A little game.

Not really, cav--I just happened to know that one well. Give us another, if ya want?

How about this

Regarding a initial step it starts my investigation and, B of motion, the fact which is simple, ceremony and this shape, force and minimum of the animal and time the insect or impression thing and to be like this is happy and it is it and it loves; In order that a most big extatic song, at it song me or in me which talk cancer tooth it you please like this regarding in me regarding initial step, almost, it is more distant, it it stops it goes, the grass it does always and back it is applied,
Wild guess here- Einstein--Electrodynamics and all that jazz? (I really gotta go do some work, ya know--I knew better than to play this game!:D)
Haha! I have to laugh at myself--been cleaning and cooking and doing the "editing thing" for a friend of mine, and I come back thinking that someone has guessed and there is a new question. But since there isn't...I have been thinking that this sounds like something from ancient eastern poetry. Or maybe Zen Buddhism? Still searching, though....

Anyone else playing this game? Someone out there going "I know the answer, but let's see just how crazy it drives InLove? :D

Going back to work now, but just had to check. Phyllis, if you are reading this, does curiousity really kill the cat? If so, I am glad kitty has at least nine lives.:)
a. I've never really figured out how this game is played.

b. I have figured out that you folks are a lot more learned than I.

c. I enjoy watching the game and will toss out a guess....

d. When I have one.
wil said:
a. I've never really figured out how this game is played.

b. I have figured out that you folks are a lot more learned than I.

c. I enjoy watching the game and will toss out a guess....

d. When I have one.

a. If you guess correctly, then take a well-known (or maybe not:)) passage of text from just about anywhere (I think) and run it back and forth through a language translator like Babel Fish and post it all jumbled up.

b. I doubt it (speaking only for myself here)

c. Me too.

d. Ditto
wil said:
a. I've never really figured out how this game is played.

b. I have figured out that you folks are a lot more learned than I.

c. I enjoy watching the game and will toss out a guess....

d. When I have one.

"In the silence of the night, you support me friendly, it supports me firmly..."
taken from prose, with music...and the guy is blind...;)

He loves the smokey mountains...
InLove said:
Anyone else playing this game? Someone out there going "I know the answer, but let's see just how crazy it drives InLove? :D

Going back to work now, but just had to check. Phyllis, if you are reading this, does curiousity really kill the cat? If so, I am glad kitty has at least nine lives.:)

If you think this is bad, go back to post #89 and keep reading...

Anyway, concerning :kitty: lives, some seem to have even more than nine. :D

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
InLove said:
I have been thinking that this sounds like something from ancient eastern poetry. Or maybe Zen Buddhism? Still searching, though....
You're closer, but still a way off.
Or maybe the other way around?

And I'll bet y'all didn't know that Homer Simpson climbed Mt. Everest?

Are we talking about Erik Weihenmayer here?

(Just gotta ask)

Well, I started to say Ray Charles and Georgia before, but that isn't it, is it?

Is it?
Small is the theme of the following Chant, yet the greatest -- namely,
ONE'S SELF -- that wondrous thing, a simple, separate person.
That, for the use of the New World, I sing.
Man's physiology complete, from top to toe, I sing. Not
physiognomy alone, nor brain alone, is worthy for the muse; -- I
say the Form complete is worthier far. The female equally with the
male, I sing.
Nor cease at the theme of One's-Self. I speak the word of the
modern, the word EN-MASSE.
My Days I sing, and the Lands -- with interstice I knew of helpless
O friend, whoe'er you are, at last arriving hither to commence, I feel
through every leaf the pressure of your hand, which I return. And
thus upon our journey link'd together let us go.

Walt Whitman

Or something from Leaves of Grass? Maybe not this one?

Am I warm, huh? Am I? :D

Now I am thinking along the lines of Gary Snyder/Tom Killian and the Smokey the Bear Sutra.

(someone put me out of my misery)
Namaste in love...tis like watching someone throw darts at balloons at the fair....and constantly putting down another dollar...give me more...

I love the enthusiasm...

The only thing I see, which is no help to me..is the clue seems to be recently deceaed?