Perhaps the archbishop of Canterbury should do a little more praying, since I think he's missed something.
Inclusiveness is a spiritual quality ... in fact, it's one of the
defining characteristics of Christian
So, I wonder, if we remember that Christ gave us only
Two Commandments upon which to focus,
what might it look like to try and practice "Love thy neighbor as thy self" in reference to gays and lesbians? What does
agape LOOK LIKE when you actually LOVE a gay person?
I get the feeling a lot of folks are
far too worried about what others might think if they bothered to give a (known, openly) gay person the TIME OF DAY ... much less practice actual
philos! Most of the gay and lesbian people I've met, have little interest in demonstrating
eros before an audience - of
any sort. They carry on FAR LESS than a lot of
heterosexual couples I seem to observe, making out in the middle of the grocery store, parking lot, or church pews - wherever the urge strikes them.
Yes, there are exceptions, and as you point out, Q, there are
radicals of every flock and flavor. But in many cases, these RADICALs, just as the militant Muslims, are
trying to make a point. At least the gay and lesbian crowd doesn't usually go about it with guns and knives, bombs and napalm ...
or by destroying abortion clinics, that sort of thing.
If a flaming queer wants to wear his boa and flirt with all the frat guys on campus, let HIM take his life into his own hands. When's the last time your fellow soldier reached over and grabbed your nuts? And
what would you do if he did? My answer? Well gee, when it was a somewhat confused - if arrogant - young fellow in college, I was a bit offended, but I didn't clock him, and I didn't jump up and make a scene, either. I just reminded him that there was no need for that. And since it was only to try and
get a rise out of me anyway (ha, ha ... ha) - he never bothered to do it again. Why hit someone? Why make a scene? Is one
less a man, less Christian, for letting such a thing slide? WWJD
So, again, what does AGAPE look like? Why energize the fear, lack of understanding, and even short-sightedness of high-ranking church officials? Why not try and
do as Christ would do, instead? As the bumper-sticker indicates - at least around here - HATE is not a family value.
When you can HUG your gay friends, feel comfortable hanging out with them, kneel down and worship beside them ... and welcome them into your heart, as well as your Sanctuary (oh, gee, I thought these were the SAME)
unconditionally ...
THEN I think we will have BEGUN to do, WJWD.
my thoughts ...