What music are you listening to?

Some of my recent addictions

Omar Faruk Teklibek - Alif
Alizee - Gourmandises
Putomayo - Brazillian lounge
Aerosmith - O yeah!
Gwen Stefani - Love,Angel,Music,Baby

And then ofcourse my all time favourite, Thriller by Michael Jackson
That is quite an eclectic taste you have there farhan. :)

Pathless, just put the coffee mug down and step back, everything will be ok. (the mug is huge, there is enough caffeine in there for a week)
Traditional Greek dance music. Must have got it when I lived in Cyprus but no idea what it is called, it's all written in Greek. :D
Unexpect: In a Flesh Aquarium

Possibly one for Pathless (amongst others...?)

Been listening to Joss Stone. Wheeew, she has one HELL of a voice, and is like a MAJOR babe. I looked her up on youtube, and found her performing a tribute to Janis Joplin with Mellisa Etheridge, who has FANTASTIC energy, and a voice not to far from Janis' own - In short, this tribute gave me chills!

Wonderful performance by both Joss, and melissa!

YouTube - Melissa Etheridge & Joss Stone - Janis Joplin Tribute
pink, creed (thanks alex), eddie vedder (thanks alex) travelling wilburys, radiators, sex pistols, zz top and of course meatloaf ,suzie Q, and skitmix 25
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I need to add Karl Anthony (www.Karlanthony.com) He turly is amazing the music is, perfect, the words are the words that are needed to be said... This guy is freaking amazing... Amazing to the point, I will pay for his music.... Serious. On his site it has amazing quality samples playing in the background his voice is amazing soft and powerful... Thanks Wil!

Oh I had him pegged! Told my beloved that he is like a country Lennon.... And then bam at the end of his Crazy world video.... "Lennon and Mcartney were right......."
Rhianna, Please dont stop the music...............lyrics are crap but the beat.................................oh the beat.................................................................turn it up..........loud.

and Bradys is Santana/chad croger? Dancing tru the night,,,,,