What do you look like?

Allways be havin' me a thang for them red-haired beins. 'Specially when they be havin' them "buns of steel".

No worries Grey, it's "agape" .

Aye, don't worry, Grey, I mean, I think two men should be able to say to each other, "Mate, you look great", in a non homo erotic way.....:D.

I already knew I did, however, I was just giving comrade 17th the same assurance...

Uh, no...you just say, "Hey dude! You're keeping well"...it's generic enough...:rolleyes: (lol)
"I see people shaking hands, saying 'how do you do', they're really saying, 'I love you', and I think to myself...what a wonderful world..."

Louis Armstrong

me at a festy a few moons ago now...

haven't been around much so i doubt theres much point sticking this up, but hey i'm bored and got nowt else to do. p.s. ladies take a deeeeep breath and calm yourselves, i'll be washing me hair anyway so theres no point getting yer hopes up! :D....
Chakraman...Good to see the real you. I for one have missed you while you've been among the missing. A good new year to you and yours.

hi flow :D,

how very kind of you, thanks. i would like to participate more but its difficult...

i wish you and yours a cool new year to, very best wishes, jase...
Oh I didn't see this thread.
Here I am
That is too funny- I guessed right. When I first saw your avatar, I wondered "Is that the edge of Medusa's snake-hair?" I have no idea why that came to mind first, as it usually wouldn't and it's the first time I've seen Medusa tattooed on someone. But sometimes I have flashes of inspiration like that. LOL :D

Nifty tattoo. I love tattoos; the stories behind them and how people intermingle the body, art, and their thoughts and feelings with symbols. If I could ever get out of corporate-land, I'd get significantly more myself. Currently I have plans for a couple more, but then I will sort of run out of space on my back (the one I do have is rather big and the second one I have planned are wings that would cover most of the rest) and I haven't committed to permanently wearing long sleeves at this point.