Absolute Truth

The concept is, if we reject one of God's Messengers, we reject them all, inclusive of Jesus. If this is the apex of our knowledge, Is this a position one would want to maintain?
Not sure I see it exactly -- that would be right next door to saying that Muslims actually reject Mohammed and Jesus as prophets because they do not accept others, that Christians actually reject Jesus by accepting him, and that Jews somehow actually reject either Moses or other prophets in the Jewish tradition by not accepting Jesus or the others -- this makes my head spin.

Question though-- Do Bahai accept Joseph Smith and William Miller, or Charles Taze Russell? What about David Koresh or Marshall Applewhite? Does Bahai, in its many writings, discuss criteria for discerning prophets, true from false?

Or in reference to the above names, are they ruled out because like someone else said, there is something in Bahai writings that prevent accepting any new prophets for 800 years? Is that what was meant?
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Sometimes I wonder if violence is part of the natural cycle. When man has plenty, he wants more and seeks to spread his reach. Then, what is possessed by others become tempting to grab even if by force. The two clash and even if a weaker force is overcome, elements of it will resist in secret seeking a chance to clash again when they believe they are strong enough.

The battles burn up resources of many kinds until there are few enough that resources for the self again become more important and battle is stopped for a while until resources become plenty again. And so the cycle continues.
I always thought people fought over scarce resources and having plenty allowed for peacetime.
I always thought people fought over scarce resources and having plenty allowed for peacetime.
Not sure about that. China started flexing her muscles when she became wealthy enough. Same for Japan and Germany. The USA needs a huge budget for the behind the scenes wartime she does. None of them were wanting at the time. Just saw more to gain on the other side and went for a grab.

Individuals may follow the behavior you mention but human governments require a big budget to begin and win war.
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My grandpa used to talk about this, and though I like a lot of what Bahai stands for it always gave me pause, whether Bahai came uncomfortably close to the one world religion spoken of in Revelation.
PMFJI Could you briefly explain what Revelation says regarding the one world religion or give me the reference to look up. (I don't have time presently to read the whole book).
Many have tried to give a valid interpretation of these prophecies.
For once we agree. For two millennia all sorts have tried, and managed to apply them to whatever cause they wish to advance -- although I see you do not hesitate to advance your own interpretation of Revelations as the correct one?
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the rest is commentary.
I think the difference between religion and social consideration is the first commandment -- to fear and serve God above even father and mother?

Thy will not my will, even though you slay me; still do I love Thee -- show me the wa

Service to mankind is the spin-off, but the inner peace that passes worldly understanding is the origin?
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I think the difference between religion and social consideration is the first commandment -- to fear and serve God above even father and mother?

Thy will not my will, even though you slay me; still do I love Thee -- show me the wa

Service to mankind is the spin-off, but the inner peace that passes worldly understanding is the origin?
For those who delve into the teachings - those who absorb, contemplate and practice the message as opposed to arguing endlessly about which "i's" are dotted and which "t's" crossed.

"My god is bigger than your god" is the same old schoolyard nonsense carried into adulthood and utilized to foment wars. Growing older has no bearing on growing up.
If they all left Jesus alone, they would have more credibility. There should be no need for their new holy guru to reference other holy beings. He should shine by his own light, imo, not hang on the hem of the robe of Jesus.

But just my opinion.
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If they let me be, I let them be. It's where they want to interfere with me I might become difficult, lol ... especially do not like a patronizing manner
Religion is more than social mores, imo