No false prophet will be established in Israel

And there is Baha'i, that is not Baha'i, in that there have been schisms within the Baha'i Tradition.

So it goes ...
That is always part of this matrix, where choice is a gift of free will.

I will offer no schism of the Message of Baha’u’llah will survive and flourish. That is the Covenant given by God. They will be a branch cut from the tree, the lifeblood lost, destined to slowly wither and die.

Regards Tony
I will offer no schism of the Message of Baha’u’llah will survive and flourish. That is the Covenant given by God. They will be a branch cut from the tree, the lifeblood lost, destined to slowly wither and die.
Whatever your 'House of Justice' says.
But, sorry, I am in the wrong forum for me. Have a nice time.
Whatever your 'House of Justice' says.
But, sorry, I am in the wrong forum for me. Have a nice time.
That is what is recorded in the Writings and the Universal House of Justice has been given Authority to adjudicate over.

All the best, Regards Tony
In caring first forr the individual soul, Christ uplifted the world. In caring first for (the state of) the world, lesser teachers degrade the individual soul, imo
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Ezekiel 13 is about false prophets "that prophesy out of their own hearts". God says to them, "Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!" And that they have contributed naught to Isreal "to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord"

This reflects the many warnings the New Testament offers about false prophets.

Ezekial 13 up to verse 9 talks of these false prophets, then we get to verse 9.

9 And mine hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and ye shall know that I am the Lord God. (Bold by me)

God has stated that no false prophets will enter the land of Israel, let alone to the established in Israel.

Verses 10 to 16 are about a wall daubed with untempered morter, a wall that God will bring down. A personal thought on this was the wailing wall and the mortar was the prayers tucked inside the cracks, that then ties to verses 17 to 23.

Verses 17 to 23 I have no solid thoughts about, but they appear to be expanding upon the extent that false prophecy has permeated society as a whole. The extent that false prophecy has influenced our mind and prayers.

So the two main points I will raise are.

1) If a prophet comes to Isreal and is established therein, then verse 9 would indicate they are not false. I see this supports Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

2) It appears verses 10 to 16 could very well be a prophecy about the wailing wall, be it symbolic or has a material unfoldment.

Happy to discuss in a friendly manner.

Regards Tony
It's a prophecy about the kingdom of Israel when God dwells there. So when God lives in Jerusalem no false prophet will ever set foot there. If you read previous chapters you see that God is telling Ezekiel His plan for Israel. Many of the Israelis are complaining that God isn't going to fulfill His promises that He gave to Israel. But He promises to bring them all back one day, even resurrecting the dead and bringing them back.

So plenty of false prophets can currently enter Israel and Jerusalem today. God doesn't live there. The dead haven't been resurrected. Until that happens "prophets" can make up all the lies they want and still enter Israel today.
Muhammad (pbuh) and other prophets never claimed the nature of Christ, imo.

“The first thing created by God was the Intellect; The first thing created by God was my Light.”
-Prophet Muhammad

“Two thousand years before creation, Muhammad and ‘Ali were one Light before God.”
-Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq

In caring first forr the individual soul, Christ uplifted the world. In caring first for (the state of) the world, lesser teachers degrade the individual soul, imo
To me the folks who do the most to uplift the state of the world are the nurses and teachers and doctors and counsellors and others who care first for the individual. The Social justice warriors and social reformers can easily lose sight of the individual in their mission for a better society: Mao tse Tung and Stalin and Pol Pot and many others. George Orwell wrote about it
However I'm talking about religious leaders, more than great social reformers like William Wilberforce, the English politician who ended slavery.

The founders of the great religions have always focussed hardly not at all upon changing the world but instead on healing and uplifting the individual soul or spirit -- and in doing so have changed the world.

It almost defines the nature of great spiritual figures.

Just my own opinion
The need to identify true and false prophets is the heart of this Ezekiel Passage.

Not sure if this Facebook Video will play, but this is a great example of how a True Prophet permeates the mind of man, even if they are totally unaware of the significance.

Regards Tony

It's a prophecy about the kingdom of Israel when God dwells there. So when God lives in Jerusalem no false prophet will ever set foot there. If you read previous chapters you see that God is telling Ezekiel His plan for Israel. Many of the Israelis are complaining that God isn't going to fulfill His promises that He gave to Israel. But He promises to bring them all back one day, even resurrecting the dead and bringing them back.

So plenty of false prophets can currently enter Israel and Jerusalem today. God doesn't live there. The dead haven't been resurrected. Until that happens "prophets" can make up all the lies they want and still enter Israel today.
The Message of Baha’u’llah has given us other ways that we can look at these passages.

Abdul'baha offered this, "God is pure perfection and the creation is absolute imperfection. For God to descend into the degrees of existence would be the greatest of imperfections; rather, His manifestation, dawning, and effulgence are even as the appearance of the sun in a clear, bright, and polished mirror."

This means the Messengers, such as Christ, Muhammad and Baha'u'llah, to name a few, become the 'Self of God', the focal point of all the knowledge we have about God and an example.of all the Attributes given by God to humanity. Thus God dwelling with us, are the representatives given by God, the "Annointed Ones" the true Prophets. Only they are the true Prophets.

Christ, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Abraham, Moses all reside in Israel , and as they are all One with all of God's other given Messengers, such as Zoroaster and Krishna, God rules from Israel via all those God given Names and Attributes.

The dead have arisen, this rising of the dead is not of the flesh, but that is a deviation from this OP.

Can you name a prophet that is established in Isreal, that has revealed scriptures, that I have not mentioned above?

Regards Tony
“The first thing created by God was the Intellect; The first thing created by God was my Light.”
-Prophet Muhammad

“Two thousand years before creation, Muhammad and ‘Ali were one Light before God.”
-Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq

Just watched it.

Most informative. Yeah! I didn't know all that. Thanks @Ahanu It's new ground for me.

Dr Khalil Andani is a very smart and considerate scholar, imo

The second, longer one saved to watch later
“The first thing created by God was the Intellect; The first thing created by God was my Light.”
-Prophet Muhammad

“Two thousand years before creation, Muhammad and ‘Ali were one Light before God.”
-Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq

They were a good watch, my wife enjoyed them as well. It was interesting to note what he offered at the end of the first video.

Regards Tony
The second video.

It is interesting that the Shia Muslims are able to find justification in the Quran for Muhammad (pbuh) as 'more than just a man' and in fact a manifestation of Godhead in himself -- if that's a right way of putting it?

I stand corrected on the point.

When it comes to a Quranic view of Jesus in relation to Muhammad, there are obviously all sorts of interpretations and I simply have to let it go as an Islamic discussion that does not impact the Christian New Testament Jesus, in the sense that view is not instructed or influenced by the Quran.

Thanks for posting.
Dr Khalil Andani is a reasonable and likeable voice