Why do viruses 'poof' into existence then?A Tesla self driving car doesn’t just poof into existence out of nothing. There is a procession from design to action?
It could have originated naturally. A lot of effort goes into demonstrating the fact that it could have. So it's the watchmaker argument -- with enough effort it can no doubt be demonstrated that a Teslsa self driving car could have originated naturally ...But that is far different from saying that the complexity could not have arisen naturally.
I believe that God does not interfere in reality quite that way. God doesn't enable things but allows them to happen naturally. Or else it would not be real.Think about it . . .
God Creates Heaven and Earth
God Creates Man
God Enables Sin
God Sends His only Son down to Earth to die for Something God Created in the First Place
I am with you on this one....intelligent design came first then evolution....I have no problem reconciling evolution or abiogenesis with intelligent design.
Atheism is the answer for all your problems. I do not need to fear any God, do not need to follow any rule book, do not need to worry about heaven or hell, do not need to worry about 'end of days' or judgment. Atheism has freed me completely (It has not given me a freedom to act inhumane manner).Jesus is the answer to all your problems.
AmenJesus Christ saved me from depressionand I need Jesus Christ for salvation
If an atheist decides that killing a person is fine, who can tell him it is wrong if there are no rules/laws? For he is completely free......?It has not given be a freedom to act inhumane manner.
That is a tribal law. Can a Christian kill in war? Do you say people only do not kill or act inhumanely because they believe in God?If an atheist decides that killing a person is fine, who can tell him it is wrong if there are no rules/laws? For he is completely free......?
That is why societies have secular laws to protect peopleWould you not agree, if there are no laws/rules that chaos will be the outcome? Freedom will be lost, there will be no protection for the poor and weak, etc.
..but "societies" are not all the same.That is why societies have secular laws to protect people..
Tell me a tribe or society that does not outlaw murder or theft? Not from my own tribe, that is .....but "societies" are not all the same.
Western law has evolved from its Christian roots.
It was quite different from the society that was before it.
Modern secular society is in danger of going "backwards", imo.
..and what about "hard porn", and financial manipulation such as loan sharks?Tell me a tribe or society that does not outlaw murder or theft?
Loan sharking is illegal, I believe? Interest rates are set by government. At any rate, the extortion of such loan repayments is criminal. Pornography is judged to be a legal right of adult freedom of choice, by most secular governments -- after a long road of debate. Child pornography is illegal because children cannot make the choice...and what about "hard porn", and financial manipulation such as loan sharks?
Should we all be free to do that?
Everyone is subject to the law of the land. And in law, it is a crime.If an atheist decides that killing a person is fine, who can tell him it is wrong if there are no rules/laws? For he is completely free......?
How did atheism deny you the freedom to act inhumane? What will happen if an atheist do decide to act inhumane?
Does atheism have rules? If so who made these rules?
If there are restrictions in our lives, who is really completely free? Would you not agree, if there are no laws/rules that chaos will be the outcome? Freedom will be lost, there will be no protection for the poor and weak, etc.
I believe that just like we have rules on the physical world there are rules/laws in the spiritual world no matter what we might tell ourselves....
Is atheism a subjective or an objective outlook on life?
Mmm, as is adultery, these days.Pornography is judged to be a legal right of adult freedom of choice, by most secular governments..
Well, as a Christian and this being the Christian board, can't say I share your opinion here. Our scripture and even some non-Christian doctrine tells us otherwise.There is only one world. There is no other 'spiritual world'.