What do you look like?

It's very nice mate, yup, you did a good job there, although, you could maybe use a week or two in Spain, as you are a little on the palid side. Have you been living caves...

lol, nah, that is called the "dodge tool" it lightens any surface on digital images... It was a must for the style I was looking for.... Oh and here is a front view, I am sure you're all dying to see it....

Yes, I was so dying to see it, I let the phone ring out just there :D

Meh, it's like a fancy Bobby Charlton, sweeping all that hair to one side, in such a manner! Someone has also shot you in the forehead, best get some TCP on that, as well.

Hmm, I was thinking about that wee beard you have, maybe, just maybe, I think you would look even better (if that is possible, lol), without it, or you could take it off the chin, and place it under yer nose. Options, see...

lmmfao lol I saw -right- through that man, you want me to dress up like Hitler don't cha?

But, If I did that would I be more attractive in your eyes? :)

*Splutters coffee over screen* :)

Er, maybe....

We shall continue the rest of this chat in private, I think.....;)
Aye, don't worry, Grey, I mean, I think two men should be able to say to each other, "Mate, you look great", in a non homo erotic way.....:D.

I already knew I did, however, I was just giving comrade 17th the same assurance...
furthermore, there should be no man that makes a judgement, were I to run my index finger, slowly, across that fine hair of 17th, while whispering compliments of a non homo erotic fashion in his ear....
