OK, but this is your opinion.
By your standards, where are your facts?
Thought you were done with me. How much material would you like to read. Do we have the originals of either the Quran or the Bible, no. You are a smart person and have studied, you understand the process of trying to establish the truth. Can I factually prove that God exists, no, Is there supporting evidence that this world was created and didn't just evolve. Neither God nor evolution can be proven by facts, we take information (facts) and ascertain from what we have. Certainly, just look at the complexity of it all.
When I compare all the Religious books and whatever documents that can be looked at, we weight the evidence. I have already stated this before, Am I going to believe one man who hid in a cave, and basically reproduced the Jewish Scriptures very poorly and claimed it all came from God. Or will I believe a Canon comprised of many books, all supporting each other with names and places with historical reference. We have both been doing this for a very long time, a good investigator will seek answers.
What does the Quran support, what does the Bible support. The Quran supports war, beating your wife, divorcing your wife, having more than one wife. The Bible does not support any of this, yes there was war, and men to had more than one wife, but that was not commanded.
I will just leave it here....