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1. You and I already discussed this. Do you seriously believe that those 2 verses did away with God's holy days? That God installed these holy days, then decided that they should be done away with, but then be reinstated in His Kingdom later on? Last time we discussed this, you affirmed your belief that this was true. I don't know of any verses that ordered the halting of God's holy festivals. But you can bring this back up on that thread if you wish to go further.Romans 14:5 5 One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.
Colossians 16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
The bible does say this you just won't acknowledge it was it doesn't confirm to your opinion.
Ok then. When He died He descended into Hades then the resurrection and then He ascended. That's my 2 cents based on scripture
You've said this and I don't agree. I don't recall posting in the Ezekiel thread.
Don't forget Ephesians 4:9.. you conveniently forgot to address this lol
9 (In saying, “He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower regions, the earth? 10 He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.)
J23 said it's moot not me. For me it's a foundational belief. I corrected you on who was speaking in Deut 30. The grammar used by Moses and Jesus would be different. Paul didn't write like Matthew and Mark didn't write like Peter. Jesus never used today in all of His assuredly statements. I doubt my Lord would accidentally place the word today in anything He spoke that would cause such confusion 2000 years later. You either believe Him or you don't.
I don't agree because in multiple places of Scripture we are Body Soul and Spirit. You either believe it or you don't.
in Sheol/ Hades they would know nothing of the living.
If you don't take the bible literally then why are we discussing this at all? This is my faith and I take it very seriously. I use scripture to make my conclusions you however don't like the scriptures I'm providing.
I posted the scriptures in the previous thread . I also would add the souls of the innocent in Revelation. But I'm getting weary of having to repeat myself like you are I'm sure!
Not sure why you are defending the note as an extra thought when scripture clearly proved it wrong. Remember that this is a foundational belief that I myself will defend.
2. The Bible does NOT say this. That is my point, not my opinion. I can't acknowledge something that doesn't exist.
3. As long as Hades is considered the grave, then I would basically agree. Jesus died, spent 3 days dead, and then was resurrected. And even if he did somehow go to Hell and visit Satan and all of the other Taylor Swift fans, Jesus still wasn't in paradise. So my point stands.
4. I was referencing the Ezekiel thread for your own reference. I also wasn't saying that I agreed with that statement. I was just saying that some people believe this.
5. I was really hoping that you would do some research on those verses about Ephesians. LOL... seriously? I am just going to assume you didn't even read Psalms. So in summary, the Messiah was prophesied to descend from heaven, die, and then later on ascend to heaven. Paul was assuming that his audience was familiar with the psalms. Not sure why you are so obsessed with trying to prove that Jesus went to Hell.
6. But someone adding a comma to the wrong part of a sentence would screw up the meaning of both examples of Today. Different writing styles is what we are now using as a point here? A third (my approximating opinion) of the NT is people quoting scriptures from people who had different writing styles. What does that change?
7. I already explained the meaning of "soul" in the Bible. Your point never changed that.
8. Yes, Solomon was saying that the dead are buried and know nothing. They have no clue what is going on with the living.... because they're dead. Literally what he said. Did he say that some of the dead are alive? No. Did he say that some of the dead are aware? No. He said they were all dead.
9. I already explained how I interpret the Bible... as a book. It wasn't that I didn't like your scriptures. It's that YOU didn't like mine. I gave you plenty of scriptures to prove my point and you just keep saying "I don't agree". And I know you take your beliefs seriously. But to me, it appears that you are taking opinion and trying to use scripture to back it. You know that you should prove all things. That's all I am asking for.
10. I must have missed the scriptures. Which scriptures say that Jesus went straight to heaven/paradise right after crucifixion? I can't find them. Your scripture about "innocents" in Revelations says nothing about Jesus and the thief going straight to heaven/paradise right after crucifixion.
11. I already explained my note about the thief. Is there a scripture that says he died that day?
12. Juantoo3 made a very good point. As far as salvation, none of this really matters. So take a deep breath and realize that you are NOT debating with an enemy.