
brucegdc said:
Yea, but why did s/he make it so darned UNcommon?

... Bruce

Hmmm, like any treasure, common sense can be kept or thrown away, depending upons the individual's value placed upon it. I guess it depends on what is valued more, common sense, or personal agenda...


wil said:

Eating the leaves in which 'man' creates cocaine is a widely used in the area in which it grows, both to enslave the labor and reduce hunger pains...


When the coca leaves are chewed the saliva kills all the narcotic properties thus when ingested in this way coca is not harmful in fact it is beneficial, only when it is processed, turned into cocaine and snorted or smoked as crack does it become a problem.
Samuel Linton Boot said:
When the coca leaves are chewed the saliva kills all the narcotic properties thus when ingested in this way coca is not harmful in fact it is beneficial, only when it is processed, turned into cocaine and snorted or smoked as crack does it become a problem.

When they roll it and smoke it (natives call it bazooka), they get the narcotic euhporia effects.


Originally Posted by Samuel Linton Boot
When the coca leaves are chewed the saliva kills all the narcotic properties thus when ingested in this way coca is not harmful in fact it is beneficial, only when it is processed, turned into cocaine and snorted or smoked as crack does it become a problem.
Your stats are different from what I find...
South American Indians in the Andes have been chewing cocoa leaves for thousands of years for the narcotic effect and the Spanish conquistadors, although officially very against the practice, introduced the leaf to Spain and the practice (of chewing cocoa leaves) gradually filtered through to the rest of Europe.
The South Americans chewed these cocoa leaves in order to stay awake for longer periods of time.
wil said:

Please see:
"....coca leaf, which has been chewed as an herbal stimulant for millennia by indigenous people in Bolivia. In addition to being used to treat altitude sickness and other ailments, Bolivians use coca to kill hunger and as a sacred offering in religious ceremonies. "
I love weed myself too. I live in London, where do you live? I'm looking for new pot buddies, especially those who are into the kind of conversation that I'd imagine you to be (based on what I read in your thread)

Contact me if you're interested in meeting up.....I'm a 32 year old guy looking for interesting new friends (with the weed element of course!)
I love weed myself too. I live in London, where do you live? I'm looking for new pot buddies, especially those who are into the kind of conversation that I'd imagine you to be (based on what I read in your thread)

Contact me if you're interested in meeting up.....I'm a 32 year old guy looking for interesting new friends (with the weed element of course!)

lol.... I smell rozzers :D
The bibles says your body is a temple, and not to defile it [meaning don't do drugs].

That is what it means does it? So when jesus himself drank wine? That was him destroying his temple? Or when he encouraged others to drink? What do you make of that? Some drugs are ok not others? Or... I am special so the rules don't apply to me, or those I deem "worthy". Or, a rebel son? My daddy says this but screw that I am going to drink this drug!! Here! Join me! Or.... A lack of knowledge? People in the days the bible was written didn't know alchol is a lethal drug? But, this is inspired by god? Suuuurley he'd know? OR "your body is a temple" means something else and because of how over the years we have become "drug aware" and anti "bad for your health" lol... We have bent it to mean DON'T DO DRUGS!!
interesting thread... thought I'd add my two cents worth...

interesting that in nine whole pages nobody has mentioned that cannabis is a hallucinogenic agent, and even though it is not considered as potent a hallucinogen as LSD, it is still hallucinogenic... fact...

becuase it is an hallucinogen, it alters the perceptual reality of the user... while this is exciting and amusing in small doses for the regular user, for those with no experience of drugs this can be quite frightening, although the negative experience wears off pretty quickly, the bad experience can potentially trigger any underlying psychotic and anxiety disorders a person may have... fact...

cannabis is no good to you if u have a mental illness, unless ur illness is depression, the daft happiness which comes from smoking weed seems more effective that antidepressants in a lot of cases... but if u have any kind of psychotic disorder, watch out, as, for instance, if u hear voices, it makes the voices stronger and more forceful... if you get very paranoid, again, don't use cannabis as it will make things worse.. if u have bi-polar disorder, again, cannabis shouldn't be something u use, as its use can trigger manic episodes... fact...

beyond that, is cannabis dangerous? well, here the arguement divides the camps...

young ppl in the UK who use a lot of cannabis are reputedly using a lot of skunk, and this skunk is a.k.a superskunk, and reputedly around 60 times more potent than the grass which was smoked by the hippies in the 1960's... a lot of young ppl in the UK are becoming psychologically dependent on cannabis, and there are many reports of moody teenagers who start smoking weed, seem mellow while they're on it, and when they can't get their hands on it are far more violent and moody than they were before they started using...

personally, I think the reason for this is.... cannabis activates a lot more than pink eye and "the munchies"... yes, ppl have endogenous cannibanoid receptors in their brain, and these receptors are not activated until u start smoking weed... when u do start smoking weed, the high is similar to the release of endorphins, and things that would normally make u as mad as hell dont seem like such a big issue... however, when u take the feel good substance away, the anger, the agression, etc, that would normally be played out and dealt with in ur daily interactions is suddenly unfurled, and because ur brain chemistry has been altered by an artificial agent it takes a while for your brain to right itself again chemically, and so u find it difficult to process the normal angers u have, and so, without weed, the hippie is an aggressive moaning type for at least two days... this too, though, should subside, if the person uses less weed less often and takes regular days off...

as we know, perceptual hallucinations do not just involve the senses of sight and sound and touch- perceptual distortion also effects other processes, such as spatial awareness, so if ur stoned u shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery... the IQ of potheads is generally statistically at least five points lower than non-pot heads, which is fine if ur a genius, but if ur barely average its a problem... potheads also suffer from memory loss (and if thats ur problem, then regularly dropping ginko biloba should fix that), and they also suffer more upper respiratory tract infections if they smoke it... (dropping vit C and trying other methods to imbibe might be useful here)...

...if you have a lot of data to input, or a lot of mathmatical formulas to calculate, then smoking weed while doing such means that u'll be more clumsy, u'll mentally go off on tangents, and the work will take a lot longer, yet if ur a creative type, then having a spliff while ur knocking out a rough outline for a new book is great... u will later have to go back and check sentence structure and grammar when ur straight,

so, all in all, I don't view cannabis as especially harmful in the great grand scheme of things, the problems with pot only arise when

there's a drought
ppl with some mental health problems smoke it
u are greedy

beyond that, I know of many social workers, teachers, policemen, office managers, and other similarly fine upstanding members of the community who smoke the stuff, hold down jobs and are good parents...

drugs are inert substances... they are not dangerous until u mix them with idiocy, insanity or immaturity...
interesting that in nine whole pages nobody has mentioned that cannabis is a hallucinogenic agent, and even though it is not considered as potent a hallucinogen as LSD, it is still hallucinogenic... fact...

Interesting...As you say, I guess no one mentioned it because it is hardly an effect... If you constantly use it... And in comparsion to acid, it's like licking a red lollypop... More people can "interact" with their perception on acid... But if you said say to me... Why do you smoke weed... "to relax." Why do you drop an acid? "to see and feel some crazy sh*t..." lol You get a main tag I feel with each drug... ;/
Well, I guess if you know you have an issue with epileptic type siezures, then you should stay away from it. I have known a couple of people who told me after the first time, they just never wanted it again. I think some people don't know ahead of time.
Well, I guess if you know you have an issue with epileptic type siezures, then you should stay away from it. I have known a couple of people who told me after the first time, they just never wanted it again. I think some people don't know ahead of time.

That comes down to user error in all fairness... Such as say a music festival... With loads of flashy light systems and such... They can cause panic or epiletic attacks... Doesn't mean they are all bad ;/ well I dont think it does.. Should check into it before you take part... *nods his head*
Oh I agree, Angel. I wasn't presenting a blanket argument against marijuana use. Rather just following up on Francis's comments about medical issues--and it was a good opportunity to post a warning to those who might not know this. (nods back)

interesting that in nine whole pages nobody has mentioned that cannabis is a hallucinogenic agent, and even though it is not considered as potent a hallucinogen as LSD, it is still hallucinogenic... fact...

becuase it is an hallucinogen, it alters the perceptual reality of the user......

Thank you, Francis, for the very useful and interesting information. Most people that I know do not think of marijuana as a hallucinogen, yet I agree with that categorization.

In my experience, being a sensitive/empathic type, I approach any kind of mind-altering agent like this with extreme caution and regard for it as an actual living entity. I find it's a good idea to actually try to bond with the plant (or whatever substance) in a sacred way, before and during the experience. This means having conversations with it, appreciating it as an intelligence of its own. Granted, this may sound silly to some, but I find it important.

All that said, and despite my recent light-hearted advocation of cannabis and other drugs in these forums, I rarely engage in these types of encounters. To me, they tend to be overwhelmingly powerful and, though worth it in the long run, can disrupt my life for days, weeks, or months after the fact. In short, I'm scared of the damn things. :D I think that is good, though. It keeps me in check and makes sure I respect their power.

Thank you, Francis, for the very useful and interesting information. Most people that I know do not think of marijuana as a hallucinogen, yet I agree with that categorization.

I wouldn't -personally- class it as a hallucinogen.. I guess it can effect people different ways... It's just a "downer" for me... Well... Apart when I use certain strands then it is an "upper" *chuckles* Acid, Mushies and X oh yah now that is hallucinogen..... ;\ I have never had anywhere near the trip on weed that I have with X, acid or shrooms.

Seeing this is a religious site, thought I'd share this too see your thoughts? lol..

Cannabis Ministry Amsterdam : Home : THC Ministry Amsterdam
I wouldn't -personally- class it as a hallucinogen.. I guess it can effect people different ways... It's just a "downer" for me... Well... Apart when I use certain strands then it is an "upper" *chuckles*

That's interesting and I believe it does indeed interact with different people in different ways. I agree with you that it is not as potent a hallucinogen as LSD, although I have experienced some slight visual hallucinations through smoking marijuana. Interestingly enough, I've not experienced hallucinations via mushrooms, although I have seen the "purple haze" cast over my visual field.

For my personal experience, LSD scrambles the mind away from rationality or into a hyper-rationality that gets lost and morphs into some really strange thought processes. Yet calling them "thought processes" is not quite correct, so alien does the mind become. Seems like they are some other kind of happening rather than "thoughts" as we know them in our sober, human, rational state. Not only do the "thought processes" morph, but they become transferred into visual and auditory (and probably other types for other people) hallucinations, so that it becomes a full-on sensory experience.

With cannabis, I've experienced a morphing of thoughts akin to LSD, but not as extreme. I recently heard Terence McKenna describe the human/marijuana interfaced consciousness as being one of pulling back in a way that allows a greater "scanning" of information or thoughts. Hence the kind of "ADHD" symptoms of stoned people: "Whoa man, look at that." And hence the grand, subjective and speculative philosophising for which they are notorious, and for which they are often ridiculed by "straight" people. Of course anyone who has experienced these grand vistas of play and philosophy knows who the joke is really on. ;)

Seeing this is a religious site, thought I'd share this too see your thoughts? lol..

Cannabis Ministry Amsterdam : Home : THC Ministry Amsterdam

I'm intrigued after reading the front page and intend to do some in-depth explorations of the site.
