A little game.

Quahom1 said:
Reminds me of man's relationship with nature...but I'll need a clue. ;)



hmmm... ok significant years are 1930 and 1955

Failed an entrance exam.

Kelcie said:
hmmm... ok significant years are 1930 and 1955

Failed an entrance exam.


How about...

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
Albert Einstein circa 1953

I found it in my book, called "E-MC2".

How'ma doin' ?...:D


Quahom1 said:
How about...

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
Albert Einstein circa 1953

I found it in my book, called "E-MC2".

How'ma doin' ?...:D



You got it!!! That was well done!:D

Kindest Regards, all!

A little late to the party, but I have enjoyed following along!

Here is a favorite of mine. I suspect it will be pretty easy:

brillig van Twas of `, and toves slithy have done gyre and gimble in wabe: Everything mimsy were borogoves, and outgrabe of raths of mome.

he has guárdese of Jabberwock, my zoon! The jaws which bite, the claws which they take! Guárdese of the bird of Jubjub, and avoid Bandersnatch frumious!

He its rapier has taken vorpal for the arrangement: Time I leave the enemy separately score determined of manxome that he rests therefore he by the tree tumtum zoeken, and a moment in idea.

And, since he has believed uffish that he was stopped, Jabberwock, with the eyes of the flame, wine whiffling by the wood of tulgey, and burbled whereas wine!

, Two! , Two! And to crossing and by the blade vorpal he has passed that snicker-bocado! He died has left it, and with its head he has gone to galumphing to behind.

and, thousand Jabberwock have killed? Come to my poor, my boy of beamish! Day frabjous of o! Callooh! Callay! Chortled he in its joy

brillig van Twas of `, and toves slithy have done gyre and gimble in wabe; Everything mimsy were borogoves, and outgrabe of raths of mome.
Jabberwocky from Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland, I presume? If so, I have a short exerpt from a True Crime book that I'll try out on you guys. :)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
What fun--haven't been around much, but I have been reading when I get the chance--Hey Juan--hope the weather is treating you okay--my grandson is spending the school year down there.

And now, back to the game....:)

Kindest Regards, InLove!

I am OK, Katrina went far south of here and out into the gulf before turning north towards New Orleans. We were fortunate, but I still pray for those who were not so fortunate.

Thanks for asking. :)
It's not True Crime, but here's my contribution:

"I proposal myself that deplorably what I did," aforesaid Elave, "I was here came to. Now I have sunk to the knees and I doubt if I ooit zal leave."
"Oh you can your saving frankness have lost," aforesaid Anselm comfortably, "but if you are decrease. It is not in a your marsh words of other people. They keep never this way rapidly. You have to close the book only."
"Too late! There are things I have wanted now to know. How did the father and the zoon become firstly three? Who wrote firstly of them as three, to confuse us all? How there threecan be, already equal, that not yet three but een [insert reverse accents over the double e]?" zijn
"As three kwabben of clover the booklet three and, but has been united in one booklet," presented Anselm.
"And vier-leaved the clover, which brings luck? What is the fourth, man mensdom? Or we the tribe of threesome which allen?"
Shook Anselm its head concerning him, but with unperturbed sereniteit and a tolerant grijns, is. "Never write a book, zoon! You certain made would become to burn it!"

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine (who apologizes for such a lengthy delay and post)
Last edited:
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
It's not True Crime, but here's my contribution:

Ok Phyllis, I keep coming back to...Alice in Wonderland? Can you give a clue or a hint?


Hmmm. Father and Son are three, so I presume some discussion of the Trinity. Circa 1990...don't think it's Holy Blood, Holy Grail, that was 1980's...by chance is this from the book that made such a splash not long back about Mary Magdalene...ah, can't remember the title just now, darn it! Oh well, just let me know if I'm on the right track.
If you're thinking of The Da Vinci Code, you're cold.

I'll give you a couple more clues: the author was English, and one of the names in the conversation is of a rather major player in the mystery.

I hope that helps. :) :D

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Anselm? If so, I'm lost. I have no clue who Anselm might be.

Guess I need to get my head out of the non-fiction stuff and read more fiction?
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
No, it isn't Anselm, but he is mentioned elsewhere in the book. :) Does this help?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Nope, stumped. Phyllis, first one we can't figure out...(I can't figure out). :rolleyes:


Okay, I'll post the actual text and the book I got it from. :eek: Sorry about this (should I look for another text to post later?)
Translated text:
"I proposal myself that deplorably what I did," aforesaid Elave, "I was here came to. Now I have sunk to the knees and I doubt if I ooit zal leave."
"Oh you can your saving frankness have lost," aforesaid Anselm comfortably, "but if you are decrease. It is not in a your marsh words of other people. They keep never this way rapidly. You have to close the book only."
"Too late! There are things I have wanted now to know. How did the father and the zoon become firstly three? Who wrote firstly of them as three, to confuse us all? How there threecan be, already equal, that not yet three but een [insert reverse accents over the double e]?" zijn
"As three kwabben of clover the booklet three and, but has been united in one booklet," presented Anselm.
"And vier-leaved the clover, which brings luck? What is the fourth, man mensdom? Or we the tribe of threesome which allen?"
Shook Anselm its head concerning him, but with unperturbed sereniteit and a tolerant grijns, is. "Never write a book, zoon! You certain made would become to burn it!"
Actual text:
"I fancy that was what I was doing," said Elave ruefully, "until I came here. Now I'm bogged to the knees, and if I shall ever get out."
"Oh, you may have lost your saving innocence," said Anselm comfortably, "but if you are sinking, it's in a morass of other men's words, not your own. They never hold so fast. You have only to close the book."
"Too late! There are things I want to know now. How did Father and Son first become three? Who first wrote of them as three, to confuse us all? How can there be three, all equal, who are yet not three but one?"
"As the three lobes of the clover are three and equal but united in one leaf," suggested Anselm.
"And the four-leaved clover, that brings luck? What is the fourth, humankind? Or are we the stem of the threesome, that binds all together?"
Anselm shook his head over him, but with unperturbed serenity and a tolerant grin. "Never write a book, son! You would certainly be made to burn it!"
Ellis Peter's book The Heretic's Apprentice "The Sixteenth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael, of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury."

Sorry. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine