Is the bible corrupted.

Re: Is the biblr currupted.

You either see God and His influence in the events of the Bible, or you don't. The epistemological snipe hunt get you nowhere. Christianity is not an academic exercise. The value of the Bible is its value TO YOU and your spiritual path. If you don't have one, the Bible's unverifiable validity is not going to change that. If you have a spiritual path then you understand the Bible's value to you.

Mostly, I find people who haven't read the Bible making a lot of claims about it.
Yes.. and they get the same tripe from the exact same anti-bible/anti-Christianity websites.. Its like this never ending circle of useless debates that never gets anywhere other than someone promoting their religion and dogging on this one.

As soon as this guy gets tired of telling us our bible is corrupt he is probably going to start on the trinity.

Sometimes they are diplomatic and you can tell they learned how to evangelize properly.. they will try to show the similarities in the two faiths then gradually introduce their beliefs then show the discrepancies in this one..

Trust me I know the routine..Ive used it myself :)
Faithfulservant said:
Yes.. and they get the same tripe from the exact same anti-bible/anti-Christianity websites.. Its like this never ending circle of useless debates that never gets anywhere other than someone promoting their religion and dogging on this one.

As soon as this guy gets tired of telling us our bible is corrupt he is probably going to start on the trinity.

Sometimes they are diplomatic and you can tell they learned how to evangelize properly.. they will try to show the similarities in the two faiths then gradually introduce their beliefs then show the discrepancies in this one..

Trust me I know the routine..Ive used it myself :)

No, I assure you...this will not continue. ;)


you know many sayings in other languages and other cultures make sense when you think in that language, in addition to that they also have poetic ways to say things. latin languages (one of my languages) as well as arabic and greek languages have many of these saying i am referring to. i guess its hard for people that only speak english to understand. the point im making is saying "four corners of the earth" isnt really wrong, its just a saying that probably has lost its translation to us after all these years.
BlaznFattyz said:
you know many sayings in other languages and other cultures make sense when you think in that language, in addition to that they also have poetic ways to say things. latin languages (one of my languages) as well as arabic and greek languages have many of these saying i am referring to. i guess its hard for people that only speak english to understand. the point im making is saying "four corners of the earth" isnt really wrong, its just a saying that probably has lost its translation to us after all these years.

yah. like maybe it means north, south, east & west.
Quahom1 said:
How about length, width, depth and time? :cool:


and maybe earth, wind, fire, water? that seems to go along with it.

i was also thinking of paper rock siscors, but that is only three corners.:cool:

The number four is often used to denote that which is fully rounded out,in the bible it can signifies universalness or foursguareness in symmetry....rev 4;6...7;1-2....9;14....20;8....21;16

AbdAlRahman said:
Hello , this topic is only to discuss if the bible is curropted , and i will only provide verses that come from the bible , here is the place to explain if the verses are misunderstood and all.

First of all when i say " The Bible " im talking about all the versions that exsist .

Firstly i saw a site and a forum that said that there is several or seven false bibles :

NINew International VersionNASNew American Standard VersionNKJNew King James VersionRSRevised Standard VersionNRSNew Revised Standard VersionLBThe Living BibleNCNew Century Version OTHR Other New Ones
I got this from a site off google so just google " false bibles " and you will get some sites.

Its really sad becouse i have a NI bible i took from a hospital , becouse some of the nurses there use it , and they used it for some time becouse it looks old , so its just sad.

Anyway thats one point , if all of those are false bibles , then how do we know there is an untouched bible .

Here are some QUOTES people use :
I wish somone can explain them

"`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

"How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it (i.e., the bible) into a LIE.(From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

Note: This gospel is the oldest and supposedly the most original one in the New Testament!

"Although there is no direct internal evidence of authorship, it was the unanimous testimony of the early church that this Gospel was written by John Mark.
(From the NIV Bible Commentary, page 1488)"

"Serious doubts exists as to whether these verses belong to the Gospel of Mark. They are absent from important early manuscripts and display certain peculiarities of vocabulary, style and theological content that are unlike the rest of Mark. His Gospel probably ended at 16:8, or its original ending has been lost. (From the NIV Bible Foot Notes, page 1528)"

And something about pouls lies and all , let us just focuse on the quotes above.

"and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth--Gog and Magog--to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. (From the NIV Bible, Revelation 20:8)"

Thanks if you dont delete it :)

Is the Bible corrupted?

Let us consult the Bible!

1. 2 Corinthians 2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.
2. Isaiah 34:16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.

No! The Bible is not corrupted or else it will produce killer-believers, like what Paul said that there are others who thought that they did God's will if they kill people.
enton said:
Is the Bible corrupted?

Let us consult the Bible!

1. 2 Corinthians 2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.
2. Isaiah 34:16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.

No! The Bible is not corrupted or else it will produce killer-believers, like what Paul said that there are others who thought that they did God's will if they kill people.
We can't consult the bible to determine if the bible is corrupted. Or if we can, I'd like to tell you that all my posts are not just my opinion but orders given by the high priestess that rules Zor, and our universe is simply a pixel on Zor's superultrahidef screen. Therefor no one may deny or dispute any of my posts....of course you realize how you wouldn't accept that as proof...
wil said:
We can't consult the bible to determine if the bible is corrupted. Or if we can, I'd like to tell you that all my posts are not just my opinion but orders given by the high priestess that rules Zor, and our universe is simply a pixel on Zor's superultrahidef screen. Therefor no one may deny or dispute any of my posts....of course you realize how you wouldn't accept that as proof...
Yeah I know that we are affected somehow by our beliefs and only children are not, if they are in their childhood stage ( I talk about normal humans and I exclude the special humans - mongoloids etc).

Buddhists usually see life in buddhistic perspective; pagans based on their pagan traditions, muslims based on qur'anic sanctions and many others.

Christians observe Jesus Christ's words and deeds. They also make the old testament the basis for knowing life of the past, life of the christians and life beyond this life.

Opinions might somehow be rooted down from man's self-conceptions of the world, but it cannot be separated from one concept (human concept). There is a near possibility that human minds could be similar in one way or the other because there is but ONE source of our breath (physically LUNGS) lol. But spiritually, we have but one earth (the source planet of oxygen and carbon dioxide and water for sustenance of land and marine life). To get to the gist of the matter, there is a certain Source of our breath found in our nostrils, and that is God the Creator, an Invisible One. But due to his being a permissive God and not a dictator God, he gave human beings free will, the will to choose. Undoubtedly the fate of mankind originally is heavenly, but there are other human beings who choose to live the way beasts live, so God cannot give His spirit to them. In fact if you believe in the angelich account written in the Bible, there was once a member in the angelic hosts of God who fell because He chose to. God searches out the heart of the matter. Lucifer (satan) was found to have an evil heart so God cast him away. The evil heart which was contained in Lucifer overcame him and that made him to rebel against God. Angels who listened to him also fell.

A face cannot be so without its back side. God is just the Good.

Psalms 11:5 The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
Re: Is the biblr currupted.

Silverbackman said:
Jesus said not even he knows when he will return in his gospels, nor the holy spirit. Only the father knows when he returns, and yet Revelation acts as if humans can somehow know when the end of days are coming:rolleyes:.
The time of the end or the last days ,are not the same as the day of Jehovah, (Armaggedon) do not confuse his presence (parousia) with the word coming.
Re: Is the biblr currupted.

mee said:
The time of the end or the last days ,are not the same as the day of Jehovah, (Armaggedon) do not confuse his presence (parousia) with the word coming.

That is a switch, and wholey inaccurate (unless you can provide scripture that verifies what was just stated).

I look forward to that differentiation Mee.


Re: Is the biblr currupted.

Quahom1 said:
That is a switch, and wholey inaccurate (unless you can provide scripture that verifies what was just stated).

I look forward to that differentiation Mee.



of Christ

Before leaving the earth, Jesus Christ promised to return. Thrilling events in connection with God’s Kingdom are associated with that promise. It should be noted that there is a difference between coming and presence. Thus, while a person’s coming (associated with his arrival or return) occurs at a given time, his presence may thereafter extend over a period of years. In the Bible the Greek word er´kho·mai (meaning "to come") is also used with reference to Jesus’ directing his attention to an important task at a specific time during his presence, namely, to his work as Jehovah’s executioner at the war of the great day of God the Almighty.​

the events associated with Christ’s presence take place in a very brief time or over a period of years?

Matt. 24:37-39: "Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence ["coming," RS, TEV; "presence," Yg, Ro, ED; Greek, pa·rou·si´a] of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be." (The events of "the days of Noah" that are described here took place over a period of many years. Jesus compared his presence with what occurred back then.)​
At Matthew 24:37 the Greek word pa·rou·si´a is used. Literally it means a "being alongside." Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford, 1968) gives "presence, of persons," as its first definition of pa·rou·si´a. The sense of the word is clearly indicated at Philippians 2:12, where Paul contrasts his presence (pa·rou·si´a) with his absence (a·pou·si´a). On the other hand, in Matthew 24:30, which tells of the "Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" as Jehovah’s executioner at the war of Armageddon, the Greek word er·kho´me·non is used. Some translators use ‘coming’ for both Greek words, but those that are more careful convey the difference between the two.
Re: Is the biblr currupted.

You did not differentiate anything we do not already know. And I just figured out why yours is met with such annimosity. If you were to start your comments with "From a Jehovah Witnesse's perspective...", then it would be that we know where you are coming from, and I suspect, be considered in an interesting light. (curiosity)

You can't say "From a Christian perspective", because yours is not mainstream, nor even close to main stream, so it is a total turn off, to claim authority where you don't have it. I can't say mainstream, because so many faiths splintered from what I believe over 500 years ago. So I use, from a "Catholic perspective", to qualify where I am coming from.

Yours is one of the youngest of the Christian faith. There are others that are from faiths almost two thousand years older than your version. Think you, that they will drop all because an upstart faith declares all others are wrong and the newbie has all the answers? Please Mee, would you, if a new faith started today, and told you you were wrong? I doubt what makes you think established faiths are going to jump when yours says to jump?

Christ is coming, none of us doubt that. We don't worry about it, and try to stay alert. But Jesus forgave even those who could not stay awake during his most stressful hour...

In short, Jesus bypassed the punishment we should have received even then...and granted clemency.

That is the nature of God. Your God seems to be a watch keeper, just ticking down the minutes to the end...what a shame you and yours are missing the scenery as you go by in life.

Don't try to scare the rest of us into watching the clock as isn't fair, nor "Christian like".


Re: Is the biblr currupted.

Quahom1 said:
You did not differentiate anything we do not already know. And I just figured out why yours is met with such annimosity. If you were to start your comments with "From a Jehovah Witnesse's perspective...", then it would be that we know where you are coming from, and I suspect, be considered in an interesting light. (curiosity)

You can't say "From a Christian perspective", because yours is not mainstream, nor even close to main stream, so it is a total turn off, to claim authority where you don't have it. I can't say mainstream, because so many faiths splintered from what I believe over 500 years ago. So I use, from a "Catholic perspective", to qualify where I am coming from.

Yours is one of the youngest of the Christian faith. There are others that are from faiths almost two thousand years older than your version. Think you, that they will drop all because an upstart faith declares all others are wrong and the newbie has all the answers? Please Mee, would you, if a new faith started today, and told you you were wrong? I doubt what makes you think established faiths are going to jump when yours says to jump?

Christ is coming, none of us doubt that. We don't worry about it, and try to stay alert. But Jesus forgave even those who could not stay awake during his most stressful hour...

In short, Jesus bypassed the punishment we should have received even then...and granted clemency.

That is the nature of God. Your God seems to be a watch keeper, just ticking down the minutes to the end...what a shame you and yours are missing the scenery as you go by in life.

Don't try to scare the rest of us into watching the clock as isn't fair, nor "Christian like".


it is my belief that JW beliefs are based on accurate knowledge of the scriptures , so to me that is true christianity. i am not telling others to believe ,i just like to have the facts. and yes you are right we are not part of the mainstream . there is no need to worry about anything, the bible holds out a wonderful hope for the earth . it is going to be brought back to a paradise state , through Gods heavenly kingdom goverment. my aim as a christian is not to scare people with things like hellfire and torture, which the bible does not teach, but to bring out the promises of God in the bible. which give us HOPE
Now, however, there remain faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.1 corinthians 13;13
Like faith, genuine hope is based on fact, reality, truth.
JW today have a hope that is closely tied to a government—God’s Kingdom. This Kingdom lies at the very heart of the Bible’s message. For millenniums it has been the source of hope for women and men, such as Abraham. (Hebrews 11:10) God promises that by his Kingdom, he will bring an end to this corrupt old world system and usher in a new one. (Romans 8:20-22; 2 Peter 3:13) This Kingdom hope is real, not a dream. Its source—Jehovah God, Sovereign Lord of the universe
Re: Is the biblr currupted.

mee said:
it is my belief that JW beliefs are based on accurate knowledge of the scriptures , so to me that is true christianity. i am not telling others to believe ,i just like to have the facts. and yes you are right we are not part of the mainstream . there is no need to worry about anything, the bible holds out a wonderful hope for the earth . it is going to be brought back to a paradise state , through Gods heavenly kingdom goverment. my aim as a christian is not to scare people with things like hellfire and torture, which the bible does not teach, but to bring out the promises of God in the bible. which give us HOPE
Now, however, there remain faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.1 corinthians 13;13
Like faith, genuine hope is based on fact, reality, truth.
JW today have a hope that is closely tied to a government—God’s Kingdom. This Kingdom lies at the very heart of the Bible’s message. For millenniums it has been the source of hope for women and men, such as Abraham. (Hebrews 11:10) God promises that by his Kingdom, he will bring an end to this corrupt old world system and usher in a new one. (Romans 8:20-22; 2 Peter 3:13) This Kingdom hope is real, not a dream. Its source—Jehovah God, Sovereign Lord of the universe

Well now, that is a pleasant "revelation" coming from you. ;)


what does corrupted mean?
Marked by immorality and perversion; depraved.
Venal; dishonest: a corrupt mayor.
Containing errors or alterations, as a text: a corrupt translation.
Archaic. Tainted; putrid.

v. cor·rupt·ed, cor·rupt·ing, cor·rupts
v. tr.
To destroy or subvert the honesty or integrity of.
To ruin morally; pervert.
To taint; contaminate.
To cause to become rotten; spoil.
To change the original form of (a text, for example).
Computer Science. To damage (data) in a file or on a disk.
if we look at these words and descriptions, we can see some of them will have a harsh meaning, as it can be said that the question is asking, if xtianity is corrupted, then we could be said to be ruining the word of god, this is quite harsh a statement. However, we know that the bible is not in its pure form and even if it was, it would still disagree with other parts of itself. I.e., on the story of Jesus being risen from the dead, there is 3 or 4 accounts?why? I think we do need to question our book…and possibly our beliefs as they could be based on something that isn’t accurate, when it should be right? we can argue about faith, and say our beliefs don’t come from the bible alone, but then where do they come from, word of mouth? We get our faith and beliefs from the bible which undoubtedly has errors…for starters it was written sometime after jesus,,,up until then it was word of mouth, there’s no problem with that, but when it was written, was it actually written by jesus disciples? Because it was not written in jesus lifetime, we know this could not have happened, if it did, why would jesus himself have written it? Instead its written according to people. Something else I don’t get, is xtianity was preached and ‘started’ by st paul after his vision right?…he never met jesus, except for in his vision…I don’t really understand…also could someone answer…is a saint the same as a prophet?
is the bible corrupted? there are many bibles out there but the one that i like to use is this one as it gets back to the original meanings and does not cloud the thought. that is what i believe. even though i have many different translations to compare, i like this the best of all............................... New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures...Read the Bible Online
mee said:
is the bible corrupted? there are many bibles out there but the one that i like to use is this one as it gets back to the original meanings and does not cloud the thought. that is what i believe. even though i have many different translations to compare, i like this the best of all............................... New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures...Read the Bible Online

I personally like the Latin Vulgate, however use the King James as a more neutrally oriented version between the various denominations we have here at CR.

I also have a copy of the Masonic Bible (circa 1920) (which only includes the old Testament and ends at Malachi).

