Finish the sentence: "I love it when...."

back to I love it when........................

I have a good, imminent feeling of something wonderful and exciting and I THINK i know how it will be..........but have to wait for it................
Ah, there are so many things that do come to my mind, it is very hard to choose, but "I love it when...."

My faith has been strong enough to keep my hope alive, while traveling this path of life that God has written for me, and making me a better person with each passing day.
i love it when................................. two of my favourite men in the world have a conversation and both go away feeling ok about each other.

thanks again to Inlove for the best thread in the world........
I take my stand firmly against the Devil and his crafty acts, all the while seeking my dear God, Jehovah, who will not fail to make me firm, and make me strong.
(1 Peter 5:8-11)
I assume we are allowed more than one "I love it when"

I love it when I finish work for the week.
I love it when rain hits the windows.
I love it when I feel lifted and pumped after reading the Bible.
I love it when my wife wears her **** **** *** **** (hee hee hee)
I love it when I go for a chinese buffet.
I revisit old correspondences from InLove I've kept and I can kind of picture her typing away or working on one of her creations (both culinary and otherwise.) Then I picture her chatting with my family that's "over there", Jack Halyard standing slightly behind and to her left, adding some stuff on occasion about music and the like.

By the way, I keep almost everything I get through correspondence (inboxes get full rather frequently and I try to save them on my hard drives.) :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I love it when I've been sick for a really long time, and then one day, I wake up and just feel 100% better.

I loved it when I used to get up early on rainy winter days in my childhood home and sit in the living room with thick socks, my oldest flannel night-gown, an old favourite book, and a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup.

I love it when I fall asleep on my lover's chest at night, while he strokes my hair and I can hear his heart beating.

I love it when I hear my mom's voice on the phone.
I assume we are allowed more than one "I love it when"

I love it when I finish work for the week.
I love it when rain hits the windows.
I love it when I feel lifted and pumped after reading the Bible.
I love it when my wife wears her **** **** *** **** (hee hee hee)
I love it when I go for a chinese buffet.

i love it when my penquin stands guard at my front door, and his name is percy .

he reminds me of your penquin pic,
my heavy concrete penquin is nearly 60 years old and has been in the family for years. and he has had a new paint job, and he is looking good .
And i have given him a little friend to stand with him .
well, an update, I LOVE IT WHEN.....................
I am told i am loved and I believe it.....
In in another country and it feel like home
i am happy and others around me are as well
you clean up the yard and you just stop and look at it....... and its beautiful
you can FEEL love
I just love , LOVE
Been in the family quite some time and means alot huh?

I love it when we have things to remeber family members by and reflect upon those good precious moments... :)
:D dont you just love it (not)SOME ONE HAS NICKED HIS RED DICKY BOW grrrrrr