What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

Max and Mary

This was a clay animation film about two pen pals with serious personal or family disabilities to overcome. Over their lifetimes they discovered that their pen pals were a source of happiness that they could draw upon throughout their lives. Interesting, but be prepared for some dismally sad scenes and dark imagery.
I haven't gone to Grown ups...just not expecting much...can't live down the glory that was HANGOVER

Inception I'm looking forward to.

Agree on 1 Iron Man being better than 2....

Sequels are usually such let down.... Gibson and Glover however proved not always...

Karate Kid shows how good a kid can be if Dad is the director....and M Knight proved how much bad acting he can put in a lousy movie while still being fairly accurate to a good anime...

I watched The Karate Kid this Sunday passed... lol. What was it with the 80's and that mentality of film? The Giants... The Karate Kid... The Mighty ducks.... Trying to instil this "cheaters never prosper" kind of vibe. lol Old hat..

Last two weeks I was on holiday and I watched the entire James Bond Collection.... Bond is like a wine, the older the film the better, the later ones deteriorate from the Bond experience... And it is very noticable... And irritating at that... How you can see the later films are more influenced by the yanks. Oh and the Original... Casino Royal.... What a load sh*t. I expected more it had some big "funny" names in it... Although after watching 'The Magic christian' and 'Dr Strangelove' Sellers has become not a very funny or skilled man in my eyes. So I should of expected as much I suppose... I guess my childhood memories of him as Inspector Clouseau gave me rose coloured glasses to his "talents".

Also watched the entire Star Trek series... (edit: of movies.) Freaking awesome. I am sad that the more recent the film however... The less smoke effects used in the bridge whenever and wherever the ship is hit... lol... I like how they carried on the 'Crew member flying over a table' also through every film.... Whenever... And again... Wherever the ship is hit in battle someone.. You can bet your life... Is going to go flying over a table in a flash of smoke... Beautiful.

Also of course... The ship has some form of anti gravity system.. To sustain and keep the crew in one piece... Especially when at warp speeds..... So one point when they did some very unconvincing "shaking" over turbulence I had to chuckle and think... "this is not logical."

The last film Nemesis was sweet... I found it a very good surprise to see my mate Tom in it as the Captain's Clone. Tom Hardy is an excellent actor and this is such an -alien- role compared to him playing as Charlie Bronson in the film Bronson... (which is one of my favourite real life films.) Looked so... Scrawny in Nemesis.

Over all! Freaking amazing films... Love them, the older ones are better for picking at and laughing at... Great stuff...

Just downloaded all the series, Original series, Next Generation, Deep Space 9, voyager and Enterprise.... lol subconsciously put that in chronological order... Sweet. Anyway! That is what I'll be watching for the next few..... Months lol.

Make it so.
Al, you are in for a treat watching the Star Trek. You may also want to watch the spoof film Galaxy Quest.
I have seen the film Galaxy Quest, and there were parts of that film I started to recall and 'connect' to the star trek films. That film even though a comedy... Was rather.... Sad.


Wait a second... You called me Al... lol Mum is that you?
Speaking of spoofs ... Dark Star...gotta watch it....check out the credits

And if you'd like to see what I believe Peter Sellers finest hour... 'Being There.'
Have not seen 'Being there', Then again after watching a few of his works (aside from the panthers) I lost interest in his work, BUT! I shall get this and will find somewhere to squeeze it in between Star Trek episodes... Also have the new A team film yet to watch I have heard many positive words about it.... I find it quite hard however to see how they can replace the likes of BA and carry it off well... We shall see. I hope they stick to the same ways as the originals... As in... Millions of rounds are fired... Yet magically no one seems to die.
Have not seen 'Being there', Then again after watching a few of his works (aside from the panthers) I lost interest in his work, BUT! I shall get this and will find somewhere to squeeze it in between Star Trek episodes... Also have the new A team film yet to watch I have heard many positive words about it.... I find it quite hard however to see how they can replace the likes of BA and carry it off well... We shall see. I hope they stick to the same ways as the originals... As in... Millions of rounds are fired... Yet magically no one seems to die.
You are of the age that liked the TV show... I thought it crap, and preferred F Troop or Hogan's Heroes. The movie....was great...heads and shoulders above the show...just as unrealistic and predictable...but entertaining...look for sequel coming soon...
You are of the age that liked the TV show... I thought it crap, and preferred F Troop or Hogan's Heroes. The movie....was great...heads and shoulders above the show...just as unrealistic and predictable...but entertaining...look for sequel coming soon...

Still haven't got around to Hogan's Heroes or F troop, They're on 'the list' rest assured. The film is predictable? That saddens me very much... Films deprive me of that... OH WOW! experience. I feel cheated.
'Smiley Face'

Is the epic and ultimate stoner film, All the others are sure funny, but not as accurate and true to life.... If you're not a stoner I'd say don't bother watching it lol as it would be terrible and you wouldn't get it. If you are one who partakes in the herb of knowledge, lol then sample this one. Legendary film. It is like a day in the life of, great show lol.
Someone worse than Rob Schneider??? I cannot even start to imagine this. Pauly Shore.... Hmmm... Have to google search that name isn't ringing any bells..

Looks familiar... Plays extreme homosexual chracters? I think he was in some American office comedy? Haven't seen enough of him to compare but he has some character about him.... There is energy with his acting you know? Compare that to the attitude of Rob, his works are like that of a high school drama club. :/

Too little content.

Remove the mayhem and the film would be about 12 minutes long.


Too little content.

Remove the mayhem and the film would be about 12 minutes long.


Was it worth the watch based on pure mayhem?
I liked "Shutter Island" Great acting and quite creepy in spots. I didn't want to believe the ending for a while into it.

All in all I like old movies best. Susan and I watched "The Big Sleep" last night. Still a classic!
Shutter island wasn't bad! Predicted the outcome but, not bad.

Inception? Remove the chaos and it's 12mins long? That will be a shame to see then got that film in the queue wading to it at the moment, I assume it the 'Fast and Furious Syndrome.' Without the small "one liners" It's a silent movie.
Someone worse than Rob Schneider??? I cannot even start to imagine this. Pauly Shore.... Hmmm... Have to google search that name isn't ringing any bells..

Looks familiar... Plays extreme homosexual chracters? I think he was in some American office comedy? Haven't seen enough of him to compare but he has some character about him.... There is energy with his acting you know? Compare that to the attitude of Rob, his works are like that of a high school drama club. :/

His few starring roles were "stoners": goofy, clueless schmucks that were supposed to be funny. His acting style is, to be kind, wooden.
Not at all. But looking at Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB I seem to be in the minority.


Well.. In fairness, you are a buddhist... *shrugs*.

Watched a film other night which I thought was going to be promising, I guess like you Snoopy! It was called Erm, Operation EndGame? Or Project EndGame or some such bollox... Just I read it, and thought ok, so it's going to be one of those naff action/spy films.. However that didn't add up in my mind with the cast... Most of them are from Comedies... It wasn't in the slightest, funny.... Nor was it good. :( It has been awarded my "Lemon of the week."
Not at all. But looking at Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB I seem to be in the minority.

Do you do lucid dreaming? I can't recall. I enjoyed the heck out of it just from that sense. I enjoy watching my dreams...and when I wish to I enjoy controlling them and playing with them.

The movie was great for me...the architect...I loved her...I thought it great when she folded over the city on top of itself. I also thought it interesting she was not to pull in any reality...I do that sometimes and it does get wierd.

I also enjoyed the time issue as defined and watching stuff play out on the various levels and trying to get back...and music...sound bringing folks back. That is what happens in dreams...someone hollering out the window and you find them hollering in your dream...and unless you are lucid dreaming it all just seems part of the dream....when you are lucid dreaming it is like....ho...that doesn't belong here.

We've got the rest of the year to go...but currently...hands down winner for awards in many categories.

Despicable me....quite good as well...

Last movie with an ovation in the theater...sorceror's apprentice

Most disturbing....and most opportune movie for discussion with teens... The kids are alright.