Mystery Thread

Dude I tried to warn you. If it got in your eyes, you need to wash them out with milk, preferrably whole milk. Soy milk is no good for this.

For a skin rash, apply a paste of calamine lotion. If you do not have calamine lotion, perhaps you have some faery sweat around. Drink that, at least two ounces. That should do the trick.

If you are suffering third-degree burns, you should consult your local witch-doctor for a full detox bath. After that, make sure that you cover yourself in magic rose petals and spend a day in bed, cooling off.

Be careful with those red peppers, people!
It's OK thanks, the tears have subsided now.


PS Faery sweat??!! No, second thoughts I DON'T want to know.
That I would have to describe as impressive. I can't see how they stay in business.

You should see the business they do locally...:eek:

People coming in the door with thirty seconds to closing, and people waiting for the doors to open in the morning. Been doing it 10-15 years now I think. They got meat pies and kartoosh, faleffa, tabouli, Kibe, La hamishwai, humus, and of course more than Baklava...They have the strong coffee (served in tasses), sweet teas, what ever one is willing to pay for.

It's family run, extended family operated. They get their ingredients from local merchants and butchers (all on Warren Avenue, within 4 miles of the bakery/restaurant). Overhead is low, shipping costs for making the food is's a perfect mercantile/food preparation business.

Some foods require refrigeration or chilled packing (the purchaser pays for that), while other foods like baked goods are fine at room temp (hermetically sealed).

The family talent is food, the patriarchal talent is sales. No middle man.

I'm not surprised at all, since I grew up with the family as neighbors.:)


Hi Q--I think I've seen that bakery featured on the telly before. It may have been on a cooking or travel show. I can't read all the pages on the site for some reason (something to do with Javascript--I don't usually have a problem with that, so maybe I need to do some updating or something.) Anyway, since I can't see the menu, I am wondering about the prices. Are they on the high end?

I've made baklava before, but I can't find the recipe. It was really good. I had a whole set of recipes from my friends I told you about, which included not only this dessert, but also the lentil soup and the tabouli. I hope I haven't lost them! I know I can find others, but these had sentimental value....


And here's a helpful hint for dealing with hot peppers of any kind: I use lightweight gloves when handling them--or if I am out of gloves, I substitute plastic baggies to cover my hands. Even then, sometimes the essential oils will leak through, but not so much. That stuff stays not only on one's skin for at least a day, but it is absorbed into the bloodstream and affects the nasal passages and lungs. If I am working with big batches of very hot peppers, I even tie a bandana or surgical mask around my nose and mouth and wear my glasses. Never, never, never process hot peppers while wearing contact lenses--if you absolutely have to wear them, don safety glasses. LOL--all this, and we EAT them! Ain't it great? :)

If I am working with big batches of very hot peppers, I even tie a bandana or surgical mask around my nose and mouth and wear my glasses. Never, never, never process hot peppers while wearing contact lenses--if you absolutely have to wear them, don safety glasses.

Hi InLove,

I can't really picture this. It would help if you could post a photo of yourself wearing all this stuff. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate it...

Snoopy said:
I can't really picture this. It would help if you could post a photo of yourself wearing all this stuff.

LOL. I think someone actually did take a picture of me making jalapeno jelly one year! I have a whole travel trunk full of photos I've been needing to sort through, so maybe I'll run across it soon. Then I got to find a scanner, of course....

I'm wondering--with all that garb covering me, would this reduce the possibility of the camera "capturing my soul"? :eek::D <Sigh> If the peppers don't get me, the Net will??? (Sounds like I have issues, doesn't it?) :)

Just made double chocolate brownies...mmmmmm..... I've found the directions on the Baker's unsweetened chocolate squares box to be the best. I just add a half bag of semi sweet chips to the rest of the stuff.

Haven't eaten any yet, but the guilt feelings are already beginning to creep in upon me.

Juan, these are not the special kind, but you're welcome to one or two anyway.


I wonder how they would be with a bit of orange extract in the recipe or a layer of raspberry preserves sandwiched between two layers of those brownies (or perhaps a layer of ice cream and put in the freezer.)

I know. :p ideas. *heads for the infamous Mope Corner, :kitty: in tow*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Kindest Regards, InLove!
And here's a helpful hint for dealing with hot peppers of any kind: I use lightweight gloves when handling them--or if I am out of gloves, I substitute plastic baggies to cover my hands. Even then, sometimes the essential oils will leak through, but not so much. That stuff stays not only on one's skin for at least a day, but it is absorbed into the bloodstream and affects the nasal passages and lungs. If I am working with big batches of very hot peppers, I even tie a bandana or surgical mask around my nose and mouth and wear my glasses. Never, never, never process hot peppers while wearing contact lenses--if you absolutely have to wear them, don safety glasses. LOL--all this, and we EAT them! Ain't it great? :)

This is too funny! I have a story to tell that goes along with this...

I had recently discovered bird's eye peppers. Supposed to be traditional in some of the Carribean island nations. Anyway, I gave a plant with peppers on it to a friend, suggested being careful when dealing with the peppers (like, wash your hands really, really well when you get done messing with them). So I go away for a week or so...

I stop back by, and he has a funny story to tell... Seems he forgot about me telling him to wash his hands. He was trying the peppers, cutting them up in the kitchen or something, and the natural call came upon him. He thought nothing of it, went to relieve himself...and we all died laughing imagining the pain he put himself through!!!

I know, sadistic little bug, aren't I? He couldn't say he wasn't fairly warned!
Kindest Regards, Flow!
Just made double chocolate brownies...mmmmmm..... I've found the directions on the Baker's unsweetened chocolate squares box to be the best. I just add a half bag of semi sweet chips to the rest of the stuff.

Haven't eaten any yet, but the guilt feelings are already beginning to creep in upon me.

Juan, these are not the special kind, but you're welcome to one or two anyway.

That's OK, these will be just fine!
Phyllis...Thanks for the brownie suggestions. I've always been partial to the raspberry/strawberry-dark chocolate combo-flavors as opposed to the orange connections. It's just a personal preference you see.

Brownie unders are a regular whenever I succumb to the siren songs of the Baker's unsweetened chocolate squares box...purrrrr !

Juan...enjoy, my friend !

Kindest Regards, InLove!

This is too funny! I have a story to tell that goes along with this...

I had recently discovered bird's eye peppers. Supposed to be traditional in some of the Carribean island nations. Anyway, I gave a plant with peppers on it to a friend, suggested being careful when dealing with the peppers (like, wash your hands really, really well when you get done messing with them). So I go away for a week or so...

I stop back by, and he has a funny story to tell... Seems he forgot about me telling him to wash his hands. He was trying the peppers, cutting them up in the kitchen or something, and the natural call came upon him. He thought nothing of it, went to relieve himself...and we all died laughing imagining the pain he put himself through!!!

I know, sadistic little bug, aren't I? He couldn't say he wasn't fairly warned!

lmao Juantoo, reminds me of a pretty similar story I have regarding me and my ex-wife. I wont go into details but maybe it was one of the reasons she is my ex-wife :p

Phyllis...Thanks for the brownie suggestions. I've always been partial to the raspberry/strawberry-dark chocolate combo-flavors as opposed to the orange connections. It's just a personal preference you see.

Brownie unders are a regular whenever I succumb to the siren songs of the Baker's unsweetened chocolate squares box...purrrrr !

Juan...enjoy, my friend !

Throw a small can of chopped green chilies and some cinnamon in. :D
Kindest Regards, InLove!

This is too funny! I have a story to tell that goes along with this...

I had recently discovered bird's eye peppers. Supposed to be traditional in some of the Carribean island nations. Anyway, I gave a plant with peppers on it to a friend, suggested being careful when dealing with the peppers (like, wash your hands really, really well when you get done messing with them). So I go away for a week or so...

I stop back by, and he has a funny story to tell... Seems he forgot about me telling him to wash his hands. He was trying the peppers, cutting them up in the kitchen or something, and the natural call came upon him. He thought nothing of it, went to relieve himself...and we all died laughing imagining the pain he put himself through!!!

I know, sadistic little bug, aren't I? He couldn't say he wasn't fairly warned!

Yeah. It reminds me of something I read on the Student Doctor Network thread "Things I Learned from My Patients 2" (I believe that's the title of the thread.) There was a discussion about something that a patient did (which was rather stupid in this case) and one of the doctors said "You gotta wonder what he rated his pain. If it was anything less than 8/10 we may have finally found the mythical patient with a high pain tolerance who we hear so much about."

I shan't go into detail of what the patient did, but lets just say he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. ;)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Phyllis...Thanks for the brownie suggestions. I've always been partial to the raspberry/strawberry-dark chocolate combo-flavors as opposed to the orange connections. It's just a personal preference you see.

Brownie unders are a regular whenever I succumb to the siren songs of the Baker's unsweetened chocolate squares box...purrrrr !

Juan...enjoy, my friend !


Strawberry ice cream sandwiches! :D

I know. Mope Corner, here I come. *heads straight for the infamous Mope Corner where the :kitty: awaits*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I made this dessert for a gathering this past weekend at my house. I haven’t done much cooking lately, and I really enjoyed it. Everything came out so beautifully and we had a nice time.

Fruit Pizza

(You can use just about any fruit, I think. I am just listing the ones I used because I had them available, but it made a really nice combination. The peaches and blueberries were ones that Mom and Dad had frozen from fresh a few months back—they really tasted good. The pattern you use to lay out the fruit will determine how much of each type of fruit you will need.) You can use a regular pizza pan if you want, but I used a springform tart pan, and it came out really nice.

Oh, if you are avoiding sugar, this recipe might not be for you. But maybe a sugar substitute could be used and perhaps a different kind of dough. Otherwise, go for it…it is yummy, I promise!


1 roll sugar cookie dough
1 8 oz. package cream cheese
1/3 cup sugar
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Fresh or frozen peach slices (not canned)
Fresh or frozen blueberries (not canned)
Fresh kiwi slices
Canned mandarin slices
1/2 cup apricot preserves
1 tablespoon water

For the crust: Preheat oven to 375. Line pan with cookie dough slices, cut about 1/8 inch thick, overlapping them a little. (If using the springform pan, make sure to press into the sides as well.) Bake 12 minutes or until light brown. Let cool completely. (At this point, you can remove crust carefully from pan and place on a nice platter, which you’d want to do anyway if using the springform pan.)

For the “sauce”: Mix cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla. Spread over cooled cookie crust.

Toppings: Arrange fruit slices however you like. I went all around the outer edge with peach slices, then I worked toward the center with the kiwi and the mandarin oranges. Then I filled in the spaces evenly all over the pizza (or tart) with blueberries. That way, every slice of the dessert contained a taste of each.

Glaze: In a small saucepan, mix the apricot preserves and water. Cook on very low heat, stirring frequently until you get the shiny thick consistency of a glaze. Brush over the top of pizza, making sure to cover any fruit that might tend to darken (like peaches). Chill for at least 2 hours. (I covered mine in the refrigerator by laying the platter on several long pieces of plastic wrap, twisting edges over the top, and securing with a wire tie so it didn’t mess up my “artwork”. :)
I tried your "receipt", IL, with a couple of "minor" variations:

I received a bottle of chocolate flavor, so I substituted a little of the vanilla with the chocolate, I used sliced strawberries and sliced bananas and omitted the kiwi (finances, y'know.) I also sprinkled it with chocolate shavings and ground nuts which I had in the freezer from Passover.

Again, I didn't get to try it (I've gotta start setting some of my experiments aside. :() Too bad I can't send you a bottle of the chocolate flavoring to get an expert opinion on the variation. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis, that sounds really good! Chocolate, strawberries, bananas and nuts sounds like a perfect combo. I probably wouldn't have used the kiwi with the chocolate, anyway. Interesting to note that here, the kiwis are very inexpensive (I bought 8 for a dollar the other day).

Maybe next time I make fruit pizza, I will make both recipes. I think that would make a nice presentation for a dessert buffet, don't you? I am thinking that I will have to experiment with the bananas first to see if the glaze will keep them from turning dark. From what you have told me, I imagine yours got eaten so quickly that there was no time for the oxidation process (or whatever it's called!) to begin. :D

Listen to me--you have got to take charge and insist that they start saving you some of your own hard work! Or, you know what I do sometimes? I make a tiny version of whatever I am concocting so that the chef gets a fair share and a pre-taste for research purposes. It's only right....:)

I was finally able to eat one of my concoctions (from a recipe I remember from my childhood):

Peanut Butter Candy

1 c smooth peanut butter
1 c nonfat dry milk powder
1 c honey
1 t vanilla (I used 1/2 t vanilla and 1/2 t chocolate extract :eek:)

Thoroughly combine the first three ingredients, then add the extract. Mix well then place the candy on a sheet of waxed paper. Top with a second sheet of waxed paper, then roll it out until it's roughly between 1/8-1/4". Place in refrigerator and chill until firm. Cut into bite-size pieces and return to/store in the refrigerator.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine