Why Do People Like To Talk About Their Spiritual Beliefs?

No .. I don't. I can almost imagine you laughing as you say it ;)
If we are both "Jesus Christ", then that means we are both the same person :D
We are indeed the same being; the One Being, Jesus Christ.

That’s exactly what I am saying.

That is why we must love the brethren. That which you do unto the least of these so do you unto me. That is why we discipline and discipline and discipline our minds, because love is the path. It’s so easy to think poorly of others or judge, or think oneself is better than. If you KNOW that that person standing across from you is Christ, even though they don’t look it, or act it, you are left with the choice to love them (love thy neighbor as thyself) or not.

It’s my bedtime.
It's not about the words.
It's not about the words.

No .. it's about the principle of being filled with "Christian" love for God?
i.e. being saved

Can somebody be saved from destruction, if they "love" without knowing what they love?
..I don't think so.

If one wishes to follow a life of evil [ knowingly or unknowingly ], does it help your brother
to wish them to do the same?
No ! Of course it doesn't.
It is just not enough,.

I remember when I was 20 years old, and some born-again Christians [ who meant well ]
asked me to "let Jesus into my life". I said "OK, I am ready to do that".

They did a prayer. "Oh Jesus, please let him feel your presence etc. " and I felt my hair on end.
Being filled with some mysterious form of love is great,
but one needs to follow up on that, and know what they are talking about,
otherwise this "love" just seeks to mislead IMO
Oh well. You might find yourself sharing heaven with a lot of folks you didn't expect to be there with you, lol ...
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Oh well. You might find yourself sharing heaven with a lot of folks you didn't expect to be there with you, lol ...

It all depends on your idea of heaven.
If somebody wants to go to heaven, they have to decide to "follow the signpost".

That reminds me of some people's idea of a joke.
They turn the signpost around on a country road, to make it point the wrong direction.
A person thinks that they are heading towards their destination, but in reality they are not !

I think most of us get an impression [ from scripture or otherwise ], that somebody
goes to heaven if they believe [ such-and-such-a-creed ], and so they love God, and God loves them.
Hence, God waves His magic-wand and "puts" somebody in heaven.
Most people like that idea.

However, when it comes to God waving His magic-wand and putting them in hell they protest,
and judge it to be appalling.
In my opinion, that is because we have the wrong idea about God. It is not God
that waves His magic wand. It is about our own souls and what they are thinking and doing.
"The place" we end up in is of our own making.
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Now we are seeing How each Messenger is the Light but not in the Same flesh body.
But that has always been understood in the Abrahamic religions – indeed that has been understood since antiquity – I don't see any new info in that regard.

Oracles, Prophets, whatever we call them, are inspired by God, illuminated by the light, but they are not the light as such.

But then Jesus is more than a Messenger...
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I’ll say it. (And I have said it before.) We are Christ.
I feel Christ in me, and sometimes I hear him. Now we can say it’s one thing to be in him and another to be him, but I disagree.
I see what you're saying in part ... where I stumble is where or how you see Christ apart from us, as it were – Christ-in-Himself, if that makes sense?

You are Jesus Christ. I know that you don’t believe me.
This is the nub of it, I think ... who is Jesus Christ?

I'm pretty sure this is not what you think, but one could posit that 'Jesus Christ' is the name for collective consciousness, like an after-effect of such?

The more you write, the more I see, the more I agree. The one little cloud on that horizon is perhaps the anthropological model ('consciousness') can be read to define the divine, as it were.

On the other hand, I read you more in Eckhartian terms (please excuse my frames of reference), or perhaps more akin to Marguerite Porete – so in either case entirely orthodox, but liable to raise eyebrows! ;)
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I’ll say it. (And I have said it before.) We are Christ.
I feel Christ in me, and sometimes I hear him. Now we can say it’s one thing to be in him and another to be him, but I disagree.
A teacher I like quoted someone (don’t remember who): It is the failure to accept the open invitation to life as Christ that has reduced Christendom to the slavery of its own misconception.

St Augustine said, in a sermon to the catechumens, on speaking of the One Body in Christ:
"See what you receive, receive what you are" (sermon 272)
It’s what the Bible says. I don’t find it perplexing. I think if you have been fed something else and gobbled it hook line and sinker, then it seems ridiculous if not downright devilish.

No .. you and @RJM Corbet are the same..
You both make up your own version of truth.

You talk about "eternal hell phoey", as does RJM..
If I tell you "it's what the Bible says", as you have just said to me to prove your "everyone is Jesus" claim,
you make some excuse.
i.e. I take Adam and Eve as allegorical .. I tale eternal hell as allegorical..
You just take eternal heaven as literal, because that is what you want to believe :)
I see what you're saying in part ... where I stumble is where or how you see Christ apart from us, as it were – Christ-in-Himself, if that makes sense?
I do understand (I had to read it a couple times). I don’t think we are apart from Christ. We aren’t separate from God. There is only God in the world.

I think that the Son of God is a being but not as we think of a being and that we have visions of him as a person or a great majestic being or however God communicates to us. We communicate, think, see, are, in image. Anyway, I don’t know what he is in his fullness. I know that he is Love because I have been brought up into him and became part of a gushing river of love flowing to all creation.

I believe he is humanity. The humanity in its redeemed form, but is as well the fallen Adam, the man of sin, as he takes all the sin of humanity upon himself. He can’t ever be defiled, neither can we. The false perceptions and beliefs about ourselves others and life are what are defiled and evil, and are burned away. Not us.

I think he is imagination which is Consciousness. We are imagination. And that the only things I am ever dealing with are in my mind (the garden, the house). I am mind. The universe is the Living Mind of God. The universe is imagination pushed outward. Your life is a reflection of your mind.

One more thing as I must get to work. A way I have been taught to look at it is that we are the operant power which is animating (the source and substance of) our life. We think we are the thing, the object, the incarnation, but we are that which is the source of it - consciousness (mind, imagination, light). We are I Am.

and then will (desire) is in there and that’s another subject - gotta go
No .. you and @RJM Corbet are the same..
You both make up your own version of truth.

You talk about "eternal hell phoey", as does RJM..
If I tell you "it's what the Bible says", as you have just said to me to prove your "everyone is Jesus" claim,
you make some excuse.
i.e. I take Adam and Eve as allegorical .. I tale eternal hell as allegorical..
You just take eternal heaven as literal, because that is what you want to believe :)
Hell is a state of consciousness as is heaven. Is it real? Yes. Is it a physical place that God sends people who he doesn’t like to burn in agony for eternity? No. Is the state of consciousness called hell eternal? Yes. Does that mean someone who goes there is there forever? No.

We move in and out of states of consciousness. We embody states of consciousness. They aren’t real. They are, but we activate them. We are the power. We are incorruptible, immortal, pure Consciousness- not the state. We make alive the state. Then we leave it for another state that we animate. The old state is still there. It is eternal. We just aren’t animating it.
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I like what you write here, @PricelessPearl, and want to ask how you would put the individual perspective or experience, which is evident in the various opinions in this thread, into relation with the states of consciousness you mention.

In other words, am I a state of consciousness according to your view? If so, how can I animate or switch states of consciousness? If not, then what is this individual experience I have, which is distinct from yours, or Muhammad_Isa's?
I see what you're saying in part ... where I stumble is where or how you see Christ apart from us, as it were – Christ-in-Himself, if that makes sense?

This is the nub of it, I think ... who is Jesus Christ?

I'm pretty sure this is not what you think, but one could posit that 'Jesus Christ' is the name for collective consciousness, like an after-effect of such?

The more you write, the more I see, the more I agree. The one little cloud on that horizon is perhaps the anthropological model ('consciousness') can be read to define the divine, as it were.

On the other hand, I read you more in Eckhartian terms (please excuse my frames of reference), or perhaps more akin to Marguerite Porete – so in either case entirely orthodox, but liable to raise eyebrows! ;)
I should be working.....

I think Jesus Christ is Jehovah. Jesus is the anglicized of the Latin Iesus which is Joshua (anglicized of the Hebrew). Joshua means Jehovah is Salvation. Just as Joshua leads the children of Israel into the Promised Land so Jesus leads Israel into the Kingdom of God. It’s allegory. He is God as the Father and Son.

I don’t think I have read Eckhart.
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Hell is a state of consciousness as is heaven. Is it real? Yes. Is it a physical place that God sends people who he doesn’t like to burn in agony for eternity? No.

We're on the same page here..

Is the state of consciousness called hell eternal? Yes. Does that mean someone who goes there is there forever? No.

I can't agree with that.
You are trying to manipulate the meaning of eternal.
I would agree that some people will be in a hell [ of their own making ], and be taken out of it.

I do NOT agree that there will not be some people in hell FOREVER !
That is what eternal means.
You take the narrative of Adam & Eve as allegorical. I do not. I am not saying that every word in Genesis
is an accurate literal account of history, but I most surely believe that there were a man and woman called Adam & Eve.

I also beleive that satan is a real creature, albeit an invisible one. satan was with the angels and literally fell due
to arrogance. He is envious of any human being who is "with God", and wants to take them with him to hell.
It is very real. Our own weaknesses are also very real. We often fall into temptation,
and Almighty God is the Best of those who forgive.

Why should satan or somebody not come out of hell?
That is just how it is. Why do some people not come out of prison?