.

I believe all of creation (past present future) is happening here now; in eternity. But my consciousness is descended, contracted into a limited focus or perception. There isn’t a temporal now; there is the eternal now.
I have always thought of consciousness as being our awareness of ourselves in time, and that which is beyond consciousness being the realm of the spirit. Jung had basically a whole world lying outside of consciousness in his concept of the unconscious, an exciting world within that didn't necessarily follow the rules of time.

I see the conscious mind, the conceptually aware part of us, ourselves in time, as being sort of a veil which hides an entire world of spirit. The ultimate veil, really. If one really wanted to hide (as a spirit, I mean), consciousness is deep cover. :)

Now, the spirit world outside of time would be (I think) a world free of the concept of law (effort toward a holy ideal); that is part of the freedom of it. There is a governor there, however, and that is Love. Love can place some heavy demands on an old spirit.

Coming back down in time, all things are indeed lawful, but are they expedient? In other words, if freedom is used in an irresponsible manner, is it still love, or has it transgressed the ways of love? The implications... could be serious, as well as the consequences.

So yes, I would love to step into that eternal world, but I want to be ruled by Love. Without Love, I am nothing.
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I see the conscious mind, the conceptually aware part of us, ourselves in time, as being sort of a veil which hides an entire world of spirit. The ultimate veil, really. If one really wanted to hide (as a spirit, I mean), consciousness is deep cover..

I agree .. there are many things that are hidden from us.

Coming back down in time, all things are indeed lawful, but are they expedient? In other words, if freedom is used in an irresponsible manner, is it still love, or has it transgressed the ways of love? The implications... could be serious, as well as the consequences..

Well put. What is love? If we love Almighty God, does that not come with obligations?
I would say that "yes, it does". It is not that Almighty God wants to overburden us, and take away our freedom.
He simply wants us to be happy and successful .. as an individual and as a community.

Most creatures are not like us. They have a God-given nature, and they are not responsible for their actions.
eg. we don't take animals to court ;)

We have been given a different soul. We have the potential to exceed other creatures, but conversely we can be
much worse than them, if we turn away from God / truth.
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I agree .. there are many things that are hidden from us.

Well put. What is love? If we love Almighty God, does that not come with obligations?
I would say that "yes, it does". It is not that Almighty God wants to overburden us, and take away our freedom.
He simply wants us to be happy and successful .. as an individual and as a community.

Most creatures are not like us. They have a God-given nature, and they are not responsible for their actions.
eg. we don't take animals to court ;)

We have been given a different soul. We have the potential to exceed other creatures, but conversely we can be
much worse than them, if we turn away from God / truth.

Kudos, my brother. If life is a stage and we are all actors in it, I must say that you stay in character more than most. :) Many are overeager (jump in on cue but too forcibly), some have hubris and thus need to flaunt ("I am the smartest guy in the room"). However, you have performed magnificently. This is not a taunt but rather a compliment from the heart.

I agree with you and go back to God as Love. To turn away from God and truth is to turn away from God as Love. This is why I long to be governed by Love, because there is no guilt in that. It is the way of true freedom. Love may say "No." But even Love's negative is for our good. I think you see this, the freedom of it. It's not antinomianism. That, as a way of life, requires effort to maintain and is therefore, ironically, law. One governed by Love is governed by Spirit. I could go on and on and not really hit what I feel about this, so I'll just stop there.
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