I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul

“I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”
- by William Henley,
excerpt from “INVICTUS”,​

As I open with these infamous words, let me say I am well aware of the implications and still vivid co...................t our lives, f.............tle background as to where I am coming from, why I believe the way I do, and why I am SOOO insistent on respect and tolerance. I am thankful to God and for Brian providing this place. It allows me to put my faith and philosophy into action.

Fate of a soul

It is a misunderstanding that the life history of every soul is written by God or destiny. God is certainly the creator of this whole world like the builder of the stage and the supplier of dress for a drama. He is responsible up to this level only. The story, dialogues and actions are written by the created self only. The self is pure awareness and is called as causal body, but is composed of several types of vibrations which are the feelings or thoughts or qualities.

The various types result due to various mixing proportions of Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas. Some of these thoughts have become very strong since from several millions of births. Such solidified thoughts are like hard diamonds. The bundle of such diamonds is called as the subtle body. The soul writes its own story of drama based on the directions of these diamonds (Samskaras or Vasanas). Thus, in that way, these diamonds can be treated as destiny. But this destiny has nothing to do with God. The soul itself created its own destiny.

Therefore, the theme of the drama will be uniform in any number of births of that soul. How to change these diamonds? You can change the destiny. The only way is to cut these diamonds by divine diamonds which come out from the preaching of divine knowledge by God through human form called as Satguru. Gita says clearly that God has not created anything and only the nature of the soul, which is bundle of these diamonds, is deciding the theme of the life of any soul here (Svabhavastu Pravartate). When God enters this world in human form, then only God writes His own program which is the story of His divine play.

Gita says that if you recognize such human incarnation and His divine mission, you will be liberated through your participation (Janama Karmacha Me Divyam…).
Fate of a soul

It is a misunderstanding that the life history of every soul is written by God or destiny. God is certainly the creator of this whole world like the builder of the stage and the supplier of dress for a drama. He is responsible up to this level only. The story, dialogues and actions are written by the created self only. The self is pure awareness and is called as causal body, but is composed of several types of vibrations which are the feelings or thoughts or qualities.

The various types result due to various mixing proportions of Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas. Some of these thoughts have become very strong since from several millions of births. Such solidified thoughts are like hard diamonds. The bundle of such diamonds is called as the subtle body. The soul writes its own story of drama based on the directions of these diamonds (Samskaras or Vasanas). Thus, in that way, these diamonds can be treated as destiny. But this destiny has nothing to do with God. The soul itself created its own destiny.

Therefore, the theme of the drama will be uniform in any number of births of that soul. How to change these diamonds? You can change the destiny. The only way is to cut these diamonds by divine diamonds which come out from the preaching of divine knowledge by God through human form called as Satguru. Gita says clearly that God has not created anything and only the nature of the soul, which is bundle of these diamonds, is deciding the theme of the life of any soul here (Svabhavastu Pravartate). When God enters this world in human form, then only God writes His own program which is the story of His divine play.

Gita says that if you recognize such human incarnation and His divine mission, you will be liberated through your participation (Janama Karmacha Me Divyam…).

Then what you've just done is placed human limitations upon God. This is ludicrous considering that God is outside of time, space, physical planes of existence as we know them. Time is a tool for the mortal, not the immortal, therefore, what happened yesterday, today, and tomorrow, God sees all at once. Which means He knows the life history of every creature, including you and me.


You are right, you are the master and captain.... Even if you believe in a divine presence you still are master and captain.... It's up to you if you choose to accept it or not.... Isn't that what a master/captain/insert other high rank chooses? Be it good or bad outcome.... You decide what you decide regardless of the circumstances or consquinces...... lol I spelt that wrong and I know it! But I am such a bad ass... I ain't going to change it... How you like dem apples?

Anyway.... Yeah, you are the master of your fate... If you have this divine presence... He can only judge your outcome... but if you wish to follow certain paths that is you that has sealed that fate... Not god. So interesting to see those who believe in a god, and yet they still point their fingers and blame him for outcomes and such.... When if they were like me, and others sure you can believe in a god... But, you are the one to blame... Not your god, you are the one that has made the error... You are the fault... Accept it.
I am NOT the Master of my fate... I have faith in God and faith in neighbor.
Every person is born to either lead or follow. Sometimes we lead, sometimes we follow.

It is possible to be both leader and follower at the same time, hence a person can be a master of their own fate *by choosing* to follow (or not) a Higher Master, and a person can be a captain of their soul *by choosing* to follow (or not) a Higher Officer. I can choose to follow (or not) my G-d and still lead my soul in the direction I choose by the wisdom I understand. I can choose to fully submit to whatever authority presents itself, real or imagined, and follow where the wind blows. Either way, the choice is mine and I have no other to blame. In the end, there is only so much guilt and blame that can be averted by blaming faulty leadership...it was one's choice to follow instead of stepping up and taking command of one's own.

It is impossible to be neither leader nor follower. Even a person incapable of thought is subject to the whims of other persons.
Every person is born to either lead or follow. Sometimes we lead, sometimes we follow.

It is possible to be both leader and follower at the same time, hence a person can be a master of their own fate *by choosing* to follow (or not) a Higher Master, and a person can be a captain of their soul *by choosing* to follow (or not) a Higher Officer. I can choose to follow (or not) my G-d and still lead my soul in the direction I choose by the wisdom I understand. I can choose to fully submit to whatever authority presents itself, real or imagined, and follow where the wind blows. Either way, the choice is mine and I have no other to blame. In the end, there is only so much guilt and blame that can be averted by blaming faulty leadership...it was one's choice to follow instead of stepping up and taking command of one's own.

It is impossible to be neither leader nor follower. Even a person incapable of thought is subject to the whims of other persons.

Indeed, I am amazed to find myself in a position similar to the Roman Centurian that approached Jesus on behalf of his servant. That is to say that I give orders to be carried out from time to time, and carry out orders as may be given to me from time to time. I such light I can be leading and following at once. But refusal to do either is worthless.

To refuse to follow is anarchy. To refuse to lead is dereliction of duty.

The problem with "fence walking" is the energy and concentration required to keep from slipping...that can be a humbling experience, and eventually one will fall on one side of the fence or the other...
Kindest Regards, Q!

The problem with "fence walking" is the energy and concentration required to keep from slipping...that can be a humbling experience, and eventually one will fall on one side of the fence or the other...

If by "fence walking" one means moderation or not bruising a blade of grass where one treads, then I agree. With that in mind, I am reminded of some of the most valuable advice I ever received, from my step-father: "when you fall off, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep trying."
Kindest Regards, Q!

If by "fence walking" one means moderation or not bruising a blade of grass where one treads, then I agree. With that in mind, I am reminded of some of the most valuable advice I ever received, from my step-father: "when you fall off, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep trying."

If refusing to lead or follow is the same as not trying to bruise a blade of grass, then we are in agreement.

I bet your step-father never mentioned getting back on the fence again...:D
If refusing to lead or follow is the same as not trying to bruise a blade of grass, then we are in agreement.

I bet your step-father never mentioned getting back on the fence again...:D

Ah, I was afraid I misunderstood.

Well, the point of "try again" was to give what you were doing another go, so if that happened to be fence walking... (I guess as long as it isn't street walking, things will be OK, ;) :D )

Not bruising a blade of grass requires very diligent leadership of self, which is what I think was Jesus' point. There is no way on earth "not bruising a blade of grass" just happens.
Ah, I was afraid I misunderstood.

Well, the point of "try again" was to give what you were doing another go, so if that happened to be fence walking... (I guess as long as it isn't street walking, things will be OK, ;) :D )

Not bruising a blade of grass requires very diligent leadership of self, which is what I think was Jesus' point. There is no way on earth "not bruising a blade of grass" just happens.
ergo, lead, follow...there is no get out of the way...

can't bruise a blade of grass without walking...unless one is Jesus.
Here is a thought..... if we all thought of ourselves as role models, would our actions differ. for eg. I use to say pretty dumb things about "love". ( dont believe in it.... its only for children..." but one day I overheard my son saying this toa friend of his and it made me realise....I have to wake up.. Lead for my children. I am a role model. and so is everyone. If we realized this more often maybe we would think before we act etc. what do you think. although I still believe its up to me, no one or nothing else. so that is where we differ. from the Grey
Kindest Regards, Greymare!

Thank you for your input!
Here is a thought..... if we all thought of ourselves as role models, would our actions differ. for eg. I use to say pretty dumb things about "love". ( dont believe in it.... its only for children..." but one day I overheard my son saying this toa friend of his and it made me realise....I have to wake up.. Lead for my children. I am a role model. and so is everyone. If we realized this more often maybe we would think before we act etc. what do you think. although I still believe its up to me, no one or nothing else. so that is where we differ. from the Grey

That is certainly one choice of a way to lead one's self. :)
ok leatherman, bring it on......LOLOL. We dont have to know the ins and outs of the holy books to have some bright ideas, ya know. LOL.

Actually, that's the point, or a goodly part of it. "Knowing" what to do isn't worth a flip..."doing," even without knowing quite why, is where the value is.

That is one of the most ironic issues I see concerning all of the fuss and ruckus over this word and that tense and the other interpretation, all of which is ultimately nonsense when so few attempt to observe what the words point to "do"ing.
Every person is born to either lead or follow. Sometimes we lead, sometimes we follow.

It is possible to be both leader and follower at the same time, hence a person can be a master of their own fate *by choosing* to follow (or not) a Higher Master, and a person can be a captain of their soul *by choosing* to follow (or not) a Higher Officer. I can choose to follow (or not) my G-d and still lead my soul in the direction I choose by the wisdom I understand. I can choose to fully submit to whatever authority presents itself, real or imagined, and follow where the wind blows. Either way, the choice is mine and I have no other to blame. In the end, there is only so much guilt and blame that can be averted by blaming faulty leadership...it was one's choice to follow instead of stepping up and taking command of one's own.

It is impossible to be neither leader nor follower. Even a person incapable of thought is subject to the whims of other persons.
I am a soul. I am made the captain of my flesh. But again, I am NOT the master of my own fate. As you say, a person must follow and lead. How easy it is for adults to isolate themselves as masters of their own fate rather than having faith in another. Being the master of one's own fate implies an absolute control that is simply not there. Many choices are made, but not everything is a choice. Many people do NOT understand the power of God in this very world.

Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
I am a soul. I am made the captain of my flesh. But again, I am NOT the master of my own fate. As you say, a person must follow. How easy it is for adults to isolate themselves as masters of their own fate rather than having faith in another.

Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

[SIZE=-1]I'm not allowed to run the ship
The whistle I can not blow,
I'm not the one who designates
How far the ship shall go…
I'm not allowed to blow off steam
Or even ring the bell… But
Let the damn thing hit the pier
And see who catches hell !!

[SIZE=-1]I'm not allowed to run the ship[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]The whistle I can not blow, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]I'm not the one who designates[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]How far the ship shall go… [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I'm not allowed to blow off steam[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Or even ring the bell… But[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Let the damn thing hit the pier[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]And see who catches hell !![/SIZE]
Cute, but I'm the one trying to convince the General to be more like a serving Private, and the Private to be more like an outspoken General.... surely I'll be escorted off the plank long before any pier. :D

Where do you think God would be in a uni-directional chain of command?
Cute, but I'm the one trying to convince the General to be more like a serving Private, and the Private to be more like an outspoken General.... surely I'll be escorted off the plank long before any pier. :D

Where do you think God would be in a uni-directional chain of command?

thank you for your reply. You know as well as me that there is no such animal as "uni-directional" COC. The other name for it is "chaos" or "anarchy"

There is only one chain of command, and it must be pyramidal in shape, though not neccessarily fat bottom down...

Oh, and as an aside...why is it that the place where the privates eat is called the General mess, and where the Generals eat is called the "private mess"? Can't figure that one out either...