Steadfast...but also closed minded.
Where does all in the universe come from? Is there not a wellspring, a "source" from which all matter and all energy originate? Call it G!d, or don't, doesn't really matter - it exists. I believe some call it the Big Bang?
There are aspects of reality we as material, physical beings do not understand, no matter how well we delude ourselves into believing we know everything. We prattle on about evolution when we still have no idea how genetics and speciation operate.
According to one experiment, the human soul weighs 21.3 grams: , the research being dismissed for faulty methodology - and yet no other researcher has taken to confirm or deny his findings, or develop any other methodology. Curious, why not set the record straight? Perhaps because the human soul is easier to dismiss if there is no evidence?
Sounds like adverse Covid vaccine reactions, and some of our current legal manipulations particularly regarding voting inconsistencies. It is easier to say "there's no evidence!" if no evidence is sought or acknowledged. It is easier to look away and pretend not to see.
Humans have convinced themselves they know everything already, and have probably done so far back into antiquity. Only grudgingly does new information or ways of looking at reality come to be accepted. Quantum Mechanics is nice, but Newtonian Physics was sufficient to put a human on the moon. Using the phases of the moon to plant or harvest crops may seem outdated and superstitious, yet it works VERY well, predictably well.
A closed mind cannot learn. One shouldn't be so open minded their brains fall out, yet one cannot put more into a bowl that is already full. One cannot learn if one already knows. Knowing shuts off the ability to learn.
Humans historically have a tendency to "know" things that turn out not to be true. I posit that tendency continues still, today.
What is matter? What is energy? How are they related?