1914 ....A significant year in bible prophecy

Quahom1 said:
That means you can't have anything newer than a 186 or 286 CPU to run it...man that is old...
it originally came with a 386 packard bell from sears, lol. it was able to run on win 98.
BlaznFattyz said:
it originally came with a 386 packard bell from sears, lol. it was able to run on win 98.
Win 3.1 on a 386? Noooo, really? Wow. No, you're saying the software could run on a 98 OS with a 386 CPU. So that makes it only, a little old...:D
even though 1914 is a very significant year in the bible, many pass it over as being of no importance . but eventually we will all have to accept our actions, when Jesus comes to judge the nations. 1914 was when Jesus was made king of the heavenly goverment Daniel 2;44 daniel 7;13-14and recognizing that Jesus is now a reigning king in the heavenly kingdom is what Jesus wants us to do . revelation 7;9-10After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. 10 And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: "Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb."................ yes, now is the time to put our trust in Gods reigning king Jesus christ. Jesus is the one with the legal right to the kingship.their is no salvation in anyone else. waving our symbolic palm branches is a way of welcoming Jesus as our king ,and recognizing him as the one with the legal right to the kingship . so i am not putting my trust in manmade goverments to bring salvation . it does not matter how often we wave our national flags that is not the way to peace on earth , only waving our symbolic palm branches will save us when Jesus judges the entire inhabited earth .so the question is are we recognizing the one with the legal right who took up his kingship in 1914.
Hey Goodnews ,Gods heavenly kingdom goverment will bring peace to the earth Daniel 2;44 Isaiah 9;6-7Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth matthew 6;9-10 the kingdom was set up by God in the heavens in 1914 and it is the ONLY way to peace.
(Revelation 11:15) And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: "The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever."
(Daniel 7:14) And to him (Jesus)there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin........... now is the time to put our trust in Jehovah God and his son Jesus christ. yes, Jesus christ who is now a reigning king in the heavenly kingdom goverment.
(Psalm 2:6) [Saying:] "I, even I, have installed my king Upon Zion, my holy mountain......................."yes, Jesus has been installed and is now a reigning king
(John 18:36) Jesus answered: "My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.".................... Jesus said that because the kingdom is in heaven
I found these....

What do they mean? I thought Jehovah's witnesses believe 1914 was the year.

AWAKE 10/08/1966, p 19: "In what year, then, would the first 6,000
years of man's existance and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest
day come to an end? The year 1975."

WATCHTOWER 10/15/1966, p 629: "Discussion of 1975 overshadowed about
everything else. 'The new book compels us to realise that Armageddon
is, in fact, very close indeed,' said a conventioner."

"According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years
from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a
thousand years of human history will begin in the fall on 1975 C.E.."
"It would not be by mere chance or accident but would be according to
the loving purpose of Jesus Christ, the "Lord of the sabbath," to run
parallel with the seventh millennium of man's existance."

WATCHTOWER, 05/01/1967, p 262: "...1975 marks the end of 6,000 years
of human experience.....Will it be the time when God executes the
wicked?....It very well could be, but we will have to wait to see."

WATCHTOWER, 08/15/1968, P 494: Article heading - "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING

WATCHTOWER, 08/15/1968, P 499 (same article): "ADAM CREATED AT CLOSE
OF "SIXTH DAY" Are we to assume from this study that the battle of
Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the
long-looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin by then ?
Possibly, but we wait to see how closely the seventh thousand-year
period of man's existance coincides with the sabbathlike
thousand-year reign of Christ....It may involve only a difference of
weeks or months, not years."

KINGDOM MINISTRY, 03/1968, P 4: "...there are only about ninety
months left before 6,000 years of man's existance on earth is
completed....The majority of people living today will probably be
alive when Armageddon breaks out..."

KINGDOM MINISTRY, 06/1969, p 3: "In view of the short time left, a
decision to pursue a career in this systemn of things is not only
unwise but extremely dangerous.....Many young brother and sisters
were offered scholarships or employment that promised fine pay.
However, they turned them down and put spiritual interests first."

KINGDOM MINISTRY, 05/1974, p 3: "Yes, the end of this system is so
very near! Is that no reason to increase our activity?....Reports
are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning
to finish out the rest of their days in this old system of things in
the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short
time remaining before the wicked world's end."

WATCHTOWER, 07/01/1974, p 397: "It also tells us that this millenium
must be preceded immediately by the most destructive war in all human
history. We can now see the political rulers...being gathered...for
that War of all wars...."
Re: I found these....

What do they mean? I thought Jehovah's witnesses believe 1914 was the year.

AWAKE 10/08/1966, p 19: "In what year, then, would the first 6,000
years of man's existance and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest
day come to an end? The year 1975."

WATCHTOWER 10/15/1966, p 629: "Discussion of 1975 overshadowed about
everything else. 'The new book compels us to realise that Armageddon
is, in fact, very close indeed,' said a conventioner."

"According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years
from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a
thousand years of human history will begin in the fall on 1975 C.E.."
"It would not be by mere chance or accident but would be according to
the loving purpose of Jesus Christ, the "Lord of the sabbath," to run
parallel with the seventh millennium of man's existance."

WATCHTOWER, 05/01/1967, p 262: "...1975 marks the end of 6,000 years
of human experience.....Will it be the time when God executes the
wicked?....It very well could be, but we will have to wait to see."

WATCHTOWER, 08/15/1968, P 494: Article heading - "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING

WATCHTOWER, 08/15/1968, P 499 (same article): "ADAM CREATED AT CLOSE
OF "SIXTH DAY" Are we to assume from this study that the battle of
Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the
long-looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin by then ?
Possibly, but we wait to see how closely the seventh thousand-year
period of man's existance coincides with the sabbathlike
thousand-year reign of Christ....It may involve only a difference of
weeks or months, not years."

KINGDOM MINISTRY, 03/1968, P 4: "...there are only about ninety
months left before 6,000 years of man's existance on earth is
completed....The majority of people living today will probably be
alive when Armageddon breaks out..."

KINGDOM MINISTRY, 06/1969, p 3: "In view of the short time left, a
decision to pursue a career in this systemn of things is not only
unwise but extremely dangerous.....Many young brother and sisters
were offered scholarships or employment that promised fine pay.
However, they turned them down and put spiritual interests first."

KINGDOM MINISTRY, 05/1974, p 3: "Yes, the end of this system is so
very near! Is that no reason to increase our activity?....Reports
are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning
to finish out the rest of their days in this old system of things in
the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short
time remaining before the wicked world's end."

WATCHTOWER, 07/01/1974, p 397: "It also tells us that this millenium
must be preceded immediately by the most destructive war in all human
history. We can now see the political rulers...being gathered...for
that War of all wars...."
yes , its good to keep on the watch, and Jehovah reveals things in his own time . and we can see that the bible prophecies are now well along in this time of the end , DANIEL 12;4and the great tribulation is ever closer and ever nearer. are we ready , and taking to heart the call to GET OUT OF BABYLON THE GREAT... REV 18;4 yes the war of all wars (ARMAGEDDON) Gods war, and i know whatside i want to be on at that time. and it wont be the anti-christs side, that is why i am putting myself on the side of the Almighty Jehovah God,and his reigning king Jesus christ .
After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. 10 And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: "Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb. revelation 7;9-10Yes Jesus is using a faithful channel to feed his sheep and they are very well fed in a spiritual way . matthew 24;45-47 what a wonderfully progressive channel that is .remaining faithful to that channel brings many blessings in a spiritual way right now, and will bring many physical blessings at a future time also. how blessed Gods people are . yes 1914 was a most significant year in bible prophecy. this was the time when Jesus was made king in the heavenly kingdom goverment Daniel 7;13-14 Daniel 2;44 and we are now well along in this time of the end.
The vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end . . . It will not be late." (Habakkuk 2:3) With complete confidence and trust in Jehovah, may we also keep "panting on to the end." thrilling times indeed
Re: I found these....

mee said:
yes , its good to keep on the watch, and Jehovah reveals things in his own time .
no, it is very bad to say something is gona happen, then it doesnt, then say we are still learning.. it is messing with peoples heads, ruining lives, and leading people astray. jw's have no credibility. learn from ones mistakes doesnt mean to be in denial, it means to quit making the same mistakes over and over! sheez.
mee, from what I am learing here and elsewhere... 1914 was the first date the the Witnesses were purporting for the kingdom to come....then it switched to 1944...then I read here in the 60's it was 1975...

How many dates have their been? Seriously, and how do the powers that be explain the changes?

I'm really not giving you a hard time here, but am looking for a valid response. The Witnesses appear to be growing...so this must be a question that is asked and answered.

Religion and churches have had many issues over time of reality overunning doctrine, it is not unusual. But the problem in my eyes is many have a classic ostriche approach in response... (denial, it never happened, head in sand...)
Re: I found these....

BlaznFattyz said:
no, it is very bad to say something is gona happen, then it doesnt, then say we are still learning.. it is messing with peoples heads, ruining lives, and leading people astray. jw's have no credibility. learn from ones mistakes doesnt mean to be in denial, it means to quit making the same mistakes over and over! sheez.
bible prophecy always comes true and it has ,1914 was the end of the appointed times of the nations (end of the gentile times) and things are happening just as the bible fortells. what thrilling times we are living in .keeping on the watch is the thing to do it leads to great blessings .
Re: I found these....

BlaznFattyz said:
no, it is very bad to say something is gona happen, then it doesnt, then say we are still learning.. it is messing with peoples heads, ruining lives, and leading people astray. jw's have no credibility. learn from ones mistakes doesnt mean to be in denial, it means to quit making the same mistakes over and over! sheez.
bible prophecy always comes true and it has ,1914 was the end of the appointed times of the nations (end of the gentile times) and things are happening just as the bible fortells. what thrilling times we are living in .keeping on the watch is the thing to do it leads to great blessings .
wil said:
mee, from what I am learing here and elsewhere... 1914 was the first date the the Witnesses were purporting for the kingdom to come....then it switched to 1944...then I read here in the 60's it was 1975...

How many dates have their been? Seriously, and how do the powers that be explain the changes?

I'm really not giving you a hard time here, but am looking for a valid response. The Witnesses appear to be growing...so this must be a question that is asked and answered.

Religion and churches have had many issues over time of reality overunning doctrine, it is not unusual. But the problem in my eyes is many have a classic ostriche approach in response... (denial, it never happened, head in sand...)
Jesus coming into kingdom power has never changed ,JW knew that that date was a date to be looking out for .many years before that date they were saying look out for 1914 . but the understanding is proggresive,the last days started in 1914 and many things are being revealed and uncovered in this time of the end,we are now in the lords day and bible prophecy is now well along .JW do not make prophecies , only the bible is a book of prophecy. and the revealing is happening in this the last days Daniel 12;4
"And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant." i can only speak for myself ,but i find the progressive revealing in this time of the end very thrilling indeed. the bible is not a dead book it is well and truely being revealed in the last days. there has been lots of roving around the pages of the bible , and now is the time for the true knowledge to become abundant. and it sure is. over the years many have been stumbled but faithfulness to the channel that Jesus is using will lead to great blessings matthew 24;45-47
(Daniel 12:9) And he went on to say: "Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of [the] end.
After a time, it is difficult for people to accept the one's cry "Wolf!", when it has been cried so many times before.

And most people will not play the "shell game" once they've been taken, or perchance see it in action.
wil said:
mee, from what I am learing here and elsewhere... 1914 was the first date the the Witnesses were purporting for the kingdom to come....then it switched to 1944...then I read here in the 60's it was 1975...

How many dates have their been? Seriously, and how do the powers that be explain the changes?

I'm really not giving you a hard time here, but am looking for a valid response. The Witnesses appear to be growing...so this must be a question that is asked and answered.

Religion and churches have had many issues over time of reality overunning doctrine, it is not unusual. But the problem in my eyes is many have a classic ostriche approach in response... (denial, it never happened, head in sand...)

It was not the first date or the last just the one they decided to stick with.
1776 was actually the first date they started with.
Mee can I ask you a couple simple questions....

Since the Watchtower’s doctrines and practices are continually changing, would you say that thousands of J. W. s in the past were not really “in the truth,” as they confidently confessed, according to present-day Watchtower teachings?

Did Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel or any other true prophet ever have to admit to any of their false prophecies?
Dor said:
It was not the first date or the last just the one they decided to stick with.
1776 was actually the first date they started with.
1914 fullfilled bible prophecy and chronology ,yes its all happening in this the last days. is not the bible a most remarkable book of prophecy?the next prophecy to come about is the Harlot(babylon the great)she will come to her end . yes its all happening in this time that we are living in .
mee said:
1914 fullfilled bible prophecy and chronology ,yes its all happening in this the last days. is not the bible a most remarkable book of prophecy?the next prophecy to come about is the Harlot(babylon the great)she will come to her end . yes its all happening in this time that we are living in .

No, people are, with their amazing propogations, and takes on what is truth.

The only good thing I see in history about 1914, was the day a battle field stood still. And that happened on 24-25 December 1914. That in and of itself should send any JW through the roof...because it was "Christmas Day" that the war paused, and enemies became friends...if only for a day.