Did Jesus come to save all the people of the world?

Pentecost is also a Christian holiday. It's not just a holiday celebrated by Jews.

First fruits are a huge part of the new testament, especially seeing as Jesus was called the "first of the first fruits". 1 Corinthians 15:20

I would also reference Colossians 1:15-18, James 1:18, Revelation 14:4, Romans 8:23, 2 Thes 2:13, Romans 8:29,
Do you think God is a promise breaker a covenant breaker? Seriously that's really bad. Do YOU do all that God requires of you? Are you blameless in the eyes of a most Holy and Just God? Everything revolves around Israel.. because God made a covenant with them. We just get the crumbs from the masters table .. Thankfully so.
lets not forget Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the covenant . today in the here and now Jesus has to be accepted as the Christ . if not ,what are the chances of salvation ?
lets not forget Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the covenant . today in the here and now Jesus has to be accepted as the Christ . if not ,what are the chances of salvation ?
God gave Jacob the name Yisrael meaning God perseveres or prevails.. reestablishing His covenant that began with Abraham and Isaac. Do you think God changed His mind after roughly 1800 years of history with His people to replace them with JW that was only established in the last century? I'm asking you to reason with me. I'm questioning the character of God this belief states.
Putting aside discussions among scholars as to meaning, the meaning of the name as given in Genesis is different.
I would like to know what the difference is out of curiosity? I was trying to establish God's personal relationship with His people revealed in the name He gave Jacob. Google is not friendly to the nuances of the Hebrew language. It's a struggle sometimes. 🤔
Salutations @Faithfulservant , I hope all is well with you.

One of the first questions I asked a Rabbi was , "What is the real meaning of the word "Israel"?

He explained that the first 3 letters ישראל ( lersy) means 'let rule' and the remaining 2 letters ישראל ( lersy) mean God(el).
So, this Rabbi's translation means 'one in whom God rules', which I understood to mean 'surrendered to God'.

This conversation took place in 1968, so there may be more detail. I am sure @RabbiO will chime in with possible corrections and alternative meaning(s).

(apologies for the partial duplicate)