Some say it can be. If I understand correctly, multiple theories of the afterlife including universalism, conditional immortality/annihilationism, the existence of purgatory then salvation, punishment then annihilation, and the old favorite eternal conscious torment, all have some scriptural support. There is no fully articulated clarified theory of the afterlife in the bible AFAIK and no consistent solid picture throughout.
There's a guy I used to talk to on Facebook who went from being a fairly progressive Christian to being a more conservative Christian over the last several years, while remaining a Universalist. I can ask him how he has come to this conclusion. He told me once but I don't remember if there were proof texts.
Here are some sources that talk about it.
‘There are two Biblical ways of looking at salvation. One says that only Christian believers will be saved: the other says that all men will be saved. Since the latter is more loving, it must be true, because God is love.’ This argument (though the words are mine) is regularly used by university...
The universal restoration of the entire cosmos is a persistent theme throughout all of scripture. Not a few texts here and there, but a sustained witness.